Cloud Services

ModernOps configuration

Audit logs
Published On May 16, 2024 - 1:57 PM

Audit logs

Audit logs provide documentary evidence of the sequence of activities that have affected an operation or procedure.
Audit logs vary significantly between applications, but typically they capture events by recording what activity was performed, who performed the activity, at what time the activity was performed, and how the system responded.
Furthermore, these logs typically require elevated privileges in order to access them. Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications Admin roles are able to view and download audit logs through the Audits page.
Use audit logs to view histories for actions such as managing users, accounts, and budgets, and for viewing failure histories such as those associated with API authentication and authorization failures. Audit data identifies the following:
  • Who performed the function
  • When it was performed
  • Corresponding business objects
  • Data details
Use the Search text box or the Advanced Search function to search for audit logs by key word and other value, and filter those searches by date and time. Click a column heading to sort audit logs.
When working with a small screen, an inline horizontal scroll enables users to scroll horizontally to access all audit log columns.
Audit logs are always downloaded in English regardless of the browser or system locale being used.

Audit log navigation

Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications collect meta data such as tag name, component name, and user id data for use by the application, for example, in a search.
The Start Date and End Date can be selected by clicking the calendar icon in the text boxes beneath
Start Date
End Date
The Start Date time defaults to 00:00 and the End Date time defaults to 23:59 once the date is selected. Click inside a Time text box to enter a new time.
The Time Zone is location-based.
Use the Search function to locate specific Audit Log files. Type the search criteria in the Search text box and click the return key.
The Audits table is populated with data from the service inventory and data is listed in ascending order by action date.
To change the list display order, click a column heading to select a new sort order, or click the down-arrow beside a heading name.
To view details about a line item, click the
Main menu
icon on the right side of the screen. The Audit Log details page displays.
To change the quantity of line items per page, click the down-arrow in the lower-left corner of the page and select from the drop-down list.
To scroll among pages in the audit log, use the right and left arrows.
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