Cloud Services

Enterprise Marketplace

Pricing management
Published On Oct 01, 2024 - 11:22 AM

Pricing management

Use pricing policies to discount or surcharge any order or cost.
Pricing policies enable discounts and surcharges based on specific business entities and conditions.
With Pricing management, you can view and manage your pricing policies. Pricing management provides a Pricing Policies tab, which displays a table with all your pricing policies, and for each policy listed, the following items are shown:
  • Ranking:
    The order in which the Pricing Policy gets applied or executed.
  • Name:
    The name of the Pricing Policy.
  • Status:
    The status of the Pricing Policy, whether Active or Inactive.
  • Created on:
    The date and time when the Pricing Policy was created.
  • Start Date:
    The date and time when the Pricing Policy starts or can start to be applied.
  • End Date:
    The date and time when the Pricing Policy ends.
  • Last Updated On:
    The latest date and time when the Pricing Policy was updated.
It could be that there is no end date, so the policy does not expire in such cases. To set a policy to not expire, you click the
Does not expire
check box.
The Pricing Policies table view supports a sort feature for all columns that enables you to toggle between ascending and descending order. It also provides a check box to the left of it, which selects all pricing policies at once.
You select all policies at once so you can export them into a zip file.
The Pricing Policies table view allows you to select the amount of pricing policies you want to view at a time, then you can select to view 10, 20 or 30 items per page. You can also click the arrows at the bottom of the table to display more pages if there were more than one.
To view additional details for each pricing policy, click the
menu. This displays three options:
, and
By clicking
, you are taken to the screen where all the information can be edited regarding policy’s basic information, the associated access tags, pricing conditions, tags (optional), connections (optional), and rules.
By clicking
, the pricing policy is activated or inactivated. By clicking
, you delete the pricing policy by clicking the
Delete pricing policy
The Pricing Policies table view presents the following four items above it:
  • Search icon:
    Click this to enter the name of the policy you want to search for.
  • Filter icon:
    Click this to filter policies shown in the table, by status either Active or Inactive. The default value here is
  • Export and Download buttons:
    The Export option allows you to export the policies in zip file format, which contain JSON files. To do this, in the Import policies screen, you must upload the files you want to import and then click
    Import policies
    . To undo your changes, click
    . Then you get a message saying policies were exported successfully. The download button allows you to download/export the pricing policy.
  • Add a Policy button:
    This option allows you to create a new policy. The details presented here, are described in the following section.

Adding a policy

To create a pricing policy, click
Add a Policy
under the Pricing Policies title. When you click
Add a Policy
, a new window displays, showing the following fields for you to enter the basic information for the new policy you are creating:
  • Name:
    The name of the policy. A name is required. There is no limit on the number of characters you can enter. Alphanumeric and special characters are allowed.
  • Default Currency:
    The default corporate currency that the tenant has. For more information, see Corporate currency configuration.
  • Start Date:
    The date when the policy starts. You can enter a date manually, in the MM/DD/YYYY format, or click the calendar icon to select a date.
  • End Date:
    The end date when the policy ends. You can enter a date manually, in the MM/DD/YYYY format, or click the calendar icon to select a date.
  • Policy Does not expire checkbox:
    This is an option in case you do not want the policy to expire.
  • Start Time:
    The start time for the policy, it can be in UTC or local time. UTC being Coordinated Universal Time and local time of where the tenant is located.
  • End Time:
    The end time for the policy. The end time will be in the selected time zone.
The process of adding a new pricing policy includes selecting the options explained as follows and adding tags or rules.

Associate access tags

You use the associate access tags option to define who can view the policies. You have two drop down menus to select options from:
  • Access tag name: Choose access tag name from the drop-down menu.
  • Access tag value: Choose access tag value from the drop-down menu.
Access tag name:
The Access tag name drop-down allows you to select the access tag name from the list.
Access tag value:
The Access tag value drop-down allows you to select the access tag value from the list.
Once you have made your selections from the drop-down menus, click
at the bottom of the page.
You then get a notification saying that the pricing policy has been successfully added.

Pricing conditions

Pricing conditions define if a pricing policy is applied to an order or cost. Conditions allow the application of a discount or surcharge to an order or cost depending on the provider, tag, or connection.
In the Pricing Conditions section, you select the access tag name for a cloud provider from a drop-down menu. This is the provider that you want to associate to the policy. You can select multiple providers at a time. The available cloud providers are those configured in Foundation accounts. For information on configuring a cloud provider, see Introduction to provider management.
You can also add tags to your pricing policy, though it is an optional feature.

Adding tags

You can use tags as an optional condition that must be met for the application of the pricing policy.
You can add tags to your pricing policies by clicking the
Add a Tag
button. In the window that displays, you enter the following information:
  • Tag name
    The name of the tag, it allows alpha-numeric and special characters. It is a case sensitive field. A tag name is also known as the tag key. You can enter Category or asset Type in the tag name field with a corresponding asset type or category in the value field.
  • Tag values:
    The tag values are those which are associated to the tag name. It allows alpha-numeric and special characters. Tag values are optional.
Once you have made your changes, click
Add tag
, or to delete the changes and start over, click
You can view all your tags in the tags table view, which lists the following items for each tag:
  • Tag Name:
    The name of the tag.
  • Tag Values:
    The keyvalue pair which can be used for processing at the application end.
  • Actions:
    To edit or delete an operation on a tag from a specific pricing policy.
If you click the Actions menu icon on any of the tags, two options become available to you:
To edit a tag, make any edits to the tag name and tag value, and then click
Update tag
. To clear your selections and start over, click
To delete a tag, click
and then select
Delete tag
from the pop up screen message.

Adding connections

You can select connection(s) to associate with your policy (optional).
To add a connection, click the
Add a connection(s)
button to the right side of the screen. In the new window that appears, select any connection(s) you want to add from the list, by clicking the check box next to them, and then click
Add connection(s).
Or, to clear your selections and start over, click
You can also search the connection(s) you want to add, by clicking the
icon. In the connections list, you can select how many items to view, by clicking the Items per page option at the bottom of the list.
The connections you add, are presented in a table with the
name and the
it corresponds to.
Once you have added connection(s) to the configuration, click

Pricing rules

A pricing rule is a configuration that needs to be applied to an order or cost which specifies if the order or cost needs to get a discount or surcharge.
A policy can have a maximum of three adjustment types, a one-time charge, a recurring charge, and a usage charge rule.
To add a pricing rule, click the
Add a Rule
button, located to the right of the screen. A new window displays that allows you to configure the new pricing rule, by completing the following fields:
  • Name:
    The name of the pricing rule, it allows alphanumeric and special characters. It is a case sensitive field. A name is required.
  • Rule Type:
    Select between Discount or Upcharge. Rule Type is required.
  • Adjustment Type:
    Select one of three options from the drop-down menu: One Time Charge, Usage Charge, Recurring Charge. Adjustment Type is required.
  • Amount Type:
    Select between Percentage or Fixed Amount. Amount Type is required.
  • Value:
    The parameter which is specific to the actual amount to be discounted or surcharged. Enter only the amount value, as the Percentage or Fixed Amount option has already been selected in the previous field. Value is required.
When you have entered the rule information,
click Add rule.
To clear your selections and start over, click
field is also provided, for you to search rules from the list.
When you have made your selection(s), click
to apply your changes or
to close the rule definition and discard your changes. To go to the previous page, click
You can view all your pricing rules in a table view, which lists the following items for each rule:
  • Name:
    The name of the rule.
  • Rule Type:
    Discount or Surcharge.
  • Adjustment Type:
    One Time Charge, Usage Charge, Recurring Charge.
  • Amount:
    Amount which can be either a fixed amount or a percentage.
If you want to
your rules, you can do so by clicking the
Actions menu vertical
When editing a rule, you must make any changes you want, and then click
Update rule
. To clear your selections and start over, click
When deleting a rule, you must click the Delete rule button. To clear your selections and start over, click
The last step in the Pricing Policy configuration process, is that, once you have made your selection(s) for the Pricing Policy configuration, at the top of the page click
to apply your changes or
to close the policy definition page and discard your changes.

Managing pricing in Enterprise Marketplace and Cost & Asset Management

Pricing policies allow you to adjust prices based on pricing rules, so you can for example create a one-time charge that occurs when usage reaches 100%. These pricing policies can be set by provider and can be specific to business units, regions, or any other logical division that you create in the Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications system. The system is fully customizable to support your needs.

Managing pricing policies

To manage pricing policies, navigate to the
Pricing Management
page. Click the
Pricing Policies
tab to display a list of your pricing policies.
The ranking of the policies is important. Each pricing policy is checked in order, and the first one that matches the circumstances is applied. You can change this order by clicking on the Ranking column and selecting the new ranking from the drop-down menu. The policies are automatically promoted or demoted as applicable around the changed policy. You will receive a warning message that changing the ranking will affect the pricing policies of future orders. Click
to confirm.
You can sort by columns by clicking the top of the column. Click the same column again to sort in the opposite order.
You can also choose to filter based on status by clicking the
icon and selecting

Creating pricing policies

Complete the following steps to create a pricing policy:
  1. On the
    Pricing Policies
    tab, click
    Add a Policy
  2. Enter the following information for the new policy:
    • Name:
      Enter a unique name for your policy.
    • Status:
      Select either
    • Start Date:
      Enter the date on which the policy will become active.
    • End Date:
      (optional) Enter the date on which the policy will automatically become inactive.
  3. In the Associate with a Business Entity section, you can limit your policy to a single entity in
    mode, or multiple entities in
    mode. These entities must have already been set up in your system. To do so, complete these steps for each entity:
    1. Select the type of entity in the
      Business Entity
      drop-down menu.
    2. Select the specific entity in the other drop-down menu. This menu is populated with the entities of the type you selected.
  4. In the
    Pricing Conditions
    section, complete these steps:
    1. Select the provider or providers that the pricing policy will apply to from the
      drop-down menu.
    2. In the
      field, you can optionally enter any tags that you want to categorize the policy for search purposes.
      If you add multiple tags, the policy will be applied only if it matches all of the tags.
    3. In the
      Billing Accounts & Asset Account Credentials
      section, you can optionally add any billing accounts or asset accounts that you want to associate with your pricing policy. To do so, click
      Add a Billing and/or Asset Account
      . Select the billing account and asset account credentials that you want to associate to your pricing policy from the list and click
      . The ones that you chose will be listed in the section. If you added one by mistake, click the
      icon for that item. These accounts and credentials must have already been created in the system.
  5. In the
    section, add the rules that will be enforced when the pricing policy is applied. To do so, complete the following steps for each rule that you want to add:
    You can have up to three rules associated with a single pricing policy. There can be one each of the various
    Adjustment Types
    1. Click
      Add a Rule
    2. Enter the following information for the new rule:
      • Name:
        Provide a unique name for your rule.
      • Rule Type:
        Select whether the rule is a
        or an
      • Adjustment Type:
        Select from the following options:
        • One-time charge:
          The charge is only applied once.
        • Recurring charge:
          The charge occurs at a regular interval.
        • Usage charge:
          The charge occurs after a certain amount of usage occurs.
      • Amount Type:
        Select from
        (a percentage of the total budget) or
        Fixed Amount
        (a specific amount) at which the rule is triggered. You will need to enter the
        Value (%)
        for a percentage, and the
        Amount (currency)
        for fixed amount.
    3. Click
      . The rule that you added will be listed in the
      section. You can click
      the rule by clicking the appropriate icon.

Viewing pricing policies

On the
Pricing Management
page, you can view the details for the specific pricing policy by clicking the
menu for that policy and selecting
View Details
page for the pricing policy is displayed.

Deleting pricing policies

You can delete a policy from the
Pricing Management
page by clicking the
menu for the policy and selecting
. You can also delete a policy by clicking
in the details page for that policy.
An active policy cannot be deleted. If you attempt to do so, you will receive an error message. Make the policy inactive by opening the policy and changing its
, and then delete it.

Importing and exporting pricing policies

You can export your pricing policies for reuse in anther system. These policies can then be imported, overwriting the existing policies in your system. The policies are exported in the format of a compressed file, and only that format can be subsequently imported.
To export pricing policies, complete the following steps:
  1. Click the
    menu and select
  2. Provide a name for your file in the
    Export As
    field, and optionally add
    to help you search for it.
  3. Navigate to where you wish to save the file.
  4. Select the
    that you want the file to be saved in.
  5. Click
To import Pricing Policies, complete the following steps:
  1. Click the
    menu and select
  2. In the
    Import Pricing Policy
    window, drag and drop or upload your pricing policies compressed file into the field and then click
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