Cloud Services

DevOps Intelligence

OnPremise Proxy Adapter
Published On Sep 04, 2024 - 12:38 PM

OnPremise Proxy Adapter

Learn how to configure and integrate a DevOps Intelligence Websocket to accommodate an OnPremise Proxy Adapter to assess cloud resources in your hybrid IT estate.

WebSocket configuration:

Complete the following procedure to integrate a proxy adapter using WebSocket
  1. Create a wsmesh-token:
    The wsmesh-token can be generated DevOps Intelligencerectly using the wsmesh Swagger API Page or can be generated in the following two ways:
  • Core is deployed in the environment:
    1. Launch Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications
    2. Select the
      icon on the top right corner.
    3. Select
      Developer Console
    4. In the API Documentation section, select:
      • Platform
        as Application and
        as Service.
  • Core is not deployed in the environment:
    1. Go to the tenant host.
    2. Select the
      User Name
    3. Select
      , then
    4. Select
      from the dropdown menu.
    5. Use the API below for token creation.
      API: /api/wsmesh/v1/config/tokens [POST]URL : https:
      Request Parameters:
      { "broker": "mcmp:devops-intelligence:service", "name": "name of the token", "single_use": false }
      Please make sure wsmesh service is enabled for the tenant
    6. Create a UUID for the Proxy Adapter
      Generate a UUID using the Version 1 UUID Generator found at the Online UUID Generator Web site. This ID will be the proxy id used to identify the proxy adapter for the KMOA Console OnPrem instance.

Deploy a generic Proxy Adapter using Helm Chart

Complete the following procedure to deploy a generic proxy adapter:
  1. Download a Generic Proxy Pod Image from the file server. The file_server Swagger can be accessed in two ways:
    • Core is deployed on the environment:
      1. Launch Kyndryl applications
      2. Select the
        icon on the top right corner.
      3. Select
        Developer Console
      4. In the API Documentation section, select: DevOps Intelligence as Application and file-server as Service.
    • Core is not deployed on the environment:
      1. Launch the Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications
      2. Select the
      3. Select
        DevOps Intelligence
        . Click on
        Settings & Utilities
        and then,
        API Explorer
      4. Select
        from the drop-down menu.
      5. Download the proxy adapter image using the API below:
        • Provide the file name and click execute.
        • Select the Download file link and save the file to your system.
        • Download the proxy adapter image using the API below:
          • Provide the file name and click execute
          • Select the Download file link and save the file to your system
      6. Add a Generic Proxy Adapter to Helm and Configure It.
      7. Add the image to the peer docker instance using the command:
        docker load < mcmp-generic-proxy.tgz
      8. Add the generic proxy adapter chart repo to helm:
        • Use the below file server API to create a Token:
          API: /dash/api/file_server/v1/config/tokens [POST]
      9. Request paramenters:
        { "broker": "mcmp:devops-intelligence:service", "name": "name of the token", "single_use": false}
        • Add Repo by using the command:
        helm repo add devops-intelligence https:
        • Replace
          with the token generated on the previous step
        • Add the values below in fe-proxy-adapter-helm/-generic-proxy-adapter/values.yaml
        HOST: KMOA UI tenant Host URL ( WS_TOKEN_NAME: Token Name (Created in step 1) WS_TOKEN: Token (Created in step 1) PROXY_ID: Unique id for the proxy adapter (Created in step 2) WS_adapter: true PROTOCOL: tower APPLICATION: Application Name
    Request paramenters: { "broker": "mcmp:devops-intelligence:service", "name": "name of the token", "single_use": false}
    • Add Repo by using the command:
    helm repo add devops-intelligence https:
    • Replace
      with the token generated on the previous step
    • Add the values below in fe-proxy-adapter-helm/-generic-proxy-adapter/values.yaml:
      HOST: KMOA UI tenant Host URL ( WS_TOKEN_NAME: Token Name (Created in step 1) WS_TOKEN: Token (Created in step 1) PROXY_ID: Unique id for the proxy adapter (Created in step 2) WS_adapter: true PROTOCOL: tower APPLICATION: Application Name
    1. Install Helm Chart
    For Helm Version: 3x.x helm install <<releasename>> devops-intelligence/generic-proxy-adapter -f values.yaml --namespace <<namespace>> --create-namespace Deployment should be successful without any issues.

Add credentials for specific DevOps tools using Proxy ID

The Following DevOps intelligence tools are supported now:
  • Ansible
  • ArgoCD
  • Azure DevOps
  • GitLab
  • Github
  • Jfrog
  • JIRA (Server Oauth support)
  • JIRA (Cloud Oauth support)
  • ServiceNow
  • SonarQube
In the tools credentials page, add the Proxy ID created in the
Create a UUID for the Proxy Adapter
step for On-Premise support; the Proxy ID will be unique for every supported tool.
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