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Enterprise Marketplace

Budgets in Enterprise Marketplace
Published On Sep 20, 2024 - 9:47 AM

Budgets in Enterprise Marketplace

Explains how budgets are employed within Enterprise Marketplace.
Budgets are defined for the entire Kyndryl Modern Operation Applications system. For more information, see Control and operating budgets. After they have been defined, budgets can be used in a variety of ways in Enterprise Marketplace.
An order can transact against one or more budgets, if the 'order context' or the 'approval step context' (in case of multibudgets/steplevel budgets) matches the budgetary unit context. This budget selection/transaction is automatically done by the system. Manual selection of a BU maybe required in cases where there are multiple BUs matching the context and the budget selection is required by one or more approval steps. If no context is specified in any of the approvals steps (referred to as Order-level budgets), then the Order transacts against a single matching BU for the given order amount.
For Order-level budgets, If there are multiple matching BUs found for the order's context, then the system will not choose automatically:
  • If none of the approval steps mandate the selection of budget for this order (budget_unit_required=false in all approval steps), then any auto-approving step can skip the BU selection and auto-approve or any manual approver can skip the BU selection (BUs will not be will visible for selection) and approve all the manual steps.
  • If at least one approval step mandates the selection of budget for this order (budget_unit_required=true in any one approval step), then any auto-approving step (whose budget_unit_required=true) will be turned into manual approval step for BU selection or any manual approver (whose budget_unit_required=true) is required to choose the BU before approving the relevant approval step.
  • Other approval steps where budget_unit_required is false can skip the budget selection.

Step-level budgets

If a custom context is specified in at least one approval step (referred to as step-level budgets), then this overrides the default behaviour of using the order's context.
For Step-level budgets, different custom contexts can be specified at multiple approvals steps, to transact against multiple budgets for the same order amount (no split allocation). Step-level budgets, behave similar to Order-level budgets in case of multiple matching BUs where BU conflicts are resolved similarly.
Sample approval workflow configuration setup to enable step-level budgets:
{ "name": "financial1", "displayName": "financial1", "permission": "XX_APPROVAL", "role": "xx Approver", "approvalStep": 2, "budget_unit_required": true, "budget_unit_context": [{"contextKey": "project"}] }, { "name": "financial2", "displayName": "financial2", "permission": "YY_APPROVAL", "role": "yy Approver", "approvalStep": 3, "budget_unit_required": true, "budget_unit_context": [{"contextKey": "location"}] }

Frequently asked questions

Who picks the BU for an Order?
  • When there is only one BU matching the order, the system picks up the BU automatically (in case of both Step-level and Order-level budgets). So Precommit/Commit from orders is done by 'system' user.
  • When there are multiple BUs matching a given order, then it is left to the user to choose a BU (system does not auto select). In this case, PreCommit (Hold) is done by the approving user, after which the system does the commit for the held amount.

Overall order approval process

The following diagram shows the complete order approval process.
Overall Order Approval Diagram
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