Cloud Services

Enterprise Marketplace

Landing page navigation
Published On Sep 24, 2024 - 8:04 AM

Landing page navigation

Learn about the different navigation elements/menus for the different pages of Kyndryl Bridge.

Global navigation elements

Kyndryl Bridge features a global navigation bar at the top of all pages, providing a consistent experience across the entire platform. This global navigation aid assists you regardless of your location. After logging in to your Bridge account, the following navigation options are available to you.
Navigation feature
Global menu
This menu, located at the top left corner of the page, enables access to different landing pages for Marketplace and Console, as well as the services enabled for your account and platform settings. To access any of these options, click the Global Switcher menu icon and select your preferred option from the menu.
  • Console
    : Takes you to the Console landing page.
  • Marketplace
    : Takes you to the Marketplace landing page.
Each landing page features unique navigation elements. For more information on navigating Console and Marketplace, review the dedicated sections below.
  • Services
    : Displays a secondary menu listing for all the services enabled for your account, providing quick access to them.
Pin your favorite services to the top of the menu for easy access. Click the star icon next to the service
  • Private catalog:
    Takes you to your private catalogs, if available, such as Program Management Portal (PgMP).
  • Open Developer Hub:
    Takes you to the Open Developer. Hub.
  • Settings
    : Displays a secondary menu with the following options:
    • Access Management: Takes you to the Access Management page for the Kyndryl Bridge platform. For more information, see Access Groups.
    • Service IAM: Takes you to the Identity and Access Management page to manage user authorizations for the services enabled in your account. For more information, see Understanding IAM.
The Global menu offers options for Internal Kyndryl users only, including
Private catalog
Open Developer Hub
, and
Control Tower
Kyndryl Bridge
This logo redirects you to the main page of the area you are currently exploring (Marketplace or Console). To let you know where you are currently navigating, the area name is displayed next to the Kyndryl Bridge Logo.
Account Switcher
This drop-down menu enables switching between the different accounts of which you are a member.
This drop-down menu presents the following options:
  • FAQ: Redirects you to a list of the most frequently asked questions regarding Bridge and available services.
  • Create Support Request: Redirects you to the support form for submitting issues. For more information, see Support tickets.
  • Track Support Request: Redirects you to the support request page on Console. For more information, see Managing support tickets.
Some support functions are available only for logged-in users. To receive personalized support, create a Kyndryl Bridge account. For more information, see User Onboarding.
User profile
Presents you with two different actions:
  • Console tour: Virtual tour designed for first-time users. The console tour is only available from
    pages. For more information, see Console tour.
  • Logout: The log out from Bridge option.

Marketplace navigation

Selecting the Marketplace option under the Global Switcher menu redirects you to Marketplace. By default, this is the first page displayed after logging in to Kyndryl Bridge. Marketplace enables browsing and purchasing available services directly from the catalog. For more information, see Marketplace catalog.
Navigation feature
View All Services
View All Services
button takes you to a catalog of all the services Kyndryl Bridge offers. Here, you can filter the services you want to acquire by checking the box next to one (or more) of the following filters:
  • Category
  • Industry
  • Region
  • Deployment Strategy
  • Product Category
You can also use the
Search Catalog
bar to look for a specific service available in the catalog.
Explore Categories
The Marketplace catalog page provides easy access to the services categories. If you want to explore services within a category, just click any of the tiles from the landing page. The following service categories are available:
  • Applications, Data and AI
  • Cloud Services
  • Digital Workplace
  • Security and Resiliency
  • Core Enterprise and zCloud
  • Network and Edge
You can also use the
bar to look for a specific service available in the catalog.
Schedule a consultation
You can schedule a consultation with a Kyndryl expert who can provide any information you might need about our services. For more information, see Consultations.
Customer stories
In the
Customer Stories
section of the landing page, you can read more about customer success stories.

Console navigation

Selecting the Console option under the Global Switcher menu redirects to Console page. By default, you will be taken to the Home page, which displays My Dashboard, where you can view the most important information to manage your services. Hover over the left corner to reveal a secondary menu that allows access to the following pages: 
Menu options
This page enables managing your dashboard; you can add widgets, change settings, and add multiple dashboards to navigate. This capability gives you full control over which dashboards and widgets you want to see. For more information, see Console.
This page enables viewing and managing consultations. For more information, see Managing consultations.
This page enables viewing all notifications and being redirected to perform actions. For more information, see Managing notifications.
This page enables viewing and managing quotations. For more information, see Managing quotations.
This page enables viewing and managing subscriptions. For more information, see Managing subscriptions.
Support Tickets
This page enables viewing and managing support requests. For more information, see Managing support tickets.
This page enables viewing and managing documentation. For more information, see Managing documents with CollabDrive.
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