Cloud Services

ModernOps configuration

User access navigation
Published On Jul 03, 2024 - 11:11 AM

User access navigation

Understand User Access Management, which contains several tabs that use the same navigation tools.
The following instructions walk you through all of the navigation functions available in User Access Management.
To access the User Access Management page, follow these steps:
  1. From the Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications portal, click the Main menu on the left side, and select
    User Access
    ; you will be redirected to the User Access Management page.
  2. Select the tab that you want to navigate to. The available tabs include:
    User Access
    System Users
    , and
    API Key
The available options include the following:
  • View lists
  • View different pages
  • Search for a list item
  • Sort list items
  • Edit a list item
  • Delete a list item

View lists

Once you are in the tab of your choice, the list displays the high-level details of all of the items in the list.

View different pages

At the bottom of the list, you can see the
items per page
total number of pages
for the list. The default number of items per page is
, but you can change the value to 5, 20, and 30 by clicking the down-arrow. If you want to navigate between the items pages, click the left and right pointing arrows.

Search for a list item

You can search by column heading. In the search field (
magnifying glass icon
), type the text that you want to find. For example, type an organization name or ID, a context value name, or a user team. As you type, the list displays only the valid results for your search.

Sort list items

Click a column heading to sort list items by that column heading in alternately ascending or descending order.

Edit a list item

  1. Click the
    overflow menu
    on the right side of the row item you want to edit.
  2. Click
    View Details
    . The item details are displayed in a new page.
  3. Make any desired changes; the changes are saved automatically, and a message displays the success or failure of your edits.
  4. You can navigate back to the User Access page by using the breadcrumb on the top of the page.

Delete a list item

  1. Click the
    overflow menu
    on the right side of the row item you want to delete.
  2. Where available, select
  3. When asked if you want to delete the item, click
    to close the window and delete the item, or click
    to close the window without deleting the item. A confirmation window displays the success or failure of the action.
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