Cloud Services

Enterprise Marketplace

Catalog ordering
Published On Oct 04, 2024 - 9:02 AM

Catalog ordering

Order sets of cloud services (catalogs) in Enterprise Marketplace. The ordering process includes setting parameters and configuring the catalogs.
When you select a catalog, you will be led through a series of forms in which you will be prompted to input any information that the system needs to provision the catalogs into
. These forms vary from catalog to catalog, and the forms might be programmed to vary based on user input, so there is no one standard way to order catalogs. This section covers the basics of the operation:

Using the Catalog page

You order multicloud services from the Enterprise Marketplace
page, which displays the public and private cloud and IT catalogs available for provisioning. To learn more about navigating to the different services from each tenant, refer to Landing page navigation or Kyndryl Bridge Landing page navigation.
page provides a list of the available catalogs and some basic information about each one in tiles. The top section is the
Featured Services
section. It contains random assortment of
, and
catalogs. All of the available catalogs are shown in the
All Catalogs
section below. Scrolling past the Featured Catalogs section will automatically collapse the filters section. For more information about a catalog, click the
icon and select
Learn More
. Details provided include feature descriptions with links to more information about the catalog.
Filtering the catalogs
Enterprise Marketplace provides filter and search features to help you find catalogs on the
page. Catalogs must match one of the criteria within a section (
, and
) like an OR operand, and must match one criteria each in all of the sections like an AND operand. For example, if you select
Solution Templates
as a
and both
in the
section, catalogs that are solution templates provided by either Amazon or Azure are displayed.
  • Search Catalog:
    Enter any search terms and press
    . Catalogs that match any of the terms are displayed. Both the Catalog Names and Descriptions are searched.
  • Category:
    Select one or more categories of catalogs.
  • Provider:
    Select one or more providers of catalogs.
  • Label:
    Select any labels that you want to search on. The colored labels are defined by Kyndryl, and the non-colored ones are user defined.
All of the filters that you select are shown in the
Applied Filters
section. Click the filter to remove it.
Bookmarking your favorite catalogs
If you use a particular catalog often and want to be able to find it quickly, you can bookmark it. To do so, click the
icon to add the
My List
label to the catalog. You can then search for that label as explained previously. Click the icon again to remove the bookmark.

Ordering catalogs

If you want to place an order for a catalog, you must complete the following basic tasks:
  • Select and configure the catalogs:
    You can select a single catalog. Alternatively, you can add multiple catalogs into a shopping cart so that you can send them all for approval at once. For more information, see Using the shopping cart.
  • Add managed services to an order, when available and applicable:
    If your system is configured to do so, you might be able to added add-on managed services to your order. For more information, see Adding managed services to an order.
  • Review and place the order
Enterprise Marketplace displays the applications and environments selected for your order while you configure the order. The further along the configuration, the more selected applications and environments are displayed. Note that only applications and environments compatible with the chosen configurations are displayed.
The catalogs that are available are divided into two categories: Catalogs and Patterns. Catalogs are individual catalogs, whereas Patterns are bundled catalogs that contain multiple catalogs.
Search currently only functions for the tab that you have open.
Patterns can have parameters that are linked together so that what you select in one catalog is automatically entered into a parameter in another. Ordering and configuring a Quote works just like a single catalog, but you will be taken through all the chained catalogs in order on the
Additional Parameters
tab, with the chained parameters being unable to be changed. The catalog that you are working on is shown in the left column on the
Additional Parameters
tab as shown in the following figure. The names of the catalogs will either be the name of the original catalog, including Copy if there are duplicates, or aliases added during the creation of the Pattern. You must advance using the
buttons. You cannot skip to another catalog.
Patterns cannot currently be save in shopping carts.

Ordering composite patterns

Composite patterns are patterns that have been designed by the Service Designer to only require the requestor to fill out a form for a single service. The other services in the chain are then provisioned using the parameters inherited from the first service. In addition, the Service Designer can set up conditional services based on the supplied parameters. For example, if “windows” is entered in an OS field, the service for Microsoft Windows can be automatically selected and provisioned. For more information about chains and composite chains, see Service Chaining.
To order a composite pattern, complete these steps:
  1. Navigate to the
    page. To learn more about navigating to the different services from each tenant, refer to Landing page navigation or Kyndryl Bridge Landing page navigation.
  2. Click the
    All Patterns
  3. Locate the composite pattern that you want to provision. Composite patterns might be named to reflect their nature, but otherwise appear as normal patterns. Click the
    icon and select
    Place Order
  4. Go through the normal ordering process. For more information, see Ordering catalogs. The only difference is that the parameters that you are entering will be used to provision other services in the chain. The child services will not be shown during any step in the process or in the bill of materials.
To view all the services in a composite pattern during provisioning, complete these steps:
  1. Navigate to the
    Order History
    page.To learn more about navigating to the different services from each tenant, refer to Landing page navigation or Kyndryl Bridge Landing page navigation. For more information, see Order history monitoring and management.
  2. Click the
    All Patterns
  3. Click the
    icon for the composite pattern and select
    Pattern Details
    . The Basic Details for the pattern will only show the first service.
You can manage the pattern as normal from the Ordered Services page. For more information, see Stack management.

Selecting and configuring catalogs

The kinds of information that must be entered varies by catalog, but generally you will need to complete the following steps:
  1. Configuring main parameters to define service type
  2. Configuring additional parameters to reserve stacks
  3. Configuring and adding managed services
  4. Reviewing the order
  5. Submitting the order
For the purpose of beginning the process, click the
icon for the catalog and select
Place Order
. You can also place an order from the details section of the catalog. Click the
icon for the offering and select
Learn More
. Select the version that you want to order and click
You can only select a different version than the default from the catalog’s

Configuring main parameters to define service type

On the
Main Parameters
tab, enter the following parameters for the stack:
  1. In the
    Stack Prefix
    field, enter a prefix for the stack. The prefix can be, for example, a name that relates to the date or the purpose of the stack. The prefix must begin with a letter and can include alphanumeric characters and hyphens, but not any other special characters. It has a maximum of 50 characters.
  2. Select how many iterations of the catalog that you want in the
    field. If multiple instances are not allowed, this field will be grayed out.
  3. If you want to submit the catalog in a bundle with others, click
    Yes, add to a shopping cart
    . For more information, see Using the shopping cart.
  4. Depending on the type of service being configured, select the team, organization, or provider account associated with this type of this service. For some services, you may need to select more than one of these associations.
  5. Click
    to continue to the next screen, or
    to return to the previous section. Click
    to discard the order.
Enterprise Marketplace adds the suffix Enterprise Marketplace-XXXXXXXY to each new stack. XXXXXXXY represents seven random system-generated alphanumeric characters. The letter Y represents the quantity selected for the stack. A provisioned stack with a single quantity looks like the following:
NewService-Enterprise Marketplace-GRA90MR-1

Configuring additional parameters to reserve stacks

Additional Parameters
tab provides forms that you need to fill out to provide the other parameters needed to provisioned the catalog. Additional parameters for reserved stacks can require regional and instance definition, including defining the region and service area in the region, as well as service platform and length of offering. These sections and fields vary based on the catalog, so no details can be provided. Fill in the information requested and click
to continue to the next screen, or
to return to the previous section. Click
to discard the order.
Reserving stacks gives you the service you need only for the time you have reserved it. A reserved instance provides a discount of up to 75% over on-demand stack pricing.

Adding managed services to an order

Infrastructure that includes middleware can be added to an order as an add-on managed service if IMI is part of your solution. If this option is available, the option to apply IMI add-on services to the order appears in the tab after order configuration is completed and before order review.
Add-on managed services include the following types of services:
  • VMware with the Websphere application
  • Integrated Managed Services (IMI) custom operations
Complete the following steps to add managed services to an order:
  1. Select the desired managed service. Only applicable services are available for selection.
  2. Enter a name for the add-on managed service. The name can be, for example, a name that relates to the date or the purpose of the managed service.
  3. Select the name of the provider account.
  4. Click
    to save the configuration.
  5. Close the add-on configuration page.
  6. Check the status bar near the top of the
    Configure Service
    window to ensure the managed service add-on has been applied to the order.
  7. Click

Reviewing the order

Ensure that the configured catalog is correct by reviewing the order details and the order summary. The order summary appears on the right side of the window. If information is incorrect, click
to return to the window where the incorrect information was entered, correct the faulty information, and then click
until you return to the order summary.

Placing the order

If you want to place the order, click
Submit Order
. A confirmation dialog appears with links to return to the

Using the shopping cart

The Enterprise Marketplace shopping cart enables buyers to place orders with multiple catalogs. Buyers can also request multiple quantities for each catalog in the shopping cart and view the detailed Bill of Materials (BOM) for each order.
The system automatically updates and saves the shopping cart when a catalog is added or removed from the shopping cart.
Users can perform the following actions on shopping carts:
  • Create and manage multiple shopping carts
  • Configure and add catalogs to a shopping cart
  • Transfer shopping carts to another user on the same team
  • View the updated catalog count and the saved shopping cart
  • Empty the shopping cart
  • Edit the quantity in the cart
  • View and export the shopping cart bill of materials (BOM)
  • Delete the shopping cart
  • Disable the shopping cart feature
  • View the total estimated cost for the all the catalogs in the shopping cart
For more information, see Shopping carts.

Reviewing charges in the Bill of Materials

After you submit the order, you can view the Bill of Materials (BOM) for the new catalog on the following pages in Enterprise Marketplace:
  • Catalog
  • Shopping cart
  • Order history
  • Approve orders
  • Inventory
The following line-item charges are displayed in the BOM:
  • Recurring charges
  • Estimated usage charges
  • One-time changes
Estimated costs in the BOM do not include provider, regional, or any other tax such as sales or value added tax (VAT).
For information on these charges, see Bill of Materials.

Customizing categories

section in the upper left allow you to quickly find catalogs. Enterprise Marketplace includes a number of built-in categories, but you can also create your own and reorder the list as needed.
Built-in categories are indicated by an
Enterprise Marketplace

Creating new categories

To create a new category, complete the following steps:
  1. In the
    section, click
  2. In the
    Manage Categories
    window, click
    Add Category
  3. In the
    Add Category
    window, enter a name for your new category in the
    Category Name
    field and click

Managing your categories

To manage your categories, complete these steps:
  1. In the
    section, click
  2. In the
    Manage Categories
    window, make any combination of the following changes and then click
    Save Layout
    • Reorder your categories:
      You can move individual categories by dragging them into position. In addition, you can sort them by alphabetical order (
      Sort (A-Z)
      ) by clicking the link once (in ascending order) or twice (in descending order).
    • Deactivate a category:
      Click the toggle switch for the category. If the category contains active catalogs, you will be warned that they will no longer be visible to your buyers. Click
      to confirm.
    • Delete a category:
      Click the
      Trash can
      icon for the category. If the category contains catalogs, those catalogs will be moved to the Other Services category. You cannot delete the built-in categories.
All changes are saved automatically.
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