Cloud Services

ModernOps configuration

Tag schema using the UI
Published On May 16, 2024 - 1:59 PM

Tag schema using the UI

Learn the procedures used to manage your tag schemas.
The system supports aliases for both the key parts of the tag and the values themselves if the values are enums. You can add aliases to values of enums that will be used by other Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications features for tagging recommendations.

Creating a tag schema

Complete the following steps to create a new tag schema:
Only admins are allowed to create tag schemas.
  1. On the
    Tag Schema
    page, click the
    Tag Schemas
    tab if you are not already on it.
  2. Click
    Add a Tag Schema
  3. In the
    Add a Tag Schema
    page, enter the following information. You can click
    at any time in the process if you have filled the first two fields.
    • Name:
      Enter a name for your tag schema according to your naming conventions. This name must be unique in the system.
    • Version:
      Enter a version number for the tag schema. This allows you to keep track of multiple iterations of the same schema.
    • Description:
      (optional) Provide a detailed description of what the tag schema is intended to do.
    • Status:
      Select whether the tag schema is
  4. For a global tag scheme, leave the default of
    All providers
    . Otherwise, in the
    section, click
    Add Provider
  5. In the
    Add Provider
    window, enter the following information:
    • Provider:
      (optional) From the providers listed for your system, select one or more providers that you want the tag schema to affect.
    • Bill Account:
      (optional) Select one or more provider billing accounts that you want the tag schema to affect.
    • Asset Accounts:
      (optional) Select one or more individual asset accounts associated with the provider that you selected in the
    • Service Type:
      (optional) Select one or more service types that you want the tag schema to affect from the menu. The service type must be defined in your system. Only the types that are applicable to the selected provider are displayed.
  6. Click
    Show Tag Definitions
    to display a list of the available tag definitions in your system. Optionally, select one or more of them to assign them to your tag schema. You can click
    Hide Tag Definitions
    at the end of the list to hide it again.
  7. Click
    to create the tag schema. Click
    to leave the process without saving.

Creating and associating tag definitions

After you have created a tag schema, you need to add tag definitions to it. Multiple tag definitions can be added to a single tag schema. If you want to create tag definitions, complete the following steps:
  1. On the
    Tag Schema
    page, click the
    Tag Definitions
  2. Click
    Add Tag Definitions
    at the top of the
    Tag Definitions
Alternately, you can click the
menu for a tag schema on the
Tag Schema
tab and select
Create & Associate Tag Definition
. This process automatically assigns the new tag definition to that tag schema.
  1. In the
    Add Tag Definition
    window, enter the following information:
    • Tag Key:
      Enter a unique name for the definition.
    • Version:
      Enter a version for the tag. Doing so helps keep track of iterations of the same tag.
    • Tag Purpose:
      Select one or more of the following options to provide more information about the tag. This field is optional.
      • Technical
      • Automation
      • Security
      • Custom
        If you select
        , enter one or more terms separated by commas or lines in the field that opens below the
        Tag Purposes
        menu. You can also cut and paste values from an Excel spreadsheet.
    • Tag Key Aliases:
      (optional) A list of values can be defined. You can add values by entering them in the field in the format
      . Aliases are used by other Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications features for tagging recommendations.
    • Description:
      (optional) Add an explanation of what the tag definition does.
      You can save the tag definition at this point or after any of the following steps. All the other steps are optional.
  2. In the
    Tag Value Constraints
    section, select the type of input required for the tag from the
    Value Type
    • Enum:
      The tag can only accept input from a pre-defined list.
    • Number:
      The tag can only accept numerical input.
    • String:
      The tag can accept alphanumeric string values.
  3. Depending on the value that you selected in
    Value Type
    , you will need to provide the tag value constraints for that type as follows:
    • Enum:
      A list of enum values is displayed. Click
      Add Enum Value(s)
      to add new ones. In the
      Add Enum Values
      window, you can add values by uploaded a comma separated value (.csv) file, or you can enter them in the field in the format
      . After you create the enum values, you can click the
      icons to manage them. The
      Edit Enum Value
      window allows you to change the
      Enum Value
    • Number:
      In the
      Tag Value Constraint
      menu, select from these options:
      • Range:
        The tag must be within a certain range. If you select this, you must enter a
        value, and can optionally set a
        Default Value
        . These values are inclusive.
      • Minimum:
        The tag must be above a certain value. If you select this, you must enter a
        value and can optionally set a
        Default Value
        . This value is inclusive.
      • Maximum:
        The tag must be below a certain value. If you select this, you must enter a
        value and can optionally set a
        Default Value
        . This value is inclusive.
    • String:
      • Tag Value Constraint:
        Enter a regex value that the tag must conform to.
      • Default Value:
        Select the value that the tag will default to. This field is optional.
  4. In the
    section, you can relate this tag definition to one or more providers. For a global tag definition, select
  5. In the
    section, select whether the tag must exist at the providers that are specified. The options are
    Choose an option
    , and
    . Providers often limit the number of tags that users are allowed to create in their systems.
    Selecting this by itself does not protect you from exceeding limits at the provider. As a Tag Schema administrator, you need to be careful that the number of tag definitions for which you have selected
    never exceeds the provider limits.
    if you want to avoid exceeding these limits. If you leave is as
    Choose an option
    , the provider conditions will be taken from its enabling tag definition. In this case you will need to define a tag/value relationship as described in the next step. If you select
    , you will need to add the providers by clicking
    Add Provider
    and providing the following information for each provider:
    • Provider:
      (optional) From the providers listed for your system, select one or more providers that you want the tag schema to affect.
    • Billing Account:
      (optional) and
      Asset Accounts:
      Select whether this tag definition will apply to all assets mapped to one or more Billing accounts, or one or more Asset Accounts, or a combination of both.
    • Service Type:
      (optional) Select one or more service types that you want the tag schema to affect from the menu. The service type must be defined in Cost & Asset Management. Only the types that are applicable to the selected provider are displayed.
      The conditions of an enabled tag cannot exceed the conditions that are selected from the corresponding enabling tag. If, for example, the enabling tag is set to
      , the enabled tag cannot be set to
      . Similarly, an enabled tag cannot be set to a mandatory provider that the enabling tag does not cover.
  6. If you want to define a tag/value relationship, click
    Show Advanced Options
    . In this case, the tag definition is applicable only when that tag has that value. In the
    Tag/Value Relationships
    section, select tags from the
    Enabled Tag Value(s)
    field. For each
    Enabling Tag Key
    , either select a value (for enum values) or enter
    Enabling Tag Value(s)
    for it.
    This field is optional unless you selected
    in the
    section, in which case this is mandatory.
  7. If you want to associate the tag definition with one or more tag schemas, click
    Show Advanced Options
    . Select one or more tag schemas from the list to associate with the tag definition. You can click
    Hide Advanced Options
    to close the list.
  8. Click

Associating existing tag definitions with a tag schema

If you want to associate tag definitions with a tag schema, complete the following steps. You can associate any number of tag definitions with a tag schema, and tag definitions can be used in multiple schemas. You can also associate existing tag definitions with tag schemas while creating them.
  1. On the
    Tag Schema
    page, click the
    icon for the tag schema that you want to add tag definitions to and select
    . You can also click
    when viewing the tag schema details.
  2. Click
    Show Advanced Options
  3. The
    Tag Schema Association
    section shows the tag definitions that are associated with the tag schema. If you want to see the ones that are not, click the
    icon in the upper right of the list and select
  4. Select all the tag definitions that you want to add to the tag schema and then click
    in the upper right.
  5. Click

Dissociating tag definitions from a tag schema

You can remove tag definitions from a tag schema so that their conditions no longer have an effect. To do so, you must complete the following steps:
  1. On the
    Tag Schema
    page, click the
    icon for the tag schema that you want to add tag definitions to and select
    . You can also click
    when viewing the tag schema details.
  2. Click
    Show Advanced Options
  3. The
    Tag Schema Association
    section shows the tag definitions that are associated with the tag schema. Select all the tag definitions that you want to remove from the tag schema and then click
    in the upper right.
  4. Click

Managing tag schemas

Tag Schema
tab lists all the tag schemas in your system. They can be arranged by any of the headings by clicking that heading. In addition, you can reorder them in descending or ascending order by clicking the heading again. The global tag schemas (the ones that cover all providers, all accounts, and all service types) are marked with a dot to the left of their Name. This dot is blue for the current active global tag schema, and gray for the inactive ones.
Only one global tag schema can be active at a time.
On the
Tag Schema
tab, click the
icon for the tag schema that you want to manage. You can select from the following options:
  • View Details:
    View the details and tag definitions of the tag schema. If you do not have permission to manage the tag schema, this will be your only option.
  • Edit:
    Make changes to the tag schema. However, you will not be allowed to change the ID.
    Changing the
    on a tag schema or tag definition will create a new tag schema. Click
    in the pop-up window to do so.
  • Delete:
    Permanently remove the tag schema from the system.
  • Create & Associate Tag Definition:
    Create a tag definition and associate it with this tag schema. The tag definition that you create will automatically be associated with the selected tag schema.
  • Make Active
    Make Inactive:
    Toggle the tag schema to be active or inactive.
    Only one global tag schema can be active at a time, so you will have to make the old schema inactive before activating the new one.

Managing tag definitions

If you want to edit manage tag definitions, click the
Tag Definitions
tab and click the
icon for the tag definition. Select from the following options:
  • View Details:
    Opens the details page for the selected tag definition. From here you can also
    the definition.
  • Edit:
    Opens the
    Edit Tag Definition
    window where you can change the details of the tag definition. A change to the
    field will create a new tag definition.
If you attempt to alter a tag definition that is associated with multiple tag schemas, you will receive a warning. You can choose to
Save as New
to avoid changing the old version,
Save & Continue
to change the existing version for all tag schemas, or
  • Delete:
    Permanently remove the tag definition from the system. If the definition is associated with any tag schemas, a window is displayed to warn you about this. Click
    to confirm your choice.
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