Cloud Services

ModernOps configuration

IAM user management
Published On Jul 03, 2024 - 11:11 AM

IAM user management

Discover the IAM resources page, which allows you to manage and regulate user access, so you can control the type of roles and permissions that IAM resources have in your platform.
The main benefit of managing users is that you get to quickly control the access management of your resources, so they can interact with the platform based on the required level of access that you grant them.
The following permissions are needed to be able to manage users to your platform. The
Platform Administrator
role, which is the out-of-the-box role granted to you when the account is first created, is the only role that includes all these permissions. Alternatively, as a
Platform Administrator
, you can create Custom Roles and assign them the permissions needed to invite users.
Allow to view users
Allow to create users
Allow to update users
Allow to delete users
Allow to delete multiple users

Accessing the Users page

The IAM Users page allows you to manage users and their roles. In this way, you can control your access management needs quickly and efficiently.
To manage your users, follow these steps:
  1. Access the IAM page.
  2. Select
    from the left navigation bar of the page. The Users page opens.
In the IAM Users page, you can perform a series of actions to personalize your users' access management needs, including the following:
  • Managing users permissions
  • Deleting users
  • Managing Access Policies directly for a user
    • Assigning an Access Policy directly to a user
    • Updating an Access Policy directly for a user
    • Removing an Access Policy directly from a user
  • Unlinking IdPs

Managing users permissions

  1. Click the
    overflow menu
    next to the user that you want to manage.
  2. Select
    Manage role
  3. Update the roles assigned to the user from the list of options.
  4. Click

Deleting users

  1. Click the
    overflow menu
    next to the user that you want to delete.
  2. Select
  3. Confirm the deletion.

Assigning an Access Policy directly to a user

You can assign Access Policies to resources depending on your level of access.
You can assign an Access Policy directly to a user, without associating it to any Access Groups, by following these step
  1. Select the users tab from the left navigation bar.
    The Member Details
    page opens
  2. Click
    Add New
    at the top of the page, and select
    Assign Access Policy
    . A new page is displayed.
  3. Complete the following information:
    • Select Service:
      Select the service available from the dropdown menu.
    • Select Scope:
      Based on the service that you selected, click the radio button that applies to your selection:
      • If you select
        All resources
        , the Access Policy is assigned to all resources within the Access Group.
      • If you select
        Resources based on selected attributes
        , you can add acccess tags or attributes for a more specific access selection.
        • Access Tags: Select and access tag from the dropdown list. 
        • Attributes: Select an attribute from the dropdown list. You can add all the existent attributes by clicking the
          Add attribute +
          • Based on the attribute selected, select the
            attribute name
            attribute value
            from the dropdown list.  The attribute operator is set equal by default. 
    • Select Role:
      Select the Platform role or roles that you want to assign to this Access Policy. You may also select one of the Custom Roles that you have created. For more information, see Administration Platform roles.
    A tag number lets you know how many permissions are associated to that specific role. Click said tag number to learn about the permissions' descriptions.
  4. Click
    at the bottom of the Summary pane to finish.
Member Details
page for that specific
is automatically updated and the new Access Policy is displayed.
To learn more about the specific permissions and descriptions for each of the roles, navigate to the Roles page and follow these steps:
  1. Access the IAM page.
  2. Select
    from the left navigation bar of the page. The Roles page opens and a list of roles become available.
  3. Click the tag number that appears next to the Role name, and you will be able to scroll through all permissions and descriptions assigned to that specific role.

Updating an Access Policy directly for a user

You can update an Access Policy directly for a user by following these steps:
  1. Select the member that you want to update the Access Policy to.
    The Member Details
    page opens.
  2. Click the
    overflow menu
    next to the Access Policy that you want to update.
  3. Select
    View details
    . The Access Policy Details page opens.
  4. Click
  5. Make the necessary updates and click

Removing an Access Policy directly from a user

You can remove an Access Policy directly from a user by following these steps:
  1. Select the member that you want to remove the Access Policy to.
    The Member Details
    page opens.
  2. Click the
    overflow menu
    next to the Access Policy that you want to remove.
  3. Select
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