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Proxy adapter setup for on-premises ITSM
Published On Sep 20, 2024 - 12:44 PM

Proxy adapter setup for on-premises ITSM

Setting up a proxy adapter to facilitate the communication between Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications and an on-premises ITSM system.
This page covers the setup of the proxy adapter in an on-premises environment to connect Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications and an on-premises ITSM system. For more information about onboarding ITSM systems, see Standard ITSM integration.


Before you can set up the proxy adapter, your system must meet these prerequisites:
  • The Proxy Adapter host should be in same private network where the ITSM system is hosted.
  • Hardware requirements:
    • CPU – 2 vCPU
    • Memory – 4 GB
    • Disk – 100 GB
  • Gather the following information for your Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications configuration:
    • API keys for your user in Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications
    • Ensure that your user has the Tenant Admin role
    • Tenant information for Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications (tenant id, broker id)
  • A Docker registry login
  • Docker engine, Docker-Compose, and Curl must be preinstalled on the proxy adapter servers
  • root and SSH (passwordless) access to the proxy adapter servers

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Set up the proxy adapter

To set up the proxy adapter, complete the following steps.
The provider code of the ITSM should be used while configuring the proxy adapter.
  1. Generate the token by executing the
    ./ {token_name} {token}
    command, providing
    as parameters. This command changes the following value in the
    # tenant host URL host="" # Broker value Ex. mcmp:consume:service for Consume, mcmp:core:service for Core, or mcmp:actions:service for Actions broker="mcmp:consume:service"
  2. Execute the
    command to create a
    tar bundle that contains all the Docker images. Production ready manifests can be found in the pipeline repository. Use only the latest manifests.
  3. Update the following values in the
    • proxy_adapter_setup_type:
      Select the setup type, which can be
    • provider_code:
      Set the valid provider code such as
      , and so on.
    • proxy_id:
      UUID used to reference the proxy adapter.
    • host:
      Tenant-specific host such as
    • application:
      Broker value such as
      for Consume,
      for Core, or
      for Actions. This value should match the broker ID used in step one.
    • protocol:
      The provider code.
    • ws_token_name:
      The token name, which should match the name used in step 1.
    • ws_token:
      The token value.
    • cleanup_proxies:
      Determines whether the system deletes registered proxies. Can be
    • unused_proxies:
      Provide your proxy IDs in a comma-separated list, such as
    • vm_server_ip
      The VM server details where the proxy adapter will be installed.
    • proxy_image_name
      Advanced configuration, such as
      . Make sure to give proper version for image (e.g. release-2018.08.01) as per artifactory.
    • tenant_api_end_point:
      The host API URL.
    • wsmeshconnector_base_url:
      The URL for the mesh connector, which varies depending on the environment (consume or mcas). Example for vRA
      and for MCAS
    • externalvaultenabled:
      Whether the system will use an external vault or not. Can be
    • cache_urls:
      Resource path patterns whose response can be cached in a comma-separated list.
    • swarm_mode_enabled:
      Whether to use swarm configuration. Can be
  4. Run the
After you have set up the proxy adapter, run the following checks:
  1. Check the docker ps:
    $ docker ps | grep proxy-adapter 10acfaf1f117 "node app.js" 21 seconds ago Up 20 seconds mcmp-generic-proxy-adapter-tower-3333
  2. Check the docker container logs:
    $ docker logs 10acfaf1f117 Wed Jan 20 2021 11:34:14 AM GMT+0000 - NA - <INFO> (app.js:Object.<anonymous>:48) Proxy adapter running in web socket mode Wed Jan 20 2021 11:34:14 AM GMT+0000 - NA - <INFO> (connectionHelper.js:Object.validateEnvironmentVariables:18) Validating the environment variable set Wed Jan 20 2021 11:34:14 AM GMT+0000 - NA - <DEBUG> (connectionHelper.js:Object.getWSConnectionParams:44) Fetching ws connection params Wed Jan 20 2021 11:34:14 AM GMT+0000 - NA - <DEBUG> (connection.js::52) Connecting to the WSMesh {"wsTokenName":"actionstoken","application":"actions","proxyId":"tower","host":"","token":"********","protocol":"tower","wspath":"wss://"} Wed Jan 20 2021 11:34:14 AM GMT+0000 - NA - <INFO> (connection.js:WebSocketClient.<anonymous>:57) WSMesh connection established Wed Jan 20 2021 11:34:14 AM GMT+0000 - NA - <INFO> (connectionHelper.js:Object.registerProxyAdapter:80) Registering proxy adapter with WSMesh Wed Jan 20 2021 11:34:14 AM GMT+0000 - NA - <DEBUG> (connectionHelper.js:getWSRegisterMsg:59) Fetching ws registration message Wed Jan 20 2021 11:34:14 AM GMT+0000 - NA - <DEBUG> (app.js:initWSApp:56) Connection response {"error":false,"message":"WSMesh connection established"} Wed Jan 20 2021 11:34:14 AM GMT+0000 - NA - <INFO> (app.js:Server.<anonymous>:59) Server started listening on port 3333 at Wed Jan 20 2021 11:34:14 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) Wed Jan 20 2021 11:34:44 AM GMT+0000 - NA - <DEBUG> (connection.js:Timeout.connHeartbeat [as _onTimeout]:19) Inside connection heartbeat Wed Jan 20 2021 11:34:44 AM GMT+0000 - NA - <INFO> (connection.js:Timeout.connHeartbeat [as _onTimeout]:21) Connection is alive


The following are solutions for commonly encountered problems:
  • If the Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications calls are not able to reach the proxy adapter, ensure that allowedip (if mutual auth is enabled) contains the Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications IP address either as a static IP or as a subnet mask.
  • If the container stops, restart it to reestablish the web socket connection using the
    docker restart {container_id}
    command. The ID can be obtained using the
    docker ps
  • If the Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications calls are not able to reach the proxy adapter, check for errors in the
  • If you encounter any issues with the proxy adapter, capture the logs of the corresponding containers using the
    docker logs {container_id}
    command. The ID can be obtained using the
    docker ps
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