Cloud Services

Cost & Asset Management

Insights dashboard
Published On Aug 26, 2024 - 1:21 PM

Insights dashboard

Understand your asset landscape and acquire actionable recommendations to optimize your IT hybrid estate.
dashboard provides a variety of features and graphic widgets that enable the acquisition of data and actionable recommendations to reduce underutilization and expenditures. Using the acquired data and recommendations, you can groom, enhance, and optimize assets.
Use the following procedure to access the Insights Dashboard:
  1. Log in to your
  2. Click the
    Main Menu icon
  3. Click
    Cost & Asset Management
  4. Select
    . The application navigates to the Insights dashboard.
The page covers the following topics:
The dashboard displays a list of data-informed recommendations for reducing costs, improving performance, and reducing security risks.

Dashboard composition

The dashboard contains the following:
  • Summary of opportunities and estimated Savings.
  • Saving estimated trends graph.
  • Recommendation history overview table.
  • Costs by Segment charts.
  • Service by cost details.

Configure the dashboard view

You can configure the Dashboard view of each section to display specific data by using available controls and filters. The dashboard provides the following filters:
Saved Views:
A Saved View is a persisted filter that can be found on the Dashboard view. The Insights view is the default view of the dashboard and can be configured to display specific information. The set of costs available to you are defined by your administrator. For more information about reports and saved views, go to Saved Views.
Data set:
Users can also view cost recommendations based on a predefined Data Set. A Data Set is defined by the administrator and can be labeled by Dynamic Tags or Dynamic Resource Group. For more information on Dynamic Resource Groups see Dynamic Resource Groups.
located under
Dashboard View
, use filters to analyze specific cost, each selection defines the data available for analysis. The filters available are:
  • Provider
    : One or more providers can be selected to show their data.
  • Billing acct
    : The specific billing account to be viewed.
  • Asset acct
    : To view data of your assets.
  • Category
    : In the category, you can select the following categories: Compute, Compute Reserved, Cost, Network, Storage.
  • Service
    : The type of service available for the specific asset and provider filtered.
  • Provider Tag
    : Users can search and select tags associated to the provider, this search supports looking for two tags at the same time or looking for different ones, this can be done by using the ‘OR’ and ‘AND’ option.
  • Source
    : Users can filter the generated recommendations by Internal or Provider.
  • Recommendation Type and Recommendation Status
    : User can search for the assets type and status, all the information displayed is based on the criteria selected.
Filtering by Source allows you to select the following:
  • Internal:
    once this filter is applied, you will get all the internal generated recommendations, by CAM.
  • Provider:
    once this filter is applied, you will get all the provider generated recommendations..
This option is currently available to provide data for AWS and Azure. If there are similar recommendations given by Provider and Internal, then the recommendation having highest savings is considered.
If the same kind of recommendation is generated by the provider and the system as well, it will only show the Provider recommendations.
  • Depending on the selected source (Internal or External). If the recommendation related to the source is not associated with an Asset, there will not be any "Associated Costs". For example, Savings Plan and Buy Reservation Purchase.
  • If there are similar recommendations given by the Provider and Internal source, then the recommendation having highest savings is considered.
  • Some recommendations are given even if there are no estimated savings. For example: “Schedule Asset”.

Configuring dashboard sections

The dashboard has a feature to
move sections up or down or collapse the section entirely
, to organize and display the most important content.
Configurable sections include arrows and a dash to control movement to collapse the section.
  • To move a section up,
    click the
    up arrow
    located on the right side of the configurable section.
  • To move a section down
    , click the
    down arrow
    located on the right side of the configurable section.
  • To collapse the section
    , click the
    located on the right side of the configurable section.
The configuration persists and displays until changed. The configuration can be changed at any time.

Summary of opportunities and estimated savings

The summary of opportunities and estimated savings displays detailed information that assists in decision-making based on the recommendations presented on the dashboard. The summary refers to:
  • Opportunities:
    Provides the total number of recommendations for cost optimization.
  • Estimated Savings:
    Provides the total projected savings based on the recommendations proposed on the dashboard.

Recommendation History Overview table

The Recommendation History Overview table describes detailed information on recommendations and savings for each specific month. With this resource, users can make more informed decisions based on the data of a selected month. To view the data for a specific month, click on the bars of the
Savings estimated trends chart
and the data displays on the table located next to it.
The table shows new recommendations, continuing recommendations, opportunities realized vs opportunities unrealized, and savings realized vs savings unrealized.

Configuring the add to graph option

To compare costs counts, the Insights Dashboard contains an
Add to Graph
feature which gives you the possibility to have a deeper look at the Monthly recommendations.
  1. Click
    to Graph
    located at the top right side of the graph, you can select a maximum of 5 options for one segment at a time.
  2. Select if you want to analyze the segment by count or by cost.
    • If you select to analyze per count,
      you can choose different options such as: Total opportunities per Service Provider, category, or service.
    • If you select to analyze per cost
      : you can choose from different options such as: Total estimated Monthly savings per Service Provider, category, or service.
    When selecting to analyze by cost, the saving estimated trend graph updates and you can select to view the information per savings projected, savings realized, and savings unrealized.
  3. Click the drop-down menu and select the estimated saving data or total opportunities that you want to view or search for them on the search bar, select the data you want to and click
  4. The saving estimated trend graph is updated and lines in different colors show specifying the criteria previously selected.
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