Cloud Services

Enterprise Marketplace

Amazon Web Services resource types that support pricing
Published On Jul 02, 2024 - 2:51 PM

Amazon Web Services resource types that support pricing

Lists the Amazon Web Services (AWS) resource types that are supported in pricing.
The following AWS Terraform resource types are supported for pricing in Enterprise Marketplace:
  • aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream
  • aws_secretsmanager_secret
  • aws_kms_key
  • aws_cloudwatch_log_stream
  • aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm
  • aws_cloudwatch_log_group
  • aws_cloudwatch_event_rule
  • aws_s3_bucket
  • aws_docdb_cluster_instance
  • aws_sns_topic
  • aws_config_configuration_recorder
  • aws_config_config_rule
  • aws_cloudfront_distribution
  • aws_neptune_cluster_instance
  • aws_ecr_repository
  • aws_dynamodb_table
  • aws_ecs_service
  • aws_lb_target_group
  • aws_elb
  • aws_lb
  • aws_lb_listener
  • aws_fsx_lustre_file_system
  • aws_fsx_windows_file_system
  • aws_sqs_queue
  • aws_redshift_subnet_group
  • aws_redshift_cluster
  • aws_redshift_parameter_group
  • aws_cloudtrail
  • aws_eks_node_group
  • aws_eks_cluster
  • aws_msk_cluster
  • aws_lambda_function
  • aws_mq_broker
  • aws_elasticache_subnet_group
  • aws_elasticache_cluster
  • aws_db_option_group
  • aws_db_parameter_group
  • aws_db_instance
  • aws_db_event_subscription
  • aws_db_subnet_group
  • aws_datapipeline_pipeline
  • aws_elasticsearch_domain
  • aws_efs_file_system
  • aws_acm_certificate
  • aws_route53_record
  • aws_route53_zone
  • aws_route53_health_check
  • aws_launch_template
  • aws_iam_role
  • aws_security_group
  • aws_vpc_endpoint
  • aws_volume_attachment
  • aws_security_group_rule
  • aws_ebs_volume
  • aws_network_interface
  • aws_route_table_association
  • aws_internet_gateway
  • aws_eip
  • aws_resourcegroups_group
  • aws_instance
  • aws_route
  • aws_iam_role_policy_attachment
  • aws_nat_gateway
  • aws_subnet
  • aws_vpc
  • aws_key_pair
  • aws_route_table
  • aws_iam_openid_connect_provider
  • aws_iam_policy
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