Cloud Services

ModernOps configuration

Tag Schema
Published On Sep 05, 2024 - 10:17 AM

Tag Schema

Understand the definition of Tag Schema and the tabs available with their options for you to select.
Tag Schema allows you to check how compliant your tags are against our tag definitions. Basically, the way it works is tags are fetched from the provider and compliance check is run on them. This compliance check is done based on the established Tag definition.
To access Tag Schema, click the
Main menu
and then select
Tag Schema
To learn more about navigating to the different services from each tenant, refer to Kyndryl ModernOps landing page or Kyndryl Bridge landing page.
The Tag Schema option is available only to users with the
Tag Schema Viewer
Tag Schema Administrator
The Tag Schema page presents the following two tabs:
  • Tag Schemas
  • Tag Definitions

Tag Schema tab

The Tag Schema tab presents a table with all the tag schemas and the following columns:
  • Name:
    The name of the tag schema.
  • Providers:
    The cloud providers the tag schema is associated with.
  • Connections:
    The connections associated to the tag schema.
  • Service Type:
    The services that should be considered or included as part of this Tag Schema.
  • Status:
    Either Active or Inactive.
On each table line, for each tag schema, you can also click the
Actions menu vertical
icon to display the following additional details for the tag schema:
  • View Details
  • Edit
  • Delete
  • Create & Associate Tag Definitions
  • Make Inactive
To the top right of this table, there is an
Add a Tag Schema
button which allows you to add tag schemas. This page has the following fields:
  • Breadcrumbs:
    Allow you to click the previous page to go back.
  • Tag Schema Details:
    • Name:
      The tag schema name.
    • Version:
      The tag schema version.
    • Description (optional):
      A tag schema description.
    • Status:
      Either Active or Inactive.
  • Providers
    : A table that presents the following columns:
    • Name:
      Name of the provider.
    • Connections:
      The account details of the given provider.
    • Service Type:
      The services that should be considered or included as part of the Tag Schema.
  • Add Provider
    button: Allows you to add providers. The following information is needed to be filled:
    • Provider (Optional):
      The cloud provider.
    • Connections:
      The account details of the given provider.
    • Service Type (Optional):
      The services that should be considered or included as part of the Tag Schema.
  • Show Tag Definitions
    button: Allows you to select the tag definitions, which can be linked to the Tag Schema.

Tag definitions tab

The Tag Definitions tab presents a table with the following columns:
  • Tag Key:
    It is defined so that compliance can be confirmed.
  • Version:
    Any integer number that represents the version of the tag key.
  • Tag Value Constraints:
    Criteria provided for a tag to be compliant. Any tags that do not match these criteria are considered as non-compliant.
  • Mandatory:
    Tag definition can be set as mandatory for all providers
  • Value Type:
    The type of constraint being set. It can be String, Number or Enum.
To the top right of this table, there is an
Add Tag Definition
button which allows you to add Definitions. The page that opens has the following fields:
  • Breadcrumbs
    : Allows you to click the previous page to go back.
  • Definition Details
    • Tag Key
      : It is defined so that compliance can be confirmed.
    • Version:
      Numeric value.
    • Tag Purpose (Optional):
      Choose a purpose from the drop-down menu. You can select more than one option.
    • Tag Key Aliases (Optional):
      This refers to a sort of nickname for the Definition.
    • Description (Optional):
      Any description you want to add.
  • Tag Value Constraints:
    • Value Type:
      Choose a value type from the drop-down menu (Enum, Number, String). Depending on the option you choose the values to be entered vary, as follows:
      • Number:
        only numbers are accepted in the
        Default Value
      • Enum:
        Displays a new window to enter enum values and aliases manually and to upload a CSV file.
      • String:
        One of the constraint types. It can be a default value or the regex.
    • Default Value (Optional):
    • Tag Value Constraint:
      Criteria that indicates a Tag is compliant. Tags that do not match these criteria are considered as non-compliant.
  • Providers (Optional):
    You must define whether the tag definition is mandatory for all providers and choose the applicable ones from the drop-down menu.
  • Show Advanced Options:
    displays the following additional options:
    • Tag Value Relationships (Optional):
      allows you to select from a drop-down menu the Enabled Tag Value(s), and the Enabling Tag Key.
  • Tag Schema Association (Optional):
    allows you to associate Tag Schemas to a tag definition. To do this, you just select the tag schema from the table and click the check box next to it
When you have completed the configuration, click
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