Cloud Services

Cost & Asset Management

Cost by segment chart
Published On Aug 26, 2024 - 1:21 PM

Cost by segment chart

Get an at-a-glance summary of costs filtered by segment criteria to determine to enable quick cost optimization.
The cost by segment section is part of the dashboard used to analyze specific data, you can add additional segment charts by clicking on the Add Chart button or remove a segment chart displayed by clicking the
located on the right side of each of them.
Users can select from a variety of segment criteria on the segment charts to compare information including the following default segments:
  • Cost by Service Provider – Costs are summarized for each service provider.
  • Cost by Billing Account Name – Costs are summarized for each billing account.
  • Cost by Asset Account Name – Cost are summarized for each asset account.
  • Cost by Category – Costs are summarized by each category.
  • Cost by Asset Type – Costs are summarized by each asset type.
  • Cost by Budget Unit Name – Costs are summarized by each budgetary unit.
Clicking  the line item in a segment chart drills down into the associated costs. The trend line and line item detail costs will be filtered based on the segment selected.

Configuring Additional Segments

Additional segments can be configured by provider tag key or Dynamic Tag. To configure additional segments, click the configuration wheel located next to the “Segment charts” section title. A configuration dialog will be displayed.
One or more provider tag keys or Dynamic Tags can be added as segments. Click the down arrow to the right of the text box to display a list of tags. Optionally, text can be entered to search for a specific tag. Any combination of provider tag and Dynamic Tags can be configured. If you want to change the name of the segment, click the pencil icon next to the name. Once the desired name is entered, click the save icon. Once the desired segments are selected, click
. Click
to exit without saving your changes, click
Once configured, you can click on the segment selector in any segment chart to view a summary of costs by the tag. For provider tags, costs are summarized by the tag values for the tag key. For Dynamic Tags, costs are summarized by the Dynamic Resource Group associated with the Dynamic Tag.
Segments can be updated or removed by clicking on the configuration wheel located next to the “Segment charts” section title.
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