Kyndryl Bridge

Experience Kyndryl Bridge

Bridge release notes
Published On Jul 17, 2024 - 7:52 AM

Bridge release notes

Kyndryl Bridge provides the following support.
On this page:
July 17th
    • Enhanced global navigation: The Kyndryl Bridge account switcher now displays the name of the account being viewed to help users better understand the account context and expedite daily activities such as support and demos.
    • Enhanced Console experience: The user experience in Kyndryl Bridge Console has been improved to streamline interactions. Enhancements include UI changes in text formatting and alignment, and improved hover state behaviors. These updates are implemented on the Chrome and Firefox browsers.
July 10th
    • UI page enhancements: To improve the customer experience, the following pages have been updated:
      • Request for Quote
      • Request for Subscription
      • Request for Consultation
    • Open Developer Hub available for all Kyndryl users: The Open Developer Hub is now available for all Kyndryl users with a email domain.
July 3rd
    • STAAR subscription available in Kyndryl Bridge: STAAR is now integrated in Kyndryl Bridge which allows users to submit subscription requests for this service.
    • New access groups available for Kyndryl AIOps: New service-specific access groups have been created to view, operate, and administrate the Kyndryl AIOps service
June 28th
    • CollabDrive widget available in Console: To improve the customer experience for CollabDrive, a widget can now be added to the dashboard where users can view reports and assessments easily. This widget contains the date, document name and document category as well as an option to view all documents.
    • CCM UI enhancements: The CCM service page has been improved so users can view vital statistics related to the availability, health and design of the containers.
June 21st
    • New Bring Your Own License (BYOL) subscriptions available: Users can now submit subscription requests for these services from Kyndryl Bridge:
      • VESA
      • Standard BaaS
      • Managed Apps
    • Enhanced global navigation: Kyndryl Bridge global navigation has been unified and simplified for a more intuitive and consistent use across the entire platform. The new Global Switcher serves as a centralized hub to switch between services, catalogs, portals, and navigate through Bridge settings and Services settings such as Access Management, IAM, and Connections. It also includes the capability to pin service items for quick access.
June 7th
Subscription price text updated: The text for subscription pricing of non-fixed price services has been updated to improve clarity.
May 31st
Subscription History logs available: A centralized page has been added that shows all updates made on the subscription record. This history log provides information on who performed the update, fields updated, description of values and date and time when the action was performed. Additionally, all records can be exported in .CSV format.
May 24th
    • An internal status page is available in Kyndryl Bridge: The Internal Status Page is now available for all Kyndryl Bridge internal users to subscribe to and receive notifications about outages and maintenances on Bridge.
    • Bridge Support enhancements: The Bridge Support ticketing system now automatically responds to support tickets raised by end users, acknowledging their issue and providing a ticket number.
    • New user dashboard accessible: The Bridge Experience Center now features a dashboard displaying response times to users on each Kyndryl Page.
    • Scanning ability for Docker images: The Bridge micro-service Docker images are now scanned with JFrog's X-Ray tool, aligning with the tools provided by Kyndryl's CISO/CIO.
    • Redis SaaS now available in Kyndryl Bridge: The Bridge development environments can now consume Redis SaaS.
    • Atlas MongoDB has been upgraded to version 6.0: Bridge Platform applications in non-production environments can upgrade their Atlas MongoDB to version 6.0.
    • Bring Your Own License (BYOL) subscription for AIOps: Now, users can submit subscription requests for AIOps services from Kyndryl Bridge.
April 26th
    • Search Functionality in Service Catalog: Customers can now search for services, by entering items in the search bar using terms from the title or any of the sections of Service details page. If multiple words are entered in the search bar, the result showed as one sentence. Otherwise, a message indicating no results are found will be displayed.
    • CollabDrive included in the Console Welcome Experience: To elevate the customer experience effortlessly and share vital documents with ease, CollabDrive is now part of the existing walk through for first time users on console.
    • Ability to rename the documents tab in CollabDrive: CollabDrive is not only a place to hold documents but also to collaborate with the customer. Now, the Documents tab has been renamed CollabDrive to properly identify the capability being accessed and avoid confusion for our customer users.
April 12th
    • New categories added in the Catalog: Multiple filters can be selected to narrow down the search results. Users can select one or multiple filter options by selecting one or many service categories and service attribute categories for the search.
    • Bring Your Own License (BYOL) subscription enhancements: The BYOL subscriptions view capability has been refined to improve the user experience for mobile and tablet devices.
    • New recommended service offerings widget: The new widget allows users to go from Console to marketplace and get GenAi-powered recommended services based on customers’ current subscription, browsing history, and profile. In addition, explain-ability feature is available which makes it possible to provide dynamic textual explanation for selecting and ranking, making the recommendation process more transparent.
    • Request for Subscription (RFS) pending cancellation upgraded: When customers request cancellation of the RFS, the service provider can now revert the request to “in progress” or “submitted status” instead of just canceling it. This allows service providers to reach out to customers and revert the status and continue with the request as needed.
    • Service Details: To enrich how information is displayed for the services in a web form format and published in the catalog, the data can be added in rich text format for Bridge service details page.
    • Error message displayed for failed requests: To inform users when requests cannot be completed, an error message is displayed for the following unsuccessful scenarios
      • Request for Consultation
      • Request for Quotation
      • Request for Subscription
      • Reach FAQs or Support page
March 22nd
  • CollabDrive information available on audit logs: Now, users can review and download the audit records of the files available in CollabDrive.
  • CollabDrive is now available: Customers can now view and download operational reports and assessments in My Console. Account Managers and Delivery Partners can upload, delete, and categorize the files, and are required to acknowledge that this meets privacy and legal requirements.
March 8th
    • Ability to cancel active subscriptions: Now, users have the capability to request a subscription cancellation and stop using and paying for the service. You can request to cancel subscriptions recently submitted or already active and select a cancellation reason from the dropdown menu.
    • Resiliency Orchestration (RO) Software is now available in Kyndryl Bridge: Resiliency Orchestration Software has been integrated with Kyndryl Bridge and users can access this service from My Console.
March 1st
    • Bridge Open Developer Hub available in Bridge: An Open Developer Hub has been designed as one single place to learn, use, and integrate the technology into their projects. It also helps Bridge receive valuable feedback, encourage innovation, and grow a vibrant ecosystem around services & offerings.
    • Network Managed Services (NMS) are available in Bridge: NMS is a service integration that adds value to users by becoming the starting point to navigate through multiple Kyndryl systems. Now, users can integrate this service in Bridge.
    • Global Resiliency Framework (GRF) BaaS is available in Bridge:  Now, users can integrate GRF BaaS in Bridge which provides collaboration platform and information.
    • Backup as a Service (standard) is available in Bridge: Now, users can integrate Backup as a Service (standard) in Bridge which minimizes the risk of potential data loss and reduces additional workload.
    • Patch Management is available in Bridge: The Patch Management is now visible in Kyndryl Bridge App Switcher. Currently, users with the correspondent permissions can control who can view the Patch Management link on Bridge Marketplace.
February 23rd
    • Ability to add repeated configurations on request for quotations: To improve the user experience and better organize the quotes solicitations, you can now use a recurrent configuration when requesting a quote for several data centers. In this way, you can manage the quote information of several data centers under one single request.
    • Digital Workplace Service (DWS): DWS can now be integrated with the Bridge Console, allowing subscribed existing users to take advantage of the fully integrated experience within Kyndryl Bridge.
February 16th
    • User profile capability now available: To improve the customer experience, personalize recommendations, and monitor user activity for security and fraud prevention, a user profile is created based on your basic details and access information.
    • History log functionality is now available for mobile devices: To improve the mobile experience, users can now review the history logs of all requests. You can refine your results using the dropdown menu available for each filter.
    • Error message displayed for failed requests: To inform authorized users when requests cannot be completed, an error message is displayed for the following unsuccessful scenarios:
      • Request for Consultation.
      • Request for Quotation.
      • Request for Subscription.
      • Assessments.
      • Request to access to Marketplace from a non-permitted account.
February 9th
  • Secondary navigation menu available: To ensure a consistent Kyndryl Bridge experience across all pages, a secondary menu has been added where you can access to the following pages:
    • Home
    • Consultations
    • Quotations
    • Subscriptions
    • Notifications
    • Workbench
  • Ability to define hidden and visible fields for Service Provider customers: Users can define internal and external fields on service configurations, provisioning questions, and service elements during the account configuration. If the fields have been marked as internal, only users with Admin role can view the correspondent fields.
February 2nd
User Access Management enhancements: Administrators can add new members and include them in an access group easily. The Access Management page under the access group tab now displays the "Add existing members" and "invite new members" options when no users have been invited.
January 26th
Pagination options enhancements for dashboards: To quickly find a particular record of interest, users can now increase the results displayed to 50, 75 or 100 items per page for the following pages:
  • Subscriptions
  • Quotations
  • Consultations
  • Notifications
  • Users (Access Management)
January 19th
    • Dashboard Management enhancements: Now, users can search for specific widgets, filter the dashboard management side menu by widget provider, or view tech history facts in the information banner.
    • Dashboard Management enhancements: The Dashboard Management allows users to add two or more grouped widgets (widget bundles) into existing or new dashboards. Additionally, you can filter your search by widget bundle.
    • Widget preview/ info in grid mode: Users can view detailed information of your available widgets by using grid mode (including widget preview and slide out into effect).
    • Contact support for anonymous users: Kyndryl Bridge now features an access for non-logged in users to contact support. Thanks to a support form, users can communicate with the Bridge Support to troubleshoot issues.
    • Internal Status page: A status page has been created to inform Kyndryl collaborators of any outage, partial outage or maintenance on Bridge.
    • Yammer/Viva Bridge support communications: A communication page is available in Yammer for support related queries.
January 12th
    • Dashboard Management enhancements: Now, users can search for specific widgets, filter the dashboard management side menu by widget provider, or view tech history facts in the information banner.
    • Widget bundle capability: The Dashboard Management allows users to add two or more grouped widgets (widget bundles) into existing or new dashboards. Additionally, you can filter your search by widget bundle.
    • Widget preview/ info in grid mode: Users can view detailed information of your available widgets by using grid mode (including widget preview and slide out into effect).
    • Major incident management workflow and governance implemented for Bridge: A process has been put in placed to correctly resolve major incidents as soon as possible, restore IT services, and fulfill our customer's business mission.
    • PagerDuty report: A PagerDuty report has been created to check incident responses from various teams.
    • Bridge Support health summary: A summary dashboard counts the total of incidents based on severity, status, priority, among other details.
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