{ "version": 1, "schema_id": "Schema ID", "schema_name": "Schema name", "status": "Active", "description": "Schema description (optional)", "created_time": "date time", "updated_time": "date time", "created_user": "userid", "updated_user": "userid", "schema_context":{ "providers": ["aws", "gcp"]/["All"], "provider_accounts": ["account1", "account2"]/["Any"], "service_type": ["AWS Lambda", "AWS EC2", "Visual Studio"]/["All"], "category": ["Compute"](Note: Future support, not in phase 1) }, "tag_definitions": [{"tag_key": "tag_key1", "version": 1}] }
Field | Description/Purpose | Mandatory | Data type | User input or generated |
version | Specifies the version of the schema | Yes | Integer | User input |
schema_id | Unique identifier for the schema | Yes | String | User input |
schema_name | Unique public identifier name of the tag schema | Yes | String, max = 100, editable | User input |
status | Status of the schema | Yes | String, Active, Inactive | User input |
description | Description of the schema | No | String, max = 1024 | User input |
schema_context | Schema level conditions | No | User input | |
tag_definitions | List of tag definitions | Yes | List of strings, ["tag_key1", "tag_key2"] | User input |
created_time | Created date time | Yes | Date time | Generated |
updated_time | Updated date time | No, only if updated | Date time | Generated |
created_user | User ID of created user | Yes | String | Generated |
updated_user | User ID of updated user | No, only if updated | String | Generated |
Field | Description/Purpose | Mandatory | Datatype |
providers | Specifies the list of providers | No | List of strings, default = ['All'] |
providers_account | Specifies the account related to providers | No | List of strings, default = ['Any'] |
service_type | List of provider's services | No | List of strings, default = ['All'] |
category | List of categories of providers | No | List of strings, default = ['All'] |