Cloud Services

DevOps Intelligence

Tools Configuration
Published On Oct 02, 2024 - 1:07 PM

Tools Configuration

Learn how DevOps Intelligence can be configured to integrate with individual tools extending the value of your investment in your DevOps resources.
The DevOps Intelligence
Tools Configuration
page displays the configuration of all DevOps Intelligence tools that have been configured for integration with DevOps Intelligence. Use it to configure supported tools in your IT estate.
The left Navigation bar on this documentation page contains a list of all supported tools and links to individual documentation topics on how to configuration DevOps Intelligence for each tool as well as usage content. The documentation topics are grouped within their relevant DevOps phases as follows:
  • Secure
  • Develop
  • Build
  • Test
  • Deploy
To learn more about navigating to the different services from each tenant, refer to Kyndryl ModernOps landing page or Landing page navigation.


The Tools configuration landing page presents a universal header at the top of the page. The header contains the following elements:
  • Bread crumbs (selectable for ease of navigation).
  • The title
    Tools configuration
  • Two tabs that govern the type of tool you want to configure:
    • Out of the box tools
    • Bring your own tools

Out of the box tools tab

The service presents a tools configuration table, which serves as a platform for knowing what tools are currently supported, managing connections with them, and setting configurations necessary to make those connections.Subsequent sections describe the table, setting connections, and setting configurations.

Configured tools table

  • A date and time stamp (this date shows the last updated date).
  • A search box to filter the configured tools.
  • An
    Add New +
    configuration button.
Configured tools table
provides data in a tabular form, separated by columns and sorted as follows:
  • Tool engine
    The tool configured i.e: Ansible, Bitbucket, Jira, etc.
  • Status
    The current status of the configured tool:
    • Success:
      Green check icon for fully configured tools.
    • Partial Success
      Yellow ellipsis icon for partially configured tools.
    • Failure:
      Red x icon for failed tool configurations.
  • Connections configured
    The number of connections configured to each tool.
The table view provides a clickable arrow below the bottom right corner of the table that enables navigation across pages of data (Page 1 of 3, Page 2 of 3, etc) and a Drop-down menu to the left to select how many items per page are displayed.
When accessing this screen all tools that are configured will be displayed, conversely a
"No data found"
message will be displayed with customized instructions based on access level role as follows:
  • Privilege User:
    No tools configured yet, add your first tool.
  • No tools available:
    No configurable tools available at this moment, contact the platform admin.
  • Restricted User:
    Contact your admin/editor to enable the tools configuration for you.

Adding connections

As a privileged user with and
role, tools can be added as needed from this configuration screen, to configure tools complete the following steps:
  1. Go to the overflow menu and select
  2. Select
    and navigate to
  3. Select the
    Add New +
    button. For more information about connections, click the following link: Managing Connections.
For a list of tools and configurations please click the following link: Onboarding a tools provider connection .
Once the connections are configured, select the
Test Connection
button and a
message will be displayed.
For a list of tools and configurations please visit Supported tools and Bring your own tools.

Add configuration

Add configuration
. A screen will display configuration settings about  tool engine. To configure the tool engine, complete these steps:
  1. Select the tool engine from the Tool engine drop-down box.
  2. Complete the appropriate configuration for the tool engine.
Each tool engine requires different parameters for configuration.

Additional actions and Notifications

By navigating to the vertical ellipsis of each tool located to the right of the table and selecting
View details
, will open the configuration screen for that specific tool. Here the information will be grouped into two tabs


Presents the parameters of the tool engine in the form of a table that includes the following columns:
  • Host
    : Host URL.
  • Connection
    : Name of the tool engine connection.
  • Projects
    : Name of the project for the connection.
  • Archive
    : Shows the connection is live or has been archived.
Each connection about the specific tool will display configuration settings, by selecting the vertical ellipsis menu more actions will be available for each tool configured as follows:
For live configured tools
  • Archive
  • Delete
For archived configured tools
  • Unarchive
  • Delete
By performing any given action mentioned, an alert will be triggered as follows:
All actions performed need to be confirmed once an alert is triggered.
  • Archive:
    By archiving this configuration, sync will be paused; you can restart the process again by unarchiving it
  • Unarchive:
    By unarchiving this configuration, sync will be restarted.
  • Delete:
    All data and references associated with it will be deleted, after the data retention period. This action cannot be reversed after the data retention period has expired.
    A data retention period for tool configuration and technical service association data has been established. Once the tool connection is requested to be deleted/not available, the configuration data will remain available in DevOps Intelligence for 24 hours. After this retention period expires, the configuration data will be permanently removed.


The Sync feature scans current data for visibility after configuring credentials and provides a time estimation of the sync, delete, and pulled intervals. The sync is performed based on the current environment priority.

Sync status

The Sync status section will display the status of the data retrieved after the tool engine is configured. It presents the parameters of the tool engine sync in the form of a table that includes the following columns:
  • Connection:
    Displays the local connected tool name for the sync.
  • Active sync:
    Shows the active status of a sync.
  • Records processed:
    Displays the number of records processed
  • Duration:
    Shows the amount of time taken to perform a sync.
  • Last run:
    Displays the last Sync run.
  • Status:
    Current sync status information.

Sync details

The Sync details section displays the record details of each account selected. It presents the parameters of the tool engine sync in the form of a table that includes the following columns:
  • Record name:
    Displays the name of the record selected.
  • Active sync:
    Shows the active status of a sync.
  • Records processed:
    Displays the number of records processed
  • Duration:
    Shows the amount of time taken to perform a sync.
  • Last run:
    Displays the last Sync run.
  • Status:
    Current sync status information.
Each tool has Configuration and Sync tabs, which is how a Sync tab would look. For a user with the
role, the status column value for the unconfigured connection in the Sync status and Sync details table will be Configuration waiting. When you click, a tooltip appears with the message
No configuration was found for this connection. Add all the necessary data to complete the configuration.
along with Add configuration button. After pressing the Add configuration button, the user will be sent to the
tab, where the
Add tool configuration
side panel for the selected tool will be shown.
For a user with
role, the tooltip message will be
No configuration found for this connection. Contact the admin to complete the configuration.
along with the Learn more button. After clicking on Learn more button user will be navigated to the documentation page.

Bring your own tools tab

You must be assigned the Admin role to set the configuration for private tools.
The bring your own tools tab Enables the creation of tokens and adding tool mappers. These two features are enabled by two radio buttons:
  • Create token
  • Create tool mapper
Create token
A service token is necessary for connecting private tools to DI and for creating tool mapper. If a service token already exists for a private tool, you can use that token to create an additional mapper for that tool. If a token does not exist, you must create one, before creating a new mapper. You must create a token before a tool can make a connection to DevOps Intelligence. Use the following procedure:
  1. Click
    Create token
    . The service displays the Tokens panel.
  2. In the
    field enter a name for the token.
  3. Click the dropdown menu in the
    Token Type
  4. Click
    to create the token or
    to abort the operation. The service returns to the Bring your own tools tab.
If you created a token, the service displays a success message and a field indicating the existence of a token.You can show or hide the token string by clicking the eye shaped icon. Next to the show/hide icon is a copy icon to enable copying the token to the OS clipboard. You can also regenerate the token by clicking the
Re-generate Token
button. Click the
View Token List
button to view a list of existing tokens.A list of existing tokens is also available on the Tokens panel, enabling you to review existing tokens before creating a new one.
Create tool mapper
The Create mapper feature enables administrators to add data mapping files to their pipeline through the user interface, giving users sample generated commands such as CURL, GitHub Actions, and Jenkins. This capability enables an efficient method of posting mapped data.To create a tool mapper, you must have a mapping file containing mapping instructions such as the following example:
{ "tool": "trivy", "mapper": { "imagescanmapping": { "analysisdate": "", "cves": "", "cvssscore": "CVSS.nvd.V3Score", "datasource": "PrimaryURL", "description": "Description", "fixedversions": "", "imagedigest": "Layer.Digest", "packagename": "PkgName", "packagepath": "PkgID", "packagetype": "PkgPath", "packageversion": "InstalledVersion", "published": "", "severity": "Severity", "severitysource": "", "vulnerabilityid": "" }, "root": "Results.#.Vulnerabilities" }, "parentmapper": { "imagescanmapping": { "analysisdate": "", "imagedigest": "Layer.Digest" }, "root": "Results.#.Vulnerabilities" } }
A tool mapper for Trivy is being added, which is mapped with container vulnerability scan.
Before creating the mapper, review the requirements for each DevOps phase presented in Mapper Configuration, then use the following procedure, borrowing from the example mapper file as necessary:
  1. Click Create tool mapper. The service displays the Create mapper wizard.
  2. Select a tool category from the Tool Category dropdown.
  3. Select Use Existing Token if a current token for the tool exists or Create New Token to create one if one does not exist.
  4. Select an existing token from the token dropdown, or Create a new token using the procedure in the previous section
    Create token
  5. Click
    . The wizard progresses to Tool Manager.
  6. Select
    Existing Mapper
    to specify an existing (previously added) mapping file, or
    Create Mapper
    to add a new mapping file.
  7. In the case of
    Existing Mapper
    , select a tool from the
    Select tool
    dropdown or, in the case of
    Create Mapper
    , click
    Add file
    and select your mapping file. If you add a mapping file, the service displays the file content on an edit canvas. Edit the file if necessary.
    . The wizard progresses to
    Command Generation
    and displays all parameters.
  8. Select values for the parameters.
  9. Click
    Generate Command
    . The wizard progresses to
    View Generated Command
    . The command is presented as a CURL, GitHubAction and Jenkins.
  10. Copy the generated command in the form of your choice and add it to your pipeline.
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