Cloud Services

DevOps Intelligence

Build Table view details
Published On Sep 18, 2024 - 2:03 PM

Build Table view details

This table presents information about the contents of the technical services.
When you click the Technical Service View Details from the Table View, a new dialog appears with the service details. The following elements are displayed in this dialog:
  • The
    Build Details
    plus the name of The technical services in question.
  • Two tabs that display different Build information:
    Analysis history
  • The next item in the technical services details view is a time frame with the following selections:
    • 1D
      : 1 Day, last 24 hours
    • 7D
      : Last 7 Days
    • 14D
      : Last 14 Days
    • 2M
      : Last 2 Months
    • 3M
      : Last 3 Months
    • 6M
      : Last 6 Months
    • Custom duration
      : A custom date range within 6 months

Details tab

The Details tab presents two graphs:
Build status
Build duration

Build status

The Build Status represents the status of total build requests for the selected period. The Build Status data is presented in a bar graph governed by two axes. The
Builds are represented in green color, and the
Builds are represented in red color.
The Build Status bar graph presents two axes, described as follows:
  • X-Axis
    : The X-axis corresponds to the timeframe in which builds took place. By hovering over the graph, the following data is presented:
    • Duration:
      The cut-out date for quantified builds.
    • Total Builds:
      The total number of builds for the timeframe.
    • Group:
      Either Passed or Failed builds.
  • Y-Axis
    : The Y-axis corresponds to the total number of Builds in the selected timeframe.
By placing the cursor right above a bar, in alignment with the center of it, the following information is displayed:
  • Duration:
    The cut-out date for quantified builds.
  • Total builds:
    Total number of builds for a specific category (Passed or Failed).
  • Group:
    Either Passed or Failed builds.
This graph allows you to click on either one of the
check boxes at the bottom only display data for a specific build status.

Build duration

Build Duration represents the total duration of builds for the selected period. The Build Duration data is presented in a bar graph governed by two axes.
The Build Duration bar graph presents two axes, described as follows:
  • X-Axis (Duration):
    The X-axis corresponds to the timeframe in which builds took place. By hovering over the graph, the following data is presented:
    • Duration:
      The cut-out date for quantified builds.
    • Execution Duration:
      Duration of execution measured in seconds.
    • Group:
      Passed category of Builds.
Build Duration
graph only presents data for the Passed builds.
  • Y-Axis (Execution Duration (Average in seconds):
    The Y-axis corresponds to the Execution duration measured in seconds.

Analysis history

Analysis history
tab presents a table that provides
Build Executions
data in a tabular form and enables a detailed view of each Build. Each row in the table displays information for Builds, separated by columns of information type:
  • Build id:
    The ID associated with the Build.
  • Status:
    The build status (Passed or Failed).
  • Duration:
    The build duration is measured in seconds.
  • Build engine:
    The Build tool source.
  • Build at:
    The date and time when the build took place.
  • Build URL:
    URL generated by the Build engine.
Only the Build at column can be sorted, and above this table, you will find a
icon that allows changing the table settings to show or hide pre-selected columns.
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