Cloud Services

Cost & Asset Management

Supported service providers
Published On Oct 18, 2024 - 1:26 PM

Supported service providers

Connect to your cloud provider account and track your service costs.
Cost & Asset Management (CAM)
, you can connect to your cloud accounts and track the services' costs, including recurring and usage-based costs.
CAM supports obtaining cost data for the following service providers:
  • Microsoft™ Azure.
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS).
  • IBM Cloud.
  • Alibaba Cloud.
CAM supports asset utilization details for the following:
The details are available only if the provider makes the data available. To set up utilization scores and metrics, go to: Supported API, once this is set up, the data will be reflected on the Asset Heatmap.
Microsoft Azure
Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
IBM Cloud
Alibaba Cloud
  • Azure RI Virtual Machines
  • Azure RI SQL Database
  • Virtual machine (VMs).
  • OS disk.
  • SQL Database.
       Azure China and Azure Germany are not supported. At this time, the heat map displays utilization only for virtual machines.
  • GCP Cloud SQL Instance
  • GCP Compute Disk
  • GCP Compute Engine Instance.
  • Persistent Disk.
  • Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS)
  • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).
  • Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS).
  • Amazon Reserved Instances (EC2RI).
  • Amazon Reserved DB Instance (RDSRI)
  • IBM Cloud Object Storage
    Classic Infrastructure Cloud Object Storage is not supported in CAM.
  • IBM Cloud Event Streams
  • IBM Cloud Database for PostgreSQL
  • IBM Cloud Virtual Server for VPC
  • IBM Cloud Databases for Elasticsearch
  • IBM cloud Guest Core
  • IBM Kubernetes Service (IKS)
  • VPC Gen 1 Loadbalancer
  • IBM Databases for MongoDB
  • Cloud Bare Metal servers
  • Compute Engine.
  • Persistent Disk.
  • Cloud DNS.
  • Elastic Compute Service
For custom provider deployments, you must Register a custom provider and then upload the generic provider data (GPD) file. Custom providers are supported through the File Upload feature in GPD format only. If you do not have access to a properly formatted GPD file, you can create a GPD file. You can also upload raw data to create GPD files with specific data; for more information, go to: Using transformation template.
For provider account onboarding, go to: Provider account onboarding
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