Cloud Services

Enterprise Marketplace

Roles in Enterprise Marketplace
Published On Oct 04, 2024 - 8:29 AM

Roles in Enterprise Marketplace

Understand how the different roles in Enterprise Marketplace relate to the different types of users available in your organization.
Roles in Enterprise Marketplace provide different permissions to different types of users in your organization. This enables you, for example, to allow an employee to be able to provision catalogs but not be able to approve them.

User roles preferred practices

  • Roles are assigned in Access Policies.
  • Access Groups are created in Access Policies.
  • Users are added to Access Groups which gives them the roles associated with those groups.
  • You can define Access Tags to limit the scope of resources for Access Groups.
  • If you do not have a scope defined by Access Tags, the Access Group will have access to all the resources.

Available user roles

The following are the personas, descriptions and roles that are available in Enterprise Marketplace:
App Developer
The dev transforms client needs into new enhancements or solutions for the application
  • Buyer
Development Manager
The Manager leads the application team and communicates the project status to stakeholders.
  • Technical Approver
  • Financial Approver
IT Ops Manager
The manager oversees enterprise level automation and policy to maintain secure environments.
  • Technical Approver
  • Financial Approver
  • Operator
  • Order Integrator
IT Ops Director
The director establishes the strategy, workforce, resources, policies, and procedures.
  • Technical Approver
  • Financial Approver
  • Operator
IT Architect • Enterprise Architect
An architect develops the IT strategy for infrastructure, platforms, and processes that will help internal or external business applications.
  • Technical Approver
Catalog Administrator
The administrator maintains the curated catalog and ensures availability to the consumers.
  • Catalog Admin
  • Policy Admin
Billing Analyst
A billing analyst manages all monthly cost reporting and works with Finance, Central IT, and other lines of business.
  • Policy Admin
Digital Services Architect
IT Architect
Technical Approver
The digital services architect develops the catalog and ensures the availability to the consumers.
An IT architect develops the IT strategy for infrastructure, platforms, and processes that will help internal or external business applications
  • Service Designer

Enterprise Marketplace roles privileges

Each of Enterprise Marketplace roles privileges are explained as follows:

Viewer role

The Viewer role allows visibility to all aspects of Enterprise Marketplace for any Access Group that the user belongs to. The Viewer role provides the following privileges:
  • View all stacks irrespective of state for any Access Group that the user belongs to.
  • View orders placed for any Access Groups that the user belongs to, and the list and details.
  • View all catalogs by status (Published, Retired) for any Access Groups that the user belongs to.
  • View all catalog personalization policies for any Access Groups that the user belongs to.
  • View all approval and operational policies for any Access Groups that the user belongs to.
  • View pricing information on the Quotes page.
  • View the Consumption dashboard.

Service Designer role

The Service Designer role creates Service Offerings for the Catalog in Enterprise Marketplace. The activities that the Service Designer role can perform are described in the following pages:

Catalog Administrator role

The Catalog Admin role manages the providers and catalogs in the Enterprise Marketplace Catalog. The activities that the Catalog Admin role can perform are described in the following pages:

Buyer role

The Buyer role allows the user to select and request catalogs using the Catalog. The Buyer role provides the following privileges:
  • View, configure, and place orders in the Enterprise Marketplace using quick purchase or shopping cart
  • Create a shopping cart
  • Add, edit, and remove items from a shopping cart
  • View orders placed for that user and any Access Groups that user belongs to
  • Perform actions for a specific order (edit order, cancel order, re-order, and so on)
  • View stacks for that user and any Access Groups that user belongs to
  • View alerts (all types) for that user and any Access Groups that the user belongs to
  • Take action on alerts
  • Perform actions on stacks (access, edit, cancel) for that user and any Access Groups that the user belongs to
  • Raise a support ticket/incident
  • Access help
  • View all the users in the Access Group
  • Perform operations on stack components for that user and any Access Groups that user belongs to.

Approver role

The main function of the approver is to evaluate and authorize the catalog request. An approver can accept or deny an order based on three expertise grounds: financial, legal, and technical. The functions of some of these roles can be easily automated by the service designer. For additional information, see Introduction to policies in Enterprise Marketplace.
The approver has the following privileges by default:
  • View all orders based on the Access Group
  • Approve or deny an order
  • View all stacks procured, and alerts (all types) only for themselves
  • Take action on alerts only for themselves
  • Raise a support ticket/incident
  • Access help
  • View all the users in the Access Group

Types of Approvers

  • Technical Approver
    : The Technical Approver role evaluates and approves the catalog request from the technical point of view. The technical approver must be the first evaluator of the catalog prior the rest.
  • Legal Approver
    : The Legal Approver role evaluates and approves the catalog request from the legal point of view.
  • Financial Approver
    : The Financial Approver role evaluates and approves the catalog request from the financial point of view.
For additional details on how to approve the catalog request, see Approval process. To analyze the active stacks when preparing for your financial evaluation, see Consumption Dashboard.

Administrative roles

The main function of the administrator is to manage the catalogs, orders, and policies. The administrator performs the following activities:
  • Handle the providers, catalogs, and service categories
  • View and publish/unpublish catalogs in Draft status
  • Manage catalog visibility policies
  • Delete broker and consumer pricing rules
  • Control approval policies
  • View all the orders in the system, irrespective of Access Group or Access Tag
The following are the types of administrators and the activities they can perform:
  • Catalog Admin
    : The Catalog Admin role manages the providers and catalogs in the Enterprise Marketplace Catalog. The activities that the Catalog Admin role can perform are described in the following pages:
  • Operator
    : The Operator role manages stacks for an Access Group. The activities that the Operator role can perform are described in the following pages:
    When adding an Access Group with an Operator role, ensure that the role is associated with the Access Group that the Buyer or Purchaser will select when placing orders.
  • Order Administrator
    : The Order Administrator role is a system-wide role that monitors all orders in the system. Because this is a system-wide role, it is not associated with any specific business entities. The Order Administrator role has the privilege to view all the orders in the system, irrespective of Access Group or Access Tags.
  • Order Integrator
    : The Order Integrator role is a system-wide role that can make stack names more consistent. Because this is a system-wide role, it is not associated with any specific business entities. The Order Integrator role has the privilege to update stack names between order placement and approval.
  • Catalog Policy Admin
    : The Catalog Policy Admin role manages the policies that determine how catalog requests are approved. The Policy Admin role has the following privileges by default:
    • View Policies menu items in the header, and the list of policies
    • Add new approval policies
    • View policy details
    • Edit policy (enable/disable)

Managing User Roles

Review, analyze, and learn how roles functions work in Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications.
User Roles provide your users with access to specific, role-based functions and privileges, allowing them to do their job within Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications. The following are the built-in User Roles in Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications:
Set up and purchase orders for cloud services.
  • Access the Enterprise Marketplace
  • Browse catalogs
  • Search catalogs
  • Filter catalogs
  • Configure catalogs
  • Add and edit cart items
  • Order catalogs
  • View orders placed
  • Perform actions such as edit order, cancel order, and re-order
  • View inventory items, their resources, and their properties
  • Perform standard out-of-the-box and custom operations
  • Access online help
Set up and purchase orders for cloud catalogs.
  • Access catalogs
  • Browse catalogs
  • Search catalogs
  • Filter catalogs
  • Order catalogs
  • View placed orders
  • View inventory
  • Access online help
Manage catalogs.
  • View orders placed
  • Perform actions such as edit order and cancel order
  • View inventory items, their resources, and their properties
  • Perform standard out-of-the-box and custom operations
  • Access online help
Technical, Financial, and Legal Approvers
Users whose approval is needed before catalogs are provisioned.
  • View all orders based on the Access Group
  • Review new orders
  • Approve or deny technical, financial, or legal action for an order
  • View all tacks in the Access Group
  • View and take action on their own alerts
  • Create support tickets and incidents
  • View all the users on the Access Group
  • Access online help
Catalog Admin
Responsible for managing catalog items.
  • Add, edit, and delete providers
  • Add, edit, and delete catalogs
  • Add, edit, and delete service categories
  • Discover and import catalogs
  • Review and update imported catalogs
  • Preview draft catalogs
  • Configure and review estimated order cost
  • Publish/unpublish draft status catalogs
  • Add, edit, and delete catalog visibility policies
  • Add, edit, and delete pricing rules
Team Setup Admin
Manage the users and roles within their organizations' Access Groups.
  • Access the management console
  • View and add Access Groups
  • Edit Access Group information
  • Assign users to the Access Group
  • Assign roles to the Access Group
  • View users in each Access Group
  • View roles for each Access Group
  • Perform operations on user groups and services
  • View and take action on alerts
  • Open support tickets
  • Access online help
  • Manage provider accounts
Budget Admin
Manage budgets
  • View, edit, and add budgets through the Budget tab
  • View related budgetary units
Catalog Policy Admin
Manage catalog policies
  • Manage catalog personalization policies
  • View, add, and delete approval policies and switch policies on and off
System Admin
Configure the system initially before it is used
  • Perform bootstrapping
  • View and edit the configuration settings for the product
  • Manage certificates
  • Manage user access
  • Manage provider accounts
  • Manage currency conversion
Platform Operator
This role can create support incidents
  • Have access to:
    • Audit logs
    • Server logs
    • Access logs
    • Error logs
    • Agent logs
Order Integrator
This role can update stack names through an API at any point between order placement and approval
Team Managers and IT Ops Manager
This role is a business user who manages Access Groups.
  • View, edit, and delete Access Group stacks
  • Power on, power off, and reboot Access Group stack components
  • View all Access Group orders
  • Edit, cancel, and reorder all Access Group orders
  • Reassign stacks and order ownership to different Access Group users
  • Raise support tickets for incidents
  • Access help
  • View and act on alerts
  • View all the Access Group users
  • Set up IT change management policies
  • View audit logs
  • Import stacks by using the Import Stack API
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