Cloud Services

Enterprise Marketplace

Shopping carts
Published On Oct 04, 2024 - 9:02 AM

Shopping carts

Allows you to store catalog requests in a shopping cart so they can be ordered later.
Enterprise Marketplace supports the ability to create a shopping cart and add catalogs to that cart. These catalogs can then be sent for approval later. Users are currently allowed to empty the cart, delete a cart, transfer cart ownership to a user within the same team, and export a bill of materials (BOM).

Viewing carts

Click the
Shopping Cart
icon in the upper right and select either the current cart or
View All Carts
. If you select the current cart, the
page will display the details for that cart. If you select
View All Carts
, all active carts associated with any teams that you belong to are displayed in alphabetical order, regardless of owner. Any carts that you have pinned will appear at the top of the list. You can search for a cart by name using the
Search for a cart
Only the owner of the cart can perform actions on that cart.
page for the selected cart includes the following information:
  • Created By:
    The user who ordered the catalogs.
  • Created Date:
    The date and time when the catalogs were ordered.
  • Owner:
    The user who is responsible for the cart.
  • Org:
    The organization that the user who ordered the catalogs belongs to.
  • Team:
    The team that the user who ordered the catalogs belongs to.
  • Env:
    The environment in which the catalogs are requested.
  • Provider Account:
    The provider account from which the catalogs are ordered.
  • Cart Items:
    An itemized list of the items that have been ordered. Click
    Cart Items
    to show the following information about each item:
    • Stack Prefix:
      A unique prefix assigned by the system to the line item.
    • Catalog Name:
      The name of the catalog the stack was created from.
    • Provider:
      The provider of the item.
    • Quantity:
      The amount of the item that has been ordered.
    • Estimated Cost:
      The amount of money in terms of both monthly and one time charges required for the item.
  • Cart Total:
    The total cost of the ordered items in terms of monthly and one-time charges.

Managing carts

Click the
icon next to the cart name to manage the cart itself. You can select from the following options:
  • Empty Cart:
    Remove all cart items from the cart but do not delete the cart itself.
  • Export Bill of Materials:
    Create a report of the items and their related charges in JSON format.
  • Pin Cart:
    Pin the cart so that it appears at the top of your list of carts. If you have pinned multiple carts, they appear in alphabetical order before the unpinned carts. Select this option again (
    Unpin Cart
    ) to unpin the cart.
  • Take Ownership:
    Take control of the cart from another user. Click
    to verify the action. This option does not appear if you already own the cart.
  • Transfer Cart:
    Transfer control of the cart to another user. A user with the System Admin role can transfer the asset to another owner, if the original owner is unable to do so. To transfer a cart, complete the following steps:
    1. Open the
      Transfer Cart
    2. Enter the username in the field and click
      . You can also search for a name using the
    3. Verify that you want to transfer the cart by clicking
  • Delete Cart:
    Delete the cart. Verify your decision by clicking
Submit Order
to begin the procurement process.

Managing cart items

You can click the
icon for each cart item. You can select from the following options:
  • View Catalog Details:
    View more details for the cart item. See Viewing catalog details.
  • View Bill of Materials:
    View a BOM for that cart item only. See Viewing catalog details.
  • Edit Catalog:
    Edit the cart item. This takes you through the standard configuration flow. For more information, see Catalog ordering.
  • Manage Add-ons:
    Edit any add-ons for the cart item. See Managing add-ons.
  • Delete:
    Delete the cart item. Click
    to verify the action.

Viewing catalog details

Catalog Details
page provides the following information about the catalog. This information is set up when the catalog is set up.
  • Basic Details:
    • Bag Item ID
    • Catalog Name
    • Stack Name
    • Stack Prefix
    • Provider
    • Quantity
    • Team -Organization
    • Application
  • Additional Details:
    • AWS Region
    • Display Name
    • Endpoint
    • Topic Name
    • Protocol
You can click the
Bill of Material
tab to view all charges associated with the catalog.

Managing add-ons

A cart item can have optional extras, called add-ons, that can be added to the order. If you want to manage add-ons for a cart item, click the
icon next to the cart item and select
Manage Add-ons

Adding or editing an add-on

To add or edit an add-on, complete the following steps:
  1. On the
    Manage Add-Ons
    page, any add-ons that are available for the selected catalog are listed. Click one to add or edit it.
  2. On the
    Main Parameters
    tab, enter the following information, then click
    • Add-on Name:
      Enter a name for your choice.
    • Which account are you provisioning to:
      Select one of the available accounts. The drop-down menu will list all available accounts.
  3. On the
    Configure managed service
    tab, enter the following information, then click
    • Management level:
      Select from the available management levels.
    • Plan level:
      Select from the available billing options.
  4. On the
    Add-on Review
    tab, make sure all your selections are correct, then click

Deleting an add-on

If you want to delete an existing add-on, click the add-on and then click
on the
Main Parameters
tab. You will be asked to confirm your decision.

Transferring the cart

The owner of the cart can transfer it to another user, in case of any scenario that requires such transfer (original owner leaves org, is unable to login to Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications, for example). In exceptional cases, a system admin persona can also transfer the cart to another user (e.g. when the owner is not available). This support presently is only via backend API. Carts can be transferred to another user who belongs to the same buyer team as the original owner of the cart planned to place the order for. For more information, see the Transfer Cart item in Managing carts.
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