Kyndryl Bridge

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Common Inventory
Published On Sep 11, 2024 - 12:34 PM

Common Inventory

Explore the Inventory Resource View that provides resource details about support applications in your environment.
The Inventory page allows you to view the information from your cloud providers across all Kyndryl Bridge. The resources table and graph are customizable by selecting which attributes you want to filter the data gathered. Any resource that you select or filter on the results chart section affects the resources list view. Users are automatically subscribed to Cloud Inventory upon creation of a Kyndryl Bridge account. This service is displayed in the Services Switcher menu by default. However, connections and users must be configured for the tool to properly function. Make sure to register at least one connection. The data displayed in Cloud Inventory is based on the account credentials added in the Connections Management page. If the credentials added are partially restricted in terms of permissions, Cloud Inventory cannot extract and display all the data. To understand which roles and permissions are required, see roles and permissions.
The inventory page can display the most current data of the following cloud providers:
  • IBM Cloud
  • Microsoft Azure (CSP, EA, Application Insights, MPA, Subscription)
  • Google Cloud
  • AWS
  • Alibaba Cloud 
  • VMware
  • vSphere
  • Demo Cloud
  • BYOD
  • Private Container Cluster

Accessing the Cloud Inventory page

To access the Cloud Discovery page, follow these steps:
  1. Click the Global menu icon.
  2. Click
  3. Select
    . The Inventory page opens.
  4. The Inventory page displays different sections with the following information:
    1. Category Data Count: It displays the number of resources for each of the categories discovered. By default, this section is displayed, but you can click the chevron up arrow to hide the contents.
    2. Resource Breakdown: This chart shows a resource breakdown by provider. You can hover over any of the bars to display the number of resources for that specific provider.
    3. Resources by Region: This map shows a resource classification by region. You can use the zoom in and zoom out icons or drag the map with the pointer of your mouse to better visualize the resources listed. You can hover over the circles displaying the count of resources to know in which country those resources are located. Use the reset icon to return the map to its default.
    4. Resources list table: This list table displays all the resources available and presents very useful features that allow you to search, filter, and sort your provisioned resources by different categories.

Managing the inventory results

The data can be filtered from the list table or graph. To filter your data, assign tags, or view additional details for each resource, see the following information:
Filtering resources from the list table
The inventory resources will be filtered by the ID, name, resource category, and more by simply typing an attribute in the search bar located at the top of the table and hit enter. You can also search the resources by clicking the chevron down arrow located at the top of the list table. Check the box next to the filter and click the chevron arrow again. To modify the resource list column settings: 
  1. Click the
    icon at the right of the table. The table settings open.
  2. Check the box of the column names that you want to display. The ID and name columns are selected by default. The following is the list of columns available for your to search your resources:
    • ID: The ID number of the resource.
    • Name: The name of the resource.
    • Status: The status for the resource being provisioned.
    • Provider: The resource provider hosting the application.
    • Resource category: The category of the resource.
    • Resource type: The type of the resource.
    • Region: The location from where the resource is provided.
    • Tags: The label used to tag the resource.
    • Consumers: The subscription consumed by Common Inventory.
    • Created at: The location where location was created.
    • Discovered at: The location where location was discovered.
  3. Drag and drop the column names to sort the order in the table.
  4. Click
  5. Click the
    icon to go back to the table view.
Filtering resources from the graph
The inventory graph can be filtered by provider or provider account or by actionable resources. The values that you filter in this section affect the resources table and graphs. Click the toggle to filter by the actionable resources. The page will only display resources with actions associated to it on both the graph and list view table. To filter resources:
  1. Click the
  2. Open the provider and provider account or resource category dropdown.
  3. Click the toggle to display the resources by account number , account name, or category.
  4. Select the provider or specific resource by checking the box next to the item.
  5. Click
    filters. Otherwise, click

Viewing additional details

The view details page provides a more overview of a specific resource. To view the details of a resource
  1. From the list view, click the overflow menu next to the resource of your choice.
  2. Select
    View Details
    . The Details page opens.
  3. The Details page displays two different sections with the following information:
    1. Overview: This section displays the main details, similarly as they appear on the Resource table: ID, Tag key/value, Status, Resource type, Correlation ID, Provider, Region, Resource category, and Provider account.
    2. Resource tabs: This section has four different tabs for more specific details about the resource.
    3. Service configuration: This section displays all the services that have been configured.
    4. Tags: This section displays all the labels added for the resource.
    5. Actions: This section allows to view the status of the request, change the configuration, deprovision or provision a new action.
    6. Action history: This section is a report of all actions executed.
    7. Correlation ID: It displays the resource identifier.
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