Cloud Services

Cost & Asset Management

Asset dashboard
Published On Aug 26, 2024 - 1:31 PM

Asset dashboard

View, identify, and analyze assets from different perspective.
The Assets dashboard is an interactive graph and analytical tool, where you can view assets from different perspectives. These perspectives provide insights on asset cost and use. The Assets dashboard is particularly useful for the IT Infrastructure & Operations Manager (ITIO) user role. You can view all of your assets or view a smaller set of assets by applying filters on the graph or table view.
An asset is a service for which a billable cost is received. With CAM, you can calculate the incurring costs of your assets.
Key features of using the Assets dashboard include the following:
  • Identify over-provisioned resources.
  • Obtain insights that identify ways to use resources more efficiently and more cost-effectively.
  • View your asset count, the location of your assets, and the costs of your assets.
  • View detailed information about an asset.
  • Determine whether your assets are underutilized or over-utilized and if a specific asset requires action or further investigation.
  • Private Cloud Data visualization.
The Assets dashboard consists of the following components:
  • Asset Count by Month graph.
  • Cost heat map.
  • Asset Status heat map.
  • Cost / Asset Type list.
  • Cost / Service Provider list.
  • Count / Location list.
  • Assets Line Items table.
  • Private Cloud Data Visualization.
With reports, you can persist data that has been filtered and sorted from all the data to which you have access. For more information about reports and Saved Views, see Reports. For more information about the report model APIs, see APIs.
Users can also see the Utilization Score calculations and ranges on the Cost / Asset heat map and it can be compared with the metrics available from the provider in the Line Item Details of the dashboard.
Users of the Assets dashboard are able to arrange as desired the graphical elements displayed in the application.
To do so, click the
located on the right side of any of the graphical elements on any of the dashboards to move them up or down, as desired.

Using filters on the Assets dashboard

Filters can be applied to the Assets dashboard by using the filter bar, located under the
View definition
The filters available include:
  • Provider
    : One or more providers can be selected to show their data.
  • Billing account
    : The specific billing account to be viewed.
  • Asset account
    : To view data of your assets.
  • Category
    : In the category, you can select between 18 different categories such as:analytics, database, network, security, storage, and more.
  • Asset status
    : Select the status of the asset between: off, on, powerState/Unknown, terminated, and unknown.
  • Asset source
    : Select if the asset source 'asset' or 'cost' or you can select both.
  • Asset type
    : The type depends on the provider selected and you can filter by the different asset types in the cloud.
  • Location
    : Select the geographic location, this section provides all available cloud locations in the globe.
  • Utilization level
    : The level of utilization of the asset, you can select: high, medium, low, very low, or no utilization data.
  • Utilization metric
    : You can set the utilization metric by filtering by logical operator, then select one of the options for utilization type:
    • CPU (%)
    • Storage (%)
    • Memory (KBps) Then select the metric between, minimum, average, or maximum, then select the
      utilization level
      , you can select: very low, low, medium, or high and click
  • Provider Tag
    : Users can search and select tags associated to the provider, this search supports to look for two tags at the same time or look for different ones, this can be done by using the ‘OR’ and ‘AND’ option.
The application will respond by displaying the charts and data filtered by the criteria previously selected.
Users can also select a view based on Data Set categories, by selecting the criteria to filter on the
Data Set
bar next to the
Bar. Data set categories include:
  • Dynamic Tags
  • Dynamic Resource Group
  • Saved Views
    Making a selection under a determined category will affect the available data under another and making changes on the data set will also alter the filter selection.
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