Cloud Services

ModernOps configuration

Landing page navigation
Published On Sep 04, 2024 - 11:24 AM

Landing page navigation

Navigate the different services offered by Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications and get a description of each, while learning to click through the landing page elements.
The Modern Operations Applications landing page provides a centralized place from where you can access all of Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications


At the top of the page, the header is the image displaying the Kyndryl branding. This image can be changed to customize it to your business preferences.
For more information, see White-labeling.

Main menu

At the top left of the page, the main menu gives you access to the following:
  • Portal:
    Main landing page.
  • Admin:
    IAM, Budget Management, Reports, Pricing Management, and Tag Schema.
  • CloudOps:
    Get Started, Consumption Dashboard, Service Chaining, Order History, Catalog, Ordered Services, Catalog Management, Catalog Personalization Policies, Approval Policies, Operation Policies, Quotes, and Provider Management.
  • DevOps Intelligence:
    Get Started, Overview, DevOps performance metrics, Release management, Secure (overview, alerts, open surce license compliance, static scan, dependency track, and container vulnerability scan), Develop (dashboard), Build (overview, Image management), Test (dashboard), Deploy (dashboard), Settings & Utilities (Tools configuration, Configure technical services, Metering technical services, My dashboard).
  • Container Cluster Management:
    Dashboard and My dashboard.
  • Actions:
    Actions Admin and Actions History.
  • Inventory & Action:
    Discovery Management, Inventory, and Settings (Registrations).
  • Cost & Asset Management:
    My Dashboard, Costs, Assets, Insights, Anomalies, Discount Plans (AWS Reserved Instances, AWS Savings Plans, IBM Reserved Capacities), Settings (Saved Views, Dynamic Resource Groups, Asset Categorization, and Provider Metered Cost Details), Tag Management (Tag Policy Recommendations, Tag Policy Compliance, and Provider Tags).

General profile options

At the top right of the page, you have the following four options:
  • User icon:
    Allows you to view your user ID, your teams, and provides access to the and . Here, you can also
    from your tenant.
  • Help icon:
    Allows you to access the Kyndryl Knowledge Center.
  • Tasks icon:
    Allows you to access the most Common Tasks.n this case,
    , and
  • Notifications icon:
    Allows you to view your notifications and filter them by All, Success, Error, Warning, and Info.

Common tasks

At the center of the portal, the common tasks panel provides a series of tiles with the most common actions you can take. These are explained as follows:
  • Order new services:
The Order new services tile provides access to the Enterprise Marketplace catalog, where you can search services by
, and
At the bottom of the catalog page, you can find all services and patterns that you can also select and order. By clicking the Actions menu on the service's or pattern's card, you can select one of three options:
Learn More
Place Order
Generate Quote
(only for services).
For more information on the services you can order, see Order cloud, IT, and managed services.
  • Review current cart:
The Review current cart tile allows you to view all the services you have generated a quote for, including the following details for each:
  • Created by:
    Name of the person who created this service quote.
  • Created Date:
    The date and time when the service quote was created.
  • Owner:
    The owner of the service quote.
  • Cart Context:
    This includes the Team, Organization, and Application the service is associated to.
  • Order Total:
    The total price for the service, including monthly price plus any additional one time charges.
For more information on shopping carts and actions to take on them, see Manage shopping carts.
  • Track order status:
The Track order status tile provides a view of all the orders placed for both Services and Patterns.
You can view additional details for each service by clicking the
menu to the right of each service, and select one of two options:
Service Details
Bill of Materials
For more information on tracking order status, see Review order histories.
  • View ordered services:
In the View ordered services tab, you can view your services, patterns, and transfers.The
All Services
tab, provides a list of all your ordered services and includes details about the service such as: Service Instance Name, Provider, Service Offering Name, Current Version, and Latest Version.
For each service from the list, you can click the
menu icon to display the following actions: View Details, Edit Service, Edit Custom Context, Transfer Service, Change Owner, Available Versions, Delete Service, and Duplicate Service (which displays two options: Place an Order and Generate a Quote).
For more information on ordered services, see Manage ordered services.
  • Manage IAM:
The IAM (Identity and Access Management) tile provides several actions that you can perform. At the top of the screen, you have the following two options:
  • Settings:
    Set language settings.
  • Add New:
    Add API Key.
In here, you can manage user identities and regulate user access. IAM resources are listed here and you can take actions on them.
For more information on IAM, see IAM overview.
  • View budget:
The View budget tile presents two tabs under
Budget Management:
Budgetary Units and Budget Policies. For each budgetary unit, you can click the
menu icon to display more details about that budgetary unit. To the top right of the table, you can select the gear icon to choose which columns are shown in the table.
For more information on budgets, see Budget management.
  • View DevOps Insights:
The View DevOps Insights tile presents DevOps insights in a dashboard; the following graphs are presented:
  • Secure alerts:
    severities trends, vulnerable applications. technical services alerts.
  • DevOps performance metrics:
    deployment frequency, change lead time, change failure rate, mean time to recovery.
  • Security posture:
    secure alerts, application summary, license by severity, static scan, dependency check, container vulnerability scan.
  • Develop:
    development activity, applications, technical services.
  • Issues and defects:
    development activity, applications, technical services.
  • Build:
    build status, build success, longest builds, technical service builds.
  • Test:
    test summary by application, top 5 technical services with lowest coverage, overall test status, test type status, top 5 technical services with code smells/bugs, technical service tests.
  • Deployment status:
    deployment frequency, deployment frequency trend, top 5 applications by failure rate, deployment by environment, deployment status, deployment duration trend, deployments.
For more information on DevOps dashboards, see Introduction to DevOps Intelligence.
  • View Secure Insights:
The View Insights tile presents Secure insights in a dashboard. You can view here the following graphs:
  • Secure alerts:
    severities trend, vulnerable applications, technical services alerts.
  • Application summary:
    total vulnerabilities and their classification per application.
  • License by severity:
    license detected, license by severity, export license compliance details, license compliance details.
  • Static scan:
    security rating, vulnerability by severity, top critical technical services, vulnerability density, secure static scan details.
  • Dependency check:
    dependency check by severity, top critical technical services, top critical components, dependency check details.
  • Container vulnerability scan:
    vulnerability by severity, top critical technical services, container vulnerability scan.
For more information on Secure Insights, see Continuous Security.
  • View Develop Insights:
The View Develop Insights tile presents Develop insights in a dashboard. The following are the graphs you can find here:
  • Development activity
  • Applications
  • Technical services
For more information on Develop Insights, see Develop dashboard.
  • View Build Insights:
The View Build Insights tile presents Build insights in a dashboard, and it presents the following graphs:
  • Build status
  • Build success
  • Longest builds
  • Technical service builds
For more information on Build Insights, see Build dashboard.
  • View Test Insights:
The View Test Insights tile presents Test insights in a dashboard. Here, you can view the following graphs:
  • Test summary by application
  • Top 5 technical services with lowest coverage
  • Overall test status
  • Test type status
  • Top 5 technical services with code smells/bugs
  • Technical service tests
For more information on Test Insights, see Test dashboard.

Applications dashboard

At the center of the portal, the Applications dashboard provides direct access to the following applications:
  • Consumption
  • DevOps
  • Operations
  • Governance
  • Security & Compliance
  • Resiliency
  • Network, Edge, and IoT
  • Consumption:
The Consumption application allows you to compare and order certified services from the provider of your choice or create new services to build and manage your workloads.
This application tile gives you access to: CloudOps, Terraform Automation, and Enterprise Marketplace.
  • CloudOps
  • Enterprise Marketplace common tasks
    • Manage quotes, Review current cart, Order history.
  • Explore Enterprise Marketplace
    • Catalog, Ordered Services, Order History, and Quotes.
  • DevOps:
With the DevOps application, you can manage DevOps at scale. You can also view the flow of work across your pipelines to prevent application performance issues before they impact your customers.
This application tile lets you go to: DevOps Intelligence, Container Cluster Management, Advanced Cluster Manager, and Manage Applications.
  • DevOps Intelligence
  • Common Tasks
    • Configure tools, and Configure technical services.
  • Views
    • Overview, Secure Insights, Build Insights, Deploy Insights, DevOps Research Assessment (DORA) metrics, Develop Insights, Test Insights, Release Management.
  • Container Cluster Management
    • Alerts, Clusters health by provider, Clusters health by region, Actionable Insights.
    • Clusters with: Cluster name, Connections, Provider, Location, Health, Alerts, Version.
  • Operations:
The Operations application gives you access to actionable service inventory and health across data center and clouds. You can also use AI to identify performance and remediation opportunities.
This application tile provides access to: Actions History, Actions Admin, Inventory & Action, Integrated AIOps, and SLA Dashboard (Tech Preview).
  • Actions History
    • Executed Action Trend.
  • Actions Admin
    • Languages Bundles, Draft/WIP, Published and Retired.
  • Inventory & Action
    • Category Data Count, Resources, Events, Health.
  • Governance:
The Governance application lets you control your costs and accelerate your business performance, delivering choice with secure and certified services.
This application tile allows you to access
Cost & Asset Management
  • Quick start templates
    • Blank dashboard, Cost details template, Asset details template, Savings insights details template, AWS Reserved Instances template, Savings plan template, IBM Reserved Capacity template.
  • Security & Compliance:
With the Security & Compliance application, you can gain insights into threats and risks and respond faster with automation across hybrid, mulitcloud environments.
This application tile lets you go to: DevSecOps, Security Governance & Risk, and Patch Advisory Analytics.
  • DevSecOps
    • Secure alerts, Application summary, License by severity, Static scan, Dependency check, Container vulnerability scan.

  • Resiliency:
The Resiliency application allows you to orchestrate and simplify your disaster recovery (DR) management to reduce risk and improve availability, efficiency, and business confidence.
This application tile provides access to
Backup Analytics
  • Network, Edge, and IoT:
The Network, Edge, and IoT application lets you manage your enterprise network spanning traditional data center, cloud and 5G edge through an Intelligent Control Center using software defined networking.
This application tile allows you to access:
Cloud Network Intelligent Control Center

More Services

At the bottom of the portal, click the
Learn more
button or the
Modern Operations Service
button to get to the Kyndryl Documentation site and learn all about Kyndryl services and applications.
The last tile of the landing page is the
Kyndryl Knowledge Center and Support
, which provides basic navigation information of the page.
To learn more about navigating the landing page within the new Kyndryl Bridge service, see Kyndryl Bridge landing page navigation.
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