Cloud Services

DevOps Intelligence

Build module
Published On Sep 18, 2024 - 2:03 PM

Build module

View the general health of your builds as measured by status and success.
The Build module presents the general health of your builds as measured by status and success. The product displays the data for the entire system per dashboard and application based on build-run statistic tools such as Travis and Bring Your Own Build (BYOB) Jenkins plug-in. In the Build dashboard, data can be filtered by two criteria:
  • Dashboards:
    Select a dashboard to view development data specific to that dashboard.
  • Applications:
    Comprehend Build Kyndryl's applications health, such as CAM or Enterprise Marketplace.
Depending on your selections from these filters, the data displayed in the widgets varies. Some widgets may show a "No Data Available" message, which means no recent data is available for your selection.
The Build dashboard displays data in multiple graphs and a table view table that allows having a view of critical components of the Build phase:
  • Build Status:
    A graph that shows all builds, grouped by month and represented by two colors: green (passed) and red (failed).
  • Build Success:
    A graph that displays the total percentage of both Passed and Failed builds.
  • Longest Builds/Technical services:
    A horizontal bar graph shows all builds per service.


The Build dashboard displays three widgets that provide a graphic representation of
Build status
Build success
, and
Longest builds
, as well as a table view titled
Technical service builds

Build status

The Build status widget presents a bar graph representing
(green color), and
(red color) builds.
The Build status widget presents two axes that indicate the
Total Builds
within a specified timeframe:
  • X-Axis (
    ): The X-axis corresponds to the timeframe in which builds took place. By hovering over the graph, the following data is presented:
    • Group
      : Either Passed or Failed builds.
    • Range
      : The total number of builds for the timeframe.
    • Value
      : Either Passed or Failed builds.
  • Y-Axis (
    Total Builds
    ): The Y-axis corresponds to the total number of Builds in the selected timeframe.
By placing the cursor right above a bar, in alignment with the center of it, the following information is displayed:
  • Duration:
    The cut-out date for quantified builds.
  • Passed:
    Total number of Passed builds.
  • Failed:
    Total number of Failed builds.
  • Total:
    Total number of Builds in both Passed and Failed categories.

Build success

The Build Success widget is a graph showing the total percentage of all
builds. The Passed builds are represented in green color while the Failed builds are represented in red.

Longest builds

The Longest Builds/Technical services widget displays all builds per service. All the technical services are listed and represented by purple bar graphs, organized in descending order starting with The technical service with the longest build at the top.

Technical service builds

The Technical service builds table is located at the bottom of the Build module and provides technical service Build data in a tabular form and enables a detailed view of each service.
Technical services are a micro-service that is analogous. This is the most granular degree of granularity. Repos in Travis are mapped. Only Technical Services with builds in the past 6 months will be displayed.
Each row in the table displays information for a specific service, separated by columns of information type:
  • Service
    : the name of the micro-service within the larger application.
  • Application
    : the name of the application corresponding to the build
  • Build results
    : the completion percentage of each build
  • Duration
    : the amount of time the build took place
  • Build engine
    : the name of the tool engine
The Technical service build table displays all data regardless of the timeframe selected. All columns in this table can be sorted. Above this table, you will find a search box that allows searching technical services by name and a
icon that allows changing the table settings to show or hide pre-selected columns.
The Table View also supports detailed views for each service. To access details for a specific service, click the row. The dashboard responds by displaying a view dialog containing service details. Select the following link for more information: Build table view details.
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