Cloud Services

ModernOps configuration

Job management
Published On Sep 05, 2024 - 10:17 AM

Job management

Learn about all jobs features that allows to manage your job executions.
Job Management provides a set of CRUD APIs which the user can use to create jobs and manage the lifecycle of the job.
In the Job Management window, the title
Job scheduler
displays. This page shows a table that has all your jobs listed. In the table, the following columns are shown:
  • Name:
    The job name.
  • ID:
    The job ID.
  • Application:
    The application that this job belongs to.
  • Status:
    Job status, whether Active or Inactive.
  • Cron Frequency:
    The cron expression representing the time of execution.
  • Average Duration:
    Average job run time from INPROGRESS state to COMPLETE/FAILED state.
  • Run Status:
    The run status is for the last job instance that got executed or that is SCHEDULED. In case no job instance has been created yet.
The table also provides a filter with the
option so you can search for any jobs you want to find.
Next to the Search option, there is a
icon which you can click to display the applications.
You can click the
Actions menu vertical
that is located to the right of each job line in the table view to show additional details for that job.
View Details,
and a new window opens which has all the details for the job you selected. All the details are explained in the following section.

Job details view

The Details page structure consists of the following items:
  • Breadcrumbs: Displays the path of the current page, which provides a hot link to the previous page:
    Job Scheduler
  • Header: The header displays the name for that job.
The following job details are displayed:
  • Last run:
    The date and time when the job was last run.
  • ID:
    The job ID.
  • Application:
    The application that the job is associated to.
  • Cron frequency:
    The cron expression representing the time of execution. It is the UTC time.
  • Last run status:
    The last time that the job was run.
  • Status:
    The job status, whether Active or Inactive.
  • Timeout (Minutes):
    The time for which job can be in INPROGRESS state. Once the timeout is exceeded the job-instance is marked as TIMEDOUT.
Job History
table list view provides a list of all your jobs and it shows the following:
  • ID:
    The job ID.
  • Scheduled At:
    The date and time when the job is scheduled to run.
  • Last Updated Time:
    The date and time when the job was last updated.
  • Job Duration:
    The time the job took to run.
  • Status:
    The job status.
  • Additional Details:
    Any additional message that you want to log along with the job-instance status.
At the bottom of the table, you can select the number of items to view per page: 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50. You can also click the right and left arrows to look at different pages.
Job History only shows the job details for last 30 days.
Below the jobs list view, there is a section called
, that is explained as follows.

Job actions

The Jobs actions section provides the following items:
    The URL that is executed to run a particular job instance. The outcome of that job should be monitored by the respective application associated to the job, such as Cost & Asset Management, Enterprise Marketplace, etc. It can succeed or fail, so this outcome should be transferred to Job Management.
    The URL to use when a job execution operation fails.
    The URL to use when a job execution operation succeeds.
    The job status, whether Complete or Incomplete.
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