Cloud Services

Enterprise Marketplace

Order history monitoring and management
Published On Oct 04, 2024 - 9:29 AM

Order history monitoring and management

Monitor and manage the status of every order of your team by reviewing the order records.
Order History
page provides the complete history of your orders, allowing you to monitor and manage the status of every order from your team. To learn more about navigating to the different services from each tenant, refer to Landing page navigation or Kyndryl Bridge Landing page navigation. Clicking the
Order History
tab opens the
My team's orders
page that displays the orders that your team has placed. Ordered stacks are listed in two categories:
All Stacks
All Patterns
Pattern Offering Instances (POIs) will list all the stacks that were deployed as part of that POI. Click the
Down Arrow
icon or click
to list the components for each stack.
Each order shows the date and time at which the order was placed, and the status the order is currently in. Depending on the order's status, the order may also contain buttons to
the order. You can also view the following further information about the order:
  • To view a compressed summary of the order activity, see the order status widget available at the landing page. This widget displays the quantity of orders submitted and approved for the last 30 days. Additionally, it provides the number of submitted orders that have been denied, failed, and completed.
  • To view the order's Bill of Materials (BOM), click the
    Bill of Materials
    link in the bottom right corner of the order on
    My team's orders
    page. For more information, see Bill of Materials page.
  • To view more detailed information about an order on a single page, click the
    Order Details
    link in the upper right corner of the order. For more information, see Stack Details page.
Orders are color coded according to their status:
  • Submitted: green
  • Approval in progress: yellow
  • Approved: green
  • Provisioning in progress: yellow
  • Rejected: red
  • Completed: green
  • Failed: red
  • Canceling: red
  • Canceled: red
If part of a Pattern without the
Failure Management
flag selected fails, the partial deployment will remain on the
Order History
page. Click the
icon for the failed process and either select
to attempt to deploy it again, or
to delete all the stacks in the failed deployment. Perform this for every deployed catalog in the Pattern.

Filtering orders

To find an order that you want to manage easier, you can filter them by the following characteristics:

View orders by age

If you want to view orders by age, select one of the following options from the
orders placed in
pull-down menu in the upper left of the
  • Last day
  • Last week
  • Last month
  • Last 3 months
  • Last 6 months
  • Last year

View orders by status

If you want to view orders by status, select one of the following options from the
desired order status type
pull-down menu in the upper left of the
  • All orders
  • Submitted
  • Approval in progress
  • Approved
  • Provisioning in progress
  • Rejected
  • Completed
  • Failed
  • Canceling
  • Canceled

Stack Details page

Stack Details
page contains more granular, detailed order information, as well as technical details about the order. It displays complete histories for orders on a single page. This page can also provide information on the AWS service area. If the order includes a multi-quantity order, the
Stack Details
page also shows the
Quantity ordered

Bill of Materials page

From the
Stack Details
page, click
Estimated Costs
and then click
to see the cost details in the Bill of Materials.
You can also access the BOM directly by clicking the
Bill of Materials
link in the bottom right corner of the order on
My team's orders
page. If you want to close the BOM, click
BOMs can be viewed from the following pages in Enterprise Marketplace:
  • Catalog
  • Shopping Cart
  • My team's orders
  • Approve Orders
  • Inventory
The following detailed line-item charges are displayed in the BOM:
  • Recurring charges
  • Estimated usage charges
  • One-time changes
Estimated costs in the BOM do not include provider, regional, or any other tax such as sales or value added tax (VAT).
For more information about these charges, see Bill of Materials.

Order Updates page

Order Updates
to see the order's timeline:
  • When the order was made
  • When the order was approved
  • When the order was provisioned
  • When the order was completed
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