Cloud Services

ModernOps configuration

Cloud integrations account management
Published On Sep 06, 2024 - 10:40 AM

Cloud integrations account management

Learn how to manage your provider accounts to add, edit, and delete master and asset accounts.
Master accounts
are super accounts that contain a set of asset accounts. Master accounts include data such as the account name, the associated provider, account status, account credentials, and associated asset accounts. Master accounts enable users to create account subsets for quick and easy access.
Asset accounts
may stand alone, or each may be associated with one, and only one, master account. Asset accounts include data such as the asset account name and number, the associated master account, account status, account credentials, and associated provider. Asset accounts represent inventory items such as provider services, components (for example, application or virtual device), and other data.
By managing provider accounts, users can view, edit, add, and delete data and associations from master and asset accounts. Viewing asset accounts also provides users with an option to test the connection with the provider to ensure it is functioning properly.

Validation checks

In addition to working with master and asset accounts, System and Team Setup Admins can view failed validations. Validation tests are set up using APIs.
Enterprise Marketplace is set up to perform validation checks in many different scenarios. Failed validations occur, for example, when setting up a new master account and not filling in a required field. In the case of this example, a required field was not populated with data, so the validation test returned an error. When this occurs, System and Team Setup Admins can view the returned validation errors.
When failed validations display, choose either
  • If you click
    to accept and continue, a message displays the success or failure of your work.
  • If you click
    to return to the previous screen to review validations, on the previous page, you can click
    Last Validation Results
    . The
    Validation Results
    window displays the validation errors for you to review.

Access the provider account page

To access the
Provider Account
page, also known as
Account Management
page, follow these steps:
  1. Click the
    Main menu
    on the left side of the page.
  2. Select the
  3. Click
    Provider Account
    . The Provider Account page opens.
Once in the provider account or account management page, you can perform the following actions:

Account Management page actions

The Account Management page helps you navigate the information presented in each available tab (
Master Accounts
Asset Accounts
), and it includes the following actions:
  • View lists
  • Search lists
  • Filter lists
  • Sort lists
  • View or edit list item details
  • Delete list items

View lists

Simply by accessing the Account Management page, you will be able to see the list of accounts that you have added to your platform.

Search lists

To search within your accounts:
  1. Type the text that you want to search for in the Search box in the upper-left of page.
  2. Press
    . The search results are displayed. If filter options are also selected, the Account Management page displays only those items matching both the search criteria and the selected filter(s).

Filter lists

To filter the lists:
  1. Click the checkbox to select one or more filters from the Filters list on the left side of the page. The list displays only the items that match the selected filter(s). If search criteria is also entered, the Account Management page displays only those items matching both the search criteria and the selected filter(s).

Sort lists

To sort the lists:
  1. Click the heading of the column by which you want to sort the list.
The list sorts based on the column heading that you clicked.

View or edit list item details

To view or edit list item details:
  1. Click the
    Main menu
    in the far-right column of the account that you want to edit.
  2. Select
    View Details
The page displays the details for the list item.

Delete list items

To delete a list item:
  1. Click the
    Main menu
    in the far-right column of the account that you want to delete, and then select
    . A message displays asking if you are sure you want to delete the list item.
  2. Click
    to delete the list item. Click
    to quit the activity without saving changes.
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