Cloud Services

Cost & Asset Management

Data management
Published On Aug 26, 2024 - 1:26 PM

Data management

Review recently ingested data and adjust the data in accordance your business requirements.
The data management tool of
Cost & Asset Management (CAM)
allows you to see job details and delete the data of a provider or billing account on a specific period and manage the lists of deleted jobs and view their status.
With the tools, you can identify cost events for private cloud and data center resources including spikes, trends and pricing policies expirations and take the response that fits you best, with no manual intervention.
To learn more about navigating to the different services from each tenant, refer to Landing page navigation or Kyndryl Bridge Landing page navigation.
Then, go to the
drop-down menu and click
. Then, click
Data Management
and the page responds by displaying the Data Management tool.
The tool includes the following features:
  1. Data for Deletion tab.
    • Period filter.
    • Provider filter.
    • Billing account filter.
    • Data table that includes: Billing Account ID, Billing Account Name, Provider, Period, Last Update date and Asset Accounts.
  2. Data Deletion Status tab.
    • Data Marked for Deletion table that includes: Request Description, Data of Deletion Request, Deletion Status and Action.

Filtering the data

To get an optimized view of the data, the tool allows you to filter the data by Period, Provider or Billing Account.
  • To filter by period, click the
    drop-down menu located at the top of the data table and select the periods to be filter by. The tool will respond by displaying the data of that specific period.
  • To filter by provider or providers, click the
    drop-down menu located at the top of the data table and select the provider or providers to be filter by. The tool will respond by displaying the data of the accounts related to that specific provider or providers.
  • To filter by billing account or billing accounts, click the
    billing account
    drop-down menu located at the top of the data table and select the billing account to be filter by. The tool will respond by displaying the data of that specific billing account.
You can also use multiple filters at once, by selecting a period, a provider and a specific billing account to display.

Deleting the data

Once on the
Data Management
tool, you can mark the data desired for Deletion. To do so, follow the steps below:
  1. Click on the check box next to the billing account ID that you wish to erase and mark it as checked. You can also mark all the data on the page you are visualizing by clicking the check box next to Billing Account ID header and select all the data that responds to the filtering criteria by clicking the
    select all
    button, located on the right side of the data table.
  2. After the data have been selected, click the
    button, located on the right side of the data table. You can also cancel the operation by clicking the
  3. A new window will appear with the details of the data selected for deletion. The tool will ask you to add a description for the deletion request. Add the description to the text box that appears on the window.
  4. Click

Checking the deletion status

Once the data has been deleted, the tool will display a number next to the
Data Deletion Status
tab, that refers to the amount of billing accounts deleted. This tab allow you to have a deeper look on the status of each of the deletion requests made.
By clicking
Data Deletion Status
tab, you can see the data marked for deletion on the previous operation and the status or the operation.
The tab shows a table that includes:
  • The Deletion Request Description
  • Date of Deletion request
  • Deletion status, classified by:
    • Pending Deletion.
    • Failed.
    • Canceled
    • Partially completed.
    • In Progress.
    • Action
You can find the more details on the status of each request by clicking the arrow icon next to the request description name.
You can also view more details on the job by clicking the three dot ellipsis on the right side of the table. After clicking, a new window will appear with details of each job ID included on the data deleted.

Cancelling the deletion

After making a deletion request, you can still cancel de deletion of the data if the deletion status is still Pending. To do so, follow the steps below:
  1. Go to the
    Data Deletion Status
    tab and find the deletion request you wish to erase.
  2. After locating the request and making sure the deletion status is still 'Pending Deletion' go to the Action column and click
    Cancel deletion
  3. A new window will appear asking you to confirm the cancellation. Click
    to proceed por
    to go back to the
    Data Deletion Status
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