Kyndryl Bridge

Experience Kyndryl Bridge

Published On Sep 10, 2024 - 12:26 PM


Explore the Console page (including dashboards and widgets) that allows you to see the most important information from one single place.
Console aims to be “One Experience” for Kyndryl customers. It enables you to optimize IT operations with real-time insights from multiple sources, controls, alerts, and reporting in an actionable, unified operational view. It also allows you the ability to perform business actions on requests initiated in Bridge Marketplace (i.e., requests for consultations, quotations, or subscriptions) as well as on active subscriptions that have been registered on your account’s Console. These business actions can include viewing, editing, or canceling requests or generating a request to use some aspect of an active subscription based on the definition of the Service. In general, Console enables you to "see the whole picture" across services and environments without having to switch context.  Here are some of the key capabilities of Console:
  • Launching services from Bridge
  • Enabling widgets into Bridge
    to monitor key insights without launching out to the actual service (thus providing a unified operational view across Kyndryl Services).
  • Enabling a unified navigation from Bridge
    to the application or digital solution for a consistent experience and design.
  • Enabling IAM, cloud credentials management and so on to the service directly from Bridge Common Services.
You can then use
dashboard customization capabilities to build a personalized experience by creating multiple dashboards and loading them with appropriate widgets from Bridge and their subscribed Services.

Dashboards and Widgets

The Kyndryl Bridge
Console Home Dashboard
is a single pane of glass where you can digitally manage all IT solutions to leverage Kyndryl’s core strengths.
Console Home
provides you with a blank canvas where you can create and manage multiple dashboards. This provides you with greater flexibility to tailor Console to your specific needs. You can also personalize the dashboards with active widgets and save them just for your specific user, under a specific Bridge account.

Types of widgets

  1. Default widgets: Console comes with a set of default widgets that can be used with only having a Kyndryl Bridge account, so you can easily manage the fundamentals of the Bridge.
    1. Quotations widget: Displays the quotations and quotation status initiated in Marketplace.
    2. Subscriptions widget: Displays the subscriptions and subscription status initiated in Marketplace.
    3. Notifications widget: Displays a summary of recent notifications in your account.
    4. Featured Offerings widget: Invites users to explore the Marketplace catalog featured services.  You can discover the same items found in the Featured Offerings catalog of the Marketplace directly within this widget.
    5. User Invite widget: Displays a simplified experience of the user invitation flow to send invitations directly from Console.
    6. Accounts Summary widget: Displays a summary of the total quotations, subscriptions and users in your account.
    7. Documents widget: Allows users to see and download the most recent documents.
    8. Recommended offerings widget: Displays recommended services based on the customer's current subscription, browsing history, and profile.
  2. Empty state widgets: There are five types of empty state default widgets.
    1. You have no widgets: Displays a message letting you know that no widgets have been added to your dashboard and invites you to add a widget.
    2. No widgets available: Displays a message letting you know that all available widgets have already been added to your dashboards. 
    3. Connections needed:  Displays a message guiding users when a configuration cloud connection is pending; make sure to click the configuration button for additional assistance.
    4. Data not found: Displays a message indicating the data is not available for this widget.
    5. No permissions assigned: Displays a message letting you that permissions are missing or pending to configure.

Accessing Console Home

Select the
option under the Global menu located at the top left of the page. The Console page opens. Once in the
Console Home
, you can perform a series of actions to personalize this page, like change the home header, create personalized dashboards (delete, rename dashboards or set them as default), add widgets to dashboards (filter and remove widgets from dashboards) or view detailed information of your available widgets by using grid mode. Additionally, the information banner will display interesting history facts from technology. 

Change the Home header

  1. Click the gear icon on the top banner of the Console Home.
  2. Select the
  3. Choose the desired banner to display on the Console Home.

Create personalized dashboards

  1. Click the gear icon on the top banner of the Console Home.
  2. Select the
  3. Click
    Add New Dashboard
  4. Enter the name of your dashboard and click
    Add Dashboard

Delete dashboards

  1. Click the gear icon on the top banner of the Console Home.
  2. Select the
  3. Click the
    icon next to the dashboard you want to delete.

Rename dashboards

  1. Click the gear icon on the top banner of the Console Home.
  2. Select the
  3. Click the
    icon next to the dashboard you want to rename.
  4. Enter the new name.
  5. Click the
    icon to finish,

Make dashboard as default

Use this option to have a particular dashboard displayed every time you log into Bridge.
  1. Click the gear icon on the top banner of the Console Home.
  2. Select the
  3. Check the box next to the dashboard you want to mark as default.

Add widgets to the dashboards

Users can search and select a widget (and widget bundle) from the list to create a dashboard. You can also add two or more grouped widgets (widget bundles) into existing or new dashboards.
  1. Click the gear icon on the top banner of the Console Home.
  2. Select the
  3. Drag and drop the widgets you want onto your dashboard.
The available widgets depend on the active services you have subscribed to.

Filter widgets

You can refine your search by widget bundle, application, or alphabetical order. 
  1. Click the gear icon on the top banner of the Console Home.
  2. Select the
  3. Click the
  4. You can find the widget that you are looking for by sorting the results alphabetically or filter them by widget application or bundles.
  5. Make the selections and click

Remove widgets from the dashboards

Simply click on the
icon next to the widget you want to remove from the dashboard. The widget will go back to the bank of widgets available to use.
To personalize your experience, you can move and resize widgets across with ease. To customize the size, click the maximize or minimize icon next to the widget. In addition, all widgets have a launch action that takes you to the full details of that specific service.
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