Cloud Services

ModernOps configuration

Microsoft Azure account
Published On Sep 06, 2024 - 10:40 AM

Microsoft Azure account

Learn how to onboard a new Microsoft Azure account.
This Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications feature allows you to manage your Microsoft Azure connections to applications. By adding this supported cloud provider, your credentials are securely stored in an internal encrypted vault. Moreover, you can integrate an external vault of your choice, if needed.

Azure Master Account

To add a new
Azure Master Account
, from the Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications dashboard click the Main menu on the left side, select
and click
Provider Account
; you will be redirected to the Account Management page, and to the
Master Accounts
New Master Account
on the right side. Once in the New Master Account page, click
To learn more about navigating to the different services from each tenant, refer to Kyndryl ModernOps landing page or Kyndryl Bridge landing page.
  • To complete the successful onboarding of your cloud provider into the Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications, there is a set of pre-requisites that you must complete within Microsoft Azure’s platform. For more information, visit Azure Prerequisites.
  • There are different supported scopes in Microsoft enrollment: billingAccount and billingProfile, customer, and subscriptions. Bear in mind that the process might change depending on the scope.

Step 1:

Adding an Azure Master Account required for billing

Add account details
  • Name
    : Enter the account name.
  • Description
    : Enter the description for the account.
  • Subscription ID
    : Add your subscription credential. For more information click here.
  • Enterprise Agreement Enrollment Number
    : Add Enterprise agreement number. For more information click here.
  • Tenant ID
    : Add the tenant id or domain. For more information click here.
  • Status
    : Set to active.
    • Enterprise Agreement Enrollment
      number should be added when onboarding an
      Azure billing account
    • Subscription ID
      Tenant ID
      should be added instead of Enterprise Agreement Enrollment when onboarding an
      Azure Subscription
      account within an Azure billing account.

Adding an Azure Master Account required for billing under Microsoft Partner Agreement (MPA)

Add account details
  • Name
    : Name of the billing account in CAM.
  • Description
    : Enter the description for the account.
  • Subscription ID
    : Enter subscription ID here. (If choosing a subscription scope, this field is mandatory).
  • Enterprise Agreement Enrollment Number
    : This is the billing account of CSP under the MPA. This is not when subscription scope is chosen.
  • Tenant ID
    : This is the tenant ID of partner: billingAccount, billingProfile, customer scope. (If its subscription scope, then add customer tenant Id).
Create Account
and a
“Success: [Account Name] has been successfully created. You may add credentials”
alert is displayed. Then scroll down and click
Add Credential
at the right side of the page.

Step 2: Connecting Azure credentials for data ingestion

For onboarding Azure billing scope constructs of Cloud Service Provider (CSP), Enterprise Agreement (EA) and Subscriptions under Enterprise Agreements in CAM, credentials need to be setup by selecting Purpose as 'CSP Billing', 'Cost Ingestion' and 'Cost Subscription respectively.
To add credentials for CSP Billing
  • Name
    : Enter the credential name.
  • Purpose
    : Select ‘CSP Billing’.
  • Description
    : Enter the description for this credential.
  • Status
    : Set status to ‘active’.
  • Credential Reference ID
    : Enter the credential reference ID.
Click the
Create New or Update Credential Vault
checkbox, and complete the following information:
  • CSP MPN Id
    : Add MPN id required to access the CSP account.
  • App Id
    : Add App Id required to access CSP account.
  • CSP Key
    : Add SCP required to access CSP account.
  • Domain
    : Add domain name required to access CSP account.
To add credential for Cost Ingestion (For CAM)
  • Name
    : Enter the credential name on the ‘name’ bar.
  • Purpose
    : Select ‘Cost Ingestion’.
  • Description
    : Enter the description for this credential.
  • Status
    : Set status to ‘active’.
  • Credential Reference ID
    : Enter the credential reference ID.
Create New or Update Credential Vault
check box, and complete the following information:
  • Account Number
    : Add account number bill account number to which the bills is generated.
  • API Key
    : API key required to access the billing account.
To add credentials for Cost Subscription (For CAM)
  • Name
    : Enter the credential name.
  • Purpose
    : Select ‘Cost Subscription’.
  • Description
    : Enter the description for this credential.
  • Status
    : Set status to ‘active’.
  • Credential Reference ID
    : Enter the credential reference ID.
Create New or Update Credential Vault
check box, and complete the following information:
  • Client ID
    : Add client or application ID.
  • Secret Key
    : Add secret key or password required to access the account.
To add credential for Microsoft Partner Agreement (For CAM)
  • Name
    : Enter the credential name.
  • Purpose
    : Add Microsoft Partner Agreement.
  • Description
    : Enter the description for this credential.
  • Status
    : Set status to ‘active’.
  • Credential Reference ID
    : Enter the credential reference ID.
    Create New or Update Credential Vault
    check box, and complete the following information:
  • Billing Scope
    : Enter the scope values which are: billingAccounts, billingProfiles, customer, and subscriptions.
  • Client ID
    : Add client or application ID.
  • Secret Key
    : Add secret key or password required to access the account.
  • Scope Value
    : Depending on the scope that is selected, the value will be as below:
Billing Account
Billing account CSP under MPA
Billing Profiles
Billing Profile ID
Customer ID - This is the same as customer tenant ID in the main page
Subscription ID - Same as entered in the main page
After you have selected the purpose of your credential, follow these steps:
  • Click
    Test Connection
    to test whether the credentials are valid.
  • Associate this credential with a business entity
    : Select the appropriate Business Entity (Organization or Team) and select the appropriate value to associate this credential to a specific access scope.
  • Click
    and a
    “Success: Credential has been successfully added”
    alert is displayed.

Azure Asset Account

To add a new Azure
Asset Account
, from the Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications dashboard click the Main menu on the left side, select
and click
Provider Account
; you will be redirected to the Account Management page, and to the
Master Account
Click the
Asset Accounts
tab and then click
New Asset Account
. Once in the New Asset Account page, click

Step 1: Adding an Azure Master Account required to provision resources

Account Details
  • Name
    : Enter the asset account name of your choice.
  • Description
    : Enter the description for the account.
  • Subscription ID
    : Enter the subscription ID.
  • Offer ID
    : Enter the offer ID.
  • Tenant ID
    : Enter the tenant ID.
  • Select Existing Master Account
    : Select the Master Account to be associated with the Asset Account.
  • Status
    : Set to active.
Create Account
and a
“Success: [Account Name] has been successfully created. You may add credentials or link asset accounts”
alert is displayed. Then scroll down and click
Add Credential
at the right side of the page.
You can use credentials limited to Azure Resource Group to extract asset data. The extraction of the asset data is enabled only for the following assets:
  • Virtual machines
  • SQL Database
  • NetworkSecurityGroups
  • LoadBalancers
  • PublicIPAdressses
  • Disk
  • Storage
  • Networking

Step 2: Connecting Azure credentials

Add Credential
  • Name
    : Enter the credential name.
  • Purpose
    : Select the purpose.
    • Asset Ingestion (For
    • Provisioning (For
      Enterprise Marketplace
  • Description
    : Enter the description for this credential.
  • Status
    : Set to active.
Connect to Azure
  • Credential Reference ID
    : Enter the Credential Reference ID.
Create New or Update Credential in Vault
check box, and complete the following information:
  • Client ID
    : Enter the client ID.
  • Secret Key
    : Enter the secret key.
  • Click
    Test Connection
    to test whether the credentials are valid.
  • Associate this credential with a business entity
    : Select the appropriate Business Entity (Organization or Team) and select the appropriate value to associate this credential to a specific access scope.
  • Click
    and a
    “Success: Credential has been successfully added”
    alert is displayed.
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