Cloud Services

Cost & Asset Management

Provider tags
Published On Aug 26, 2024 - 1:32 PM

Provider tags

Analyze and monitor percentages of tagged assets and specific tag details.
The Provider Tags page is an interactive analytical tool where you can analyze the statistics of your tags, compare tags key count against provider, billing, asset accounts, categories, and asset types, and get a count of tagged and untagged assets.
The whole taggable page is only available based on the service provider's taggable asset types, which are only supported for the Public cloud providers (AWS, Azure, IBM cloud, and GCP). Not all asset types ingested from the cloud providers are taggable.
Key features of the Provider Tags page:
  • View the percentage of tagged assets.
  • Compare tag key counts.
  • Configure a specific analytic view and save it.
  • View detailed information about an asset.

Provider tags page components

Understanding the features and widgets contributing to understanding the data quickly and clearly is important.  To learn more about navigating to the different services from each tenant, refer to Landing page navigation or Kyndryl Bridge Landing page navigation.
At the beginning of the page, you find:
  • View ingestion status
    : You can view the ingestion status related to specific provider cost data. When clicking this option, you can view a list of providers and ingestion status, you can click
    View All
    Navigate to the job page to see full details on job status. To learn more about jobs, go to Managing jobs.
The Provider tags page offers three sections where you can analyze tags:
  • View the percentage of tagged assets.
  • View tag key count by segment.
  • View tag keys and tag values.
  • View tag details.

Define your dashboard view

You can configure the dashboard view for each section. On the tool bar of the dashboard view, you can select the specific data to analyze, and use saved views, data sets and filters to specify the costs you want to view.
  • Saved views:
    A saved view is a persisted filter that can be found on each dashboard. The
    All Tags
    view is the default view of the dashboard.  For more information about saved views, go to Saved views.
  • Data set
    : Users can also view tags based on a predefined data set. A data set is defined by the administrator and can be defined by dynamic tags or Dynamic Resource Groups. For more information about Dynamic Resource Groups and dynamic tags see Dynamic resource groups
  • Filters:
    Use filters to analyze specific tags. Each selection defines the data available for analysis. As a filter selection is made, the data available in subsequent filter items is limited. For example, selecting a specific provider in the filter limits accounts to just those for the selected provider.  The filters available are:
    • Provider
      : Select the provider to be view.
    • Billing account:
      Select one or more billing accounts for analysis. Selecting one or more providers limits the available billing accounts for those associated with the selected providers.
    • Asset account:
      Select one or more asset accounts for analysis. Selecting one or more providers or one or more billing accounts limits the available asset accounts to those associated with the selections.
    • Category:
      Select one or more categories for analysis. Selecting one or more providers, one or more billing accounts, one or more asset accounts limits the available categories to those associated with the selections.
    • Asset type:
      select one or more asset types for analysis. select one or more providers, one or more billing accounts, one or more asset accounts, one or more categories will limit the available asset types to those associated with the selections. Asset types are defined by the cloud provider.
    • Provider tag:
      You can search and select cloud provider tags. When adding characters to the text box, data related to all cost items and tag values that match the tag key, are shown. When searching for more than one tag key, you can use the logical operators as required. Two or more tag keys can be searched at the same time by using the
      operator. You can also look for different tags by using the
Once a saved view, data set or filter is selected, on the dashboard view, next to the filters tab, all selected criteria are shown on the dashboard in distinct colors. You can click the criteria to edit it or remove it.

Configuring dashboard sections

The dashboard has a feature to move sections up or down or collapse the section entirely to organize and display the most important content. Configurable sections include arrows and a dash to control movement or to collapse the section.
  • To move a section up, click the
    Up Arrow
    located at the right side of the configurable section. 
  • To move a section down, click the
    Down Arrow
    located on the right side of the configurable section.
  • To collapse the section, click the
    located on the right side of the configurable section. Once a section has collapsed, the dash icon changes to a plus. To expand the section, click the plus icon.
The configuration will be persisted and displayed until changed. The configuration can be changed at any time.

Compare costs

To compare cost counts, the cost dashboard contains the Compare Costs feature which gives you the possibility to have a deeper look on your costs’ details.
  1. Select Compare Costs option located at the top right side of the graph, you can select a maximum of 50 options for one segment at a time.
  2. Click the drop-down menu and select the cost data you want to view or search for it on the search bar. The available options are the default segments. Additional segments can be configured for provider tags or Dynamic Tags. See Configuring Segment Charts for more information. Once the desired segments are selected, click Apply.
  3. The Cost Trend and Total Costs Table shows the cost data based on the segments previously selected to view and analyze on the graph.
The compare cost will not impact the total cost on summary and segment chart, the compare cost table shows the single trendline that the dashboard provides.

Segment Charts

The segment chart provides a deeper analysis on the tag key count by comparing it against:
  • Service Provider
  • Billing Account Name
  • Category
  • Asset Type
  • Tag Status
You can add charts to compare more tag key counts and click the specific result that you want to view on the different charts compared to the criteria selected.

Tag keys and tag values

Tag keys and tag values headmap displays the utilization of the different assets, so that you can view specific information of how your tagged assets are performing.
Tag keys
  • The big chart
    : Means that the tag key contains a high number of assets related to a specific tag key.
  • The smaller chart
    : Means that the tag key contains a lower number of assets related to a specific tag key.
Tag values
  • The bigger the chart
    : Means that the tag key contains a high number of tag value count related to a specific tag key.
  • The smaller chart
    : Means that the tag key contains a lower number of tag value count related to a specific tag key.
You can analyze the tag keys and values by going to the Tag line items table which provides more details.

Tag line items table

The tag line items table provides more details of your tag keys; this table can be configured to reflect specific information. By default, you will see the following criteria:
  • Tag key
  • Tag provider
  • Unique tag value

Define your table view

  1. You can select the view of the table according to your needs by clicking the
    icon, on the right side of the table.
  2. A small window opens where you can select the columns to be displayed, you can also rearrange the order of the columns by dragging up or down the name of the column from the list.
  3. Click
    Select All
    to include all the columns or use the check box to select the ones that you want to include.
  4. Once you select the criteria, you can click
    at the bottom of the pop-up window, and the table automatically updates.
At the end of the table, you can select the number of items that you want the table to displayed by clicking the drop-down chevron icon, you can select to have 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, or 100 items per page.
You can also navigate to the next or previous pages if the total items per page do not show the total items in one page, by clicking the Left or Right arrows next to the items per page option.

Viewing tag line items information

Follow the steps to view specific information about your tag line items:
  1. Click any row where the tag is listed to view further information.
  2. A window displays with the name of the provider and tag value information.
  3. Click the row and the tag value information is displayed listing information about the asset id, provider, billing account, and asset account. You can click the row to analyze the associated asset. For more information about analyzing assets, go to viewing asset details.

Generate data file report

You can download the data available in your dashboard page in a CSV, XLSX, or JSON format. This report is based on the configuration and filters applied on the dashboard and tables.
Follow steps to create your data report:
  1. At the beginning of the page, click the
    option available.
  2. A new window displays to generate the file report. You can select the invoice line item and details report to be generated with:
    • Selected columns: The ones you selected when configuring your view.
    • All columns: Include all the columns available on the table.
  3. Once you select the data you want to download, generate the file by filling out the following:
    • Kind
      : Insights by default.
    • File Name Prefix:
      Enter the name that you want to give to the file.
    • UTC Time
      : By default, the time and date that you generate the report is added.
    • Sequence Number/Suffix
      : By default, it is 40 but you can enter your own digits.
    • Format
      : Select between XLSX, CSV, or JSON.
    • Your File Name
      : This reflects the complete file name based on the criteria previously selected.
  4. Once all the options have been selected, click
    Generating the file can take a few minutes, once the file is generated you receive a notification on your notification center.
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