Cloud Services

Cost & Asset Management

Known issues
Published On Aug 29, 2024 - 1:08 AM

Known issues

This page provides the known issues and behavioral caveats in CAM.


The purpose of this topic is to document known issues and behavioral caveats:
  • Known Issues:
    Conditions under which the console does not exhibit the expected behavior.
  • Behavioral Caveats:
    Intended behaviors that, for reasons beyond the control of the console technology, the console can't complete.
Kyndryl works to resolve Known Issues as resources are available and according to priorities. This approach is different from the management of Behavioral Caveats, which are actively monitored to synchronize required changes with dependencies.

Known issues

General Issues

Provider Unit Cost is Blank for AliCloud Line Items:
The "Provider Unit Cost" is displayed as blank on the Cost Dashboard for AliCloud line items. This issue occurs because
is mapped to
in the AliCloud raw cost file, since AliCloud does not consistently populate the
field, it appears blank in CAM.
Asset details page Age Days is not displayed for few assets:
"Age Days" is not shown on the asset details page for some assets in the Cloud Native Tenant. Affected providers: AWS and GCP.
Excessive download times for reports in the dashboard
: Downloading Insight, Anomaly, Discount Plan dashboard and Cost & Asses dashboards reports takes more than 3 minutes, using the foundation tenant, even when the record count is less than 30.
Large files take longer times to upload onto S3
: Uploading a GPD file for S3 may take around 20 or more minutes to complete.
Error when uploading GPD files using preSignedURL
: The header you need to upload GPD files in Postman for Azure Cloud cluster/instance to process is x-ms-blob-type and the value is BlockBlob. Note: For AWS S3, the IBMCloud header is not required previously
Cost & Asset Management does not reflect monthly spend limit:
CAM uses an allocated budget, not a monthly spending budget. For configuration, refer to "Budget" in common services Admin.
Cost Discovered Asset might not display all details:
Cost-discovered assets from the estimated bill for IBM Cloud might not display all required asset attributes because the final invoice is the ultimate source of information for cost-discovered assets.
GPD file uploads maximum size:
GPD files larger than 250MB are not supported.
Metrics labels on the Cost vs. Utilization heatmap, Asset line items, and filters of the Asset dashboard are not shown in standard format:
The labels of some metrics obtained from the provider that are displayed on the Cost vs. Utilization heatmap, Asset line items, and filters of the Asset Dashboard are not shown in any standard format and vary from provider to provider. The data is displayed as obtained from the provider.
Pre-Prod Monitoring Tenant:
There is an approximate 15-minute lag from the time the currency is changed to the time it takes effect in the Costs & Assets Dashboard.
Report download progress is not displayed:
The report download progress is not currently displayed in the download status bar. When the user initiates the download, a popup stating "Starting download" is displayed, and then the downloaded file is displayed after the download is completed.
Swagger Documentation:
Private cloud GPD file upload is not supported for files larger than 8MB.
Swagger reports behavioral issues:
Saved Report executed from Swagger does not display graphs and mini charts on the Cost Dashboard.
Unable to Perform Search Using Special Characters:
The Costs and Asset Dashboard does not honor the following characters in searches: ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) *
providers may apply currency conversion to the total cost but not to the unit cost
: The impact is that if the provider reports the unit cost and total cost in different currencies, users cannot multiply the unit cost by the quantity to calculate the total cost.

Reserved Instances and Reserved Capacities issue

AWS RI and IBM RC details page not showing:
Both IBM Reserved Capacities and AWS Reserved Instances pages do not allow users to visit the detail page.
Cost mismatch for Azure Provider Reserved Instances:
When the Azure Reserved Instances refund is done before the renewal date, the refund record will be shown in the month when the refund happened (i.e. eventDate) instead of the actual month it was refunded, causing a cost mismatch for those two months.
IBM Cloud Reserved Capacity invoice does not have enough information to link the invoice to the actual asset:
The new invoice generated for the month when IBM Cloud Reserved Capacity was created does not have enough information to link the invoice to the actual asset. It is only available when the recurring bill is generated, one billing cycle/month after the creation date. Over time, data like cost over time, utilization over time for the IBM Cloud Reserved Capacity and its associated sub-component like Guest Core will be lost from the month it was created until the recurring invoice starts getting generated for this Reserved Capacity (typically 2 months).
IBM Cloud Reserved Instance (RI) dashboard shows no data:
The IBM Cloud Reserved Instance dashboard does not show data when the cost data is available for the previous month. Still, asset and utilization details are available for the current month only. There will be a one-month lag for the data to be displayed in the dashboard.
Risk representation on Saved Views is no longer available on the Insights Dashboard of CAM:
Saved Views already created with the old 'optimization' filter, including 'Risk', on the Insights dashboard will not work since Risk representation is no longer available.
Reserved instance cost on dashboards:
The reserved instance cost on the cost dashboard does not correctly reflect the actual provider cost incurred in the invoice for the period. The reserved instance cost for assets on other dashboards does not correctly reflect the actual amortized cost for assets for the period.
The AWS RI Dashboard count does not match the Asset Dashboard RI count:
The total number of RI (Reserved Instances) differs from the total number of RI Assets. Reserved Instances are instances only; RI Assets contain Reserved Instances and might contain more than one. The RI Dashboard displays the number of Reserved Instances, whereas the Asset Dashboard displays the total number of RIs in the context of the assets containing them.

Access policies and connections

The tenant-level feature flag CS Enable Foundation (cs_enable_foundation) must be enabled on Common Services, ECAM, and Insights while creating a new tenant (both on SP and CT) to use the foundation for access policies and connections.
Pricing policy is not supported on the new Azure Recommendation dashboard.
Users must have at least one Platform access policy (from IAM).
To view the audit logs, the user will need an Audit Viewer role from Core (User Access)
Tag management is not supported
Reserved instance cost on dashboards:
The reserved instance cost on the cost dashboard does not correctly reflect the actual provider cost incurred in the invoice for the period, and the reserved instance cost for assets on other dashboards does not correctly reflect the actual amortized cost for assets for the period.
While creating connections, the "Azure" option in the dropdown will not be supported for Azure. User must select any one flavor explicitly - Azure MSP, Azure Subscription, Azure CSP, or Azure EA
For this release, the test connection button is not supported for Azure. However, it is supported by other public providers.
Private GPD uploads from the UI are not supported. Object storage APIs must be used for GPD uploads.
For object storage providers, there is no need to register the provider. Users can start with GPD upload API

OCI Data

The test connection for validating the OCI account credentials are not available in the connection.

Insights dashboard issues

Insights data still shows after cleanup:
After running the CAM housekeeping APIs, the Insights dashboard still shows data. There are two Insights housekeeping APIs to use to clean up the Insights data.
Cost optimization amount and currency in recommendation text will not be converted.

Anomaly dashboard

Anomalies not generated for private cloud
: No anomalies are generated when creating/ingesting VRA GPD files.
Anomaly detection date is not generated for the current day
: When generating anomaly detection date, it is only generated for the previous date, not the current date.
  1. The issue is only for "Job alert anomaly." It does not apply to any other anomaly (either default or manually created). For example:
    • Scenario 1: If an ingestion job ran yesterday and it crossed the duration limit defined by job alert anomaly and the job alert anomaly job ran today, the anomaly will be logged on yesterday's date
    • Scenario 2: If an ingestion job ran today and crossed the duration limit defined by the job alert anomaly, and the job alert job ran today after the ingestion job, the anomaly will be logged with today's date.

Costs Dashboard issues

The total Cost does not match the downloaded report and summary cost on the cost dashboard:
The Data in the download report will mismatch when multiple cost allocation items exist for the tenant.
The projected cost is not displayed on the "Costs graph":
The forecast API used in the Costs graph of the Costs Dashboard is failing with negative cost values.
Confidence score of the Cost Dashboard might not be accurate if the score is low:
For the Cost Forecasting Model, when the model confidence score is less than 50 due to the algorithm's inefficiency in learning from the data provided, we cannot guarantee accurate results.
CAM cost dashboard billing account id is blank
: Users may see blank asset accounts in the billing account scope when filtering in the cost dashboard.
In CAM, assetAccountId gets mapped to 'subscriptionGuid' column of provider cost data. SubscriptionGuid can be blank in the following cases:
  • For the month when the reserved instance is provisioned.
  • For the month when any asset under the productivity suite (e.g., office360) is provisioned.
Since the above asset types are not tied to any subscription, 'subscriptionGuid' is blank; hence asset account is NULL.
Cost dashboard report generation is failing:
With the current design, users can have up to 5 cost allocation policies, which can be applied to download cost reports.
Azure MPA Data Ingestion Limitation:
When executing a 14-month ingestion on the CAM platform for Azure MPA accounts, only data no older than 13 months is fetched. This discrepancy is due to the limitations of the provider's API, which restricts data access to 13 months, whereas CAM displays 14 months. This issue specifically impacts new onboarded MPA accounts or new tenants in CAM.

Cost Allocation issues

Cost Allocation disablement not available:
Although the Cost Allocation feature allows you to delete an allocation, the disablement option is not available. To disable an allocation, you must delete it.
Cost allocations and Dynamic Resource Groups must have different names; otherwise, the app won't accept it:
Users cannot have a Dynamic Resource Group(DRG) and a Cost Allocation with the same name. The application will let the user know when there is a DRG or Cost Allocation with the exact same name if trying to create one or the other.
Cost/Business Entity drill down not available on mini charts:
Although Cost/allocationName segment is available con Segment Chart, currently, the user cannot drill down on the allocationName section in the mini-charts
Trend chart functionality not available:
For Cost Allocation, the trend chart functionality is not currently available

Currency and pricing policies issues

Budget currency is not updated in accordance with the corporate currency in MT environment:
After changing the corporate currency in a newly created BU, you cannot change the currency for that BU from the default currency.
Category field is missing for setting Pricing Policy:
The Add Policy feature does not provide a category field for the policy. However, if the category is added to Tags field, that policy is applied to the downloaded line items matching the selected category.
Changes to currency rate conversions will not apply to previous periods:
CAM can't apply changes in currency rate conversions or pricing rule conversions for the previous periods on the cost dashboard.
One-time pricing policy type is not shown or used in downloaded CAM cost reports:
The downloaded report does not show the one-time policy in
Pricing Rules Applied
Pricing Policy changes are not getting applied after ingestion:
When there is a pricing policy update applicable for the previous month's records, it is not being applied to the previous months since the ingestion is skipped for previous months when there is no change in data from the provider.
Pricing Policies with rules having
amount are not being ignored:
Only Pricing Policies with rules having a percentage amount should be processed, but the system is processing fixed price amounts.
Users cannot see the new field "ccCharge" after applying the pricing policy when context is set:
The pricing policy context association is not accounted for in cost calculation and visibility rules. Pricing policy will not work in CAM if the context is set for the pricing policy.
Currency Conversion only failed for IBMCloud provider for month 202206, Other provider's Currency conversion succeeded
Steps to add Currency Conversion Rule from the Developer console:
  1. Select Application as Common-services and service as common-priving-v2 use this POST Api:
    .To add Currency Conversion Rule.
  2. Trigger Remediation only for 202206 Month
  3. observe the behaviour.
    1. Actual Result
      : Currency conversion ran successfully for providers AWC, Azure and GCP, but failed for IBMCloud provider.
    2. The Error message is
      : Failed during enrichment Currency Conversion Rate Missing
    3. Expected Result
      : Currency conversion should run successfully for all providers, including IBMCloud

Dynamic resource group issues

Created Date details not available for existing Dynamic Resource Groups:
The Created date detail will be blank for existing Dynamic Resource Groups. The details of the Created Date are only available for new Dynamic Resource Groups.
Dynamic resource group character limit:
Creating a Dynamic Resource Group with more than 25 characters is not supported.
Dynamic resource groups and special characters:
Most special characters are not supported when creating Dynamic Resource Groups. Only - and _ are supported.
Dynamic resource groups and context rules:
Provider account context association is not accounted for in Dynamic Resource Group visibility rules. Also, while creating a Dynamic Resource Group, the context
is not available.
Dynamic resource groups and context rules:
Provider account and budgetary unit context association is not accounted for in Dynamic Resource Group visibility rules.
With certain roles and using APIs, a user can access the data of Dynamic Resource Groups associated with teams to which you are not a member:
This access to data occurs if there is a common subset of data with the Dynamic Resource Groups the user is associated with and the data for other teams' Dynamic Resource Groups. Using any report model API, such as GET /api/ecam/v1/reportModels/, with the Dynamic Resource Group of another user's context as the template parameter, the API returns only the data the user's role allows them to access.

Filter and tag issues

Cost Dashboard filter values are restored to the previous values selected:
When creating a report using cost type or line item attributes, all filter values are not restored to the default values. Instead, the filter values are restored to the previous values selected.
Dashboard filters will not function properly until initial ingestion is completed:
Filters will not function properly until an ingestion is completed, as they would work with performance issues. Once the ingestion is completed, filter objects will be fully functional and will perform better.
Overlapping Budget Dynamic Resource Groups:
It is possible to create overlapping budget Dynamic Resource Groups.
Provider tags with
logic are not supported:
You cannot build queries or expressions for provider tags with
logic for either Dynamic Resource Groups or reports.

Data ingestion issues

Data ingestion failure:
Data ingestion might fail due to Mongo DB failures. Terminate the data ingestion job using the API, POST /api/ecam/v1/enrichmentController/jobs/terminate, provided in Swagger Documentation, and rerun the data ingestion using the PATCH /core/jobmanagement/v1/jobdefinitions/job_definition/{job_definition_id}/icb_application/{icb_application} API.
Data ingestion message about asset_account_number on GCP Provider Account:
When filling in the fields on the
Asset Accounts
tab of the Account Management page for GCP Provider Account, you must place the asset account number information in the
Project Id
field. This information is required for ingestion.
Ingestion Status Prematurely Reported Complete:
The ingestion process might not be complete, though the status is reported as "Completed." Under some circumstances, additional time might be required to complete the task because of post-processing activities.
No Ingestion email notification when wrong master account is given:
In cases where the wrong master account is entered into the system, users are not notified that ingestion fails.
Possible impact and loss of data if ingestion did not happen for the entire month:
The ECAM Ingestion process is intended to run on a daily basis so it can fetch the latest updates from providers. If an ingestion for an account does not occur for an entire calendar month, there is a significant impact and loss of data that is not possible to recover, including but not limited to
operational status of an asset

Behavioral caveats

The intention is to display "Null" when a value is unavailable. In some cases the value might still be blank, given that the product is still evolving. We display "Not Available" or blank.
Operating System attribute in Asset dashboard is supported only for AWS compute resources, where the application get the details from the provider. It will not be available for other AWS resources (disks, networks, snapshots, etc.) with provider asset type as "Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.
If an ingestion is ran more than once during an hour on CAM dashboards, only the metering data from the first run will be reported to COSA.
The data set limitation of the Graph QL report supports as many as 60k returned rows. With override "true" it is possible to query a billing period of 100M records, but the results must be grouped so that no more than 60k records are returned.
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