Parameter | Type | Explanation | Example value |
Post issues* | BODY | Develop issues data in json |
cURL -X POST \ \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Token x0VqMwii93HnzfWwGI-uxJniZ8_clVZa2I02i3u2rXw2ZalmxntfOglTCqSE0uUZ' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "assignees": [ "Developer" ], "category": "bug", "created_at": "2022-10-27T07:20:50.52Z", "created_by": "Tester", "endpoint_hostname": "", "endpoint_technical_service_id": "tech_id1", "issue_engine": "GitHub", "labels": [ "DI3.0_defect" ], "priority": "high", "provider_engine": "GitHub", "href": "", "provider_href": "", "provider_id": "023456789", "provider_url_key": "1233", "severity": "sev3", "state": "open", "technical_service": "testing2", "technical_service_override": true, "technical_service_tag": { "GITHUB-NAMES": "DI/hq", "GITHUB-ORG-ID": "93210", "GITHUB-ORG-NAME": "DI", "GITHUB-REPO-ID": "30112", "GITHUB-REPO-NAME": "hq", "GITHUB-IDS": "93210/30112" }, "milestone_due_date": "2022-11-27T07:20:50.52Z", "milestone_name": "temp_milestone", "title": "Posted data from swagger", "updated_at": "2022-10-22T07:20:50.52Z" }'
Response 200
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Field | Data type | Explanation | Example value |
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category* | string | The develop category | Bug |
created_at* | string | Date and time of issue | 2020-11-27T07:20:50.52Z |
state | string | State of the issue | Open |
assignees | []string | For whom issue is assigned | Developer |
technical_service* | string | Technical service name is an abstraction for issue group | testing2 |
technical_service_override | boolean | Override flag for the service | true |
Parameter | Type | Explanation | Example value |
Post pull requests* | BODY | Develop pull requests data in json |
cURL -X POST \ \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Token x0VqMwii93HnzfWwGI-uxJniZ8_clVZa2I02i3u2rXw2ZalmxntfOglTCqSE0uUZ' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "created_at": "2022-10-18T07:20:50.52Z", "created_by": "Developer", "endpoint_hostname": "", "endpoint_technical_service_id": "mytest", "href": "", "pr_engine": "GitLab", "provider_engine": "GitLab", "provider_href": "", "pull_number": 3001, "state": "closed", "title": "This for BYOD testing for test", "technical_service": "MCMP-DevOps-Intelligence/test", "technical_service_tag": { "GITHUB-NAMES": "MCMP-DevOps-Intelligence/test", "GITHUB-ORG-ID": "93210", "GITHUB-ORG-NAME": "MCMP-DevOps-Intelligence", "GITHUB-REPO-ID": "30000", "GITHUB-REPO-NAME": "test", "GITHUB-IDS": "93210/30000" }, "updated_at": "2022-10-19T07:20:50.52Z", "technical_service_override": true }
Response 200
{ "id": "636cd4e9f7db1c65132a4ad2", "entityID": "636cd4e9f7db1c65132a4ad2" }
Field | Data type | Explanation | Example value |
provider_id* | string | Object ID | 30110 |
technical_service* | string | Technical service name is an abstraction for develop pull request group | DI/hq |
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endpoint_technical_service_id* | string | Endpoint technical service ID | 12345678 |
endpoint_hostname | string | Endpoint host name | |
created_at* | string | Date and time of pull request | 2022-10-18T07:20:50.52Z |
state | string | State of the pull request | open |
pr_engine* | string | Pull request engine name | GitHub |
pull_number | string | Pull request number | 4001 |
technical_service_override | boolean | Override flag for the service | false |
Parameter | Type | Explanation | Example value |
Post commits* | BODY | Develop commits data in json |
cURL -X POST \ \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Token x0VqMwii93HnzfWwGI-uxJniZ8_clVZa2I02i3u2rXw2ZalmxntfOglTCqSE0uUZ' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "created_at": "2022-10-18T07:20:50.52Z", "created_by": "Developer", "endpoint_hostname": "", "provider_id": "301103", "endpoint_technical_service_id": "mytest", "href": "", "scm_engine": "GitHu", "provider_engine": "GitHub", "provider_href": "", "commit_url": "", "technical_service": "MCMP-DevOps-Intelligence/hq", "technical_service_tag": { "GITHUB-NAMES": "MCMP-DevOps-Intelligence/hq", "GITHUB-ORG-ID": "93210", "GITHUB-ORG-NAME": "MCMP-DevOps-Intelligence", "GITHUB-REPO-ID": "30110", "GITHUB-REPO-NAME": "hq", "GITHUB-IDS": "93210/30110" }, "technical_service_override": true }'
Response 200
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Field | Data type | Explanation | Example value |
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endpoint_hostname | string | Endpoint host name | |
created_at* | string | Date and time of commit | 2022-10-18T07:20:50.52Z |
provider_engine* | string | Provider engine name | GitHub |
commit_url* | string | Commit endpoint url | |
technical_service_override | boolean | Override flag for the service | true |
Parameter | Type | Explanation | Example value |
Patch issues* | BODY | Patch issues data in json |
cURL -X 'PATCH' \ 'dash/api/develop/v3/technical-services/issues' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Token x0VqMwii93HnzfWwGI-uxJniZ8_clVZa2I02i3u2rXw2ZalmxntfOglTCqSE0uUZ' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "assignees": "AlbertD", "category": "bug", "issue_engine": "GitHub", "labels": "bug", "priority": "High", "provider_url_key": "2233", "severity": "sev3", "state": "open", "technical_service": "my-org/my-repo", "title": "This is a bug", "updated_at": "2022-11-12T07:20:50.52Z" }'
Response 200
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Field | Data type | Explanation | Example value |
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updated_at* | string | Date and time of update | 2022-11-12T07:20:50.52Z |
state | string | State of the issue | open |
assignees | []string | For whom issue is assigned | Developer |
technical_service* | string | Technical service name is an abstraction for issue group | my-org/my-repo |
title | string | Title of the issue | This is new bug |
Parameter | Type | Explanation | Example value |
Patch pullrequests* | BODY | Patch pullrequests data in json |
cURL -X 'PATCH' \ 'dash/api/develop/v3/technical-services/pullrequests' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Token x0VqMwii93HnzfWwGI-uxJniZ8_clVZa2I02i3u2rXw2ZalmxntfOglTCqSE0uUZ' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "description": "Fixing the bug related to issue_1234", "merge_commit_sha": "3b2e89ee3fedc08442e2e358b91447cda69c996e", "merged_at": "2022-11-12T07:20:50.52Z", "pr_engine": "GitHub", "pull_number": 4000, "release_name": "release2022-11-16", "state": "open", "technical_service": "my-org/my-repo", "title": "This is fix for a bug", "updated_at": "2022-11-12T07:20:50.52Z" }'
Response 200
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Field | Data type | Explanation | Example value |
merge_commit_sha | string | SHA of commit | b2e89ee3fedc08442e2e358b91447cda69c996e |
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updated_at* | string | Date and time of update | 2022-11-12T07:20:50.52Z |
merge_at* | string | Date and time of merge | 2022-11-12T07:20:50.52Z |
state | string | State of the PR | open |
assignees | []string | For whom issue is assigned | Developer |
technical_service* | string | Technical service name is an abstraction for issue group | my-org/my-repo |
title | string | Title of the issue | This is new PR |
description | string | Description of the PR | Fixing the bug |
Parameter | Type | Explanation | Example value |
CommitID* | PATH | Commit ID is the value received after posting the commit | 2233c878609c251f44a1bbbb |
cURL -X 'PATCH' \ 'dash/api/develop/v3/technical-services/commits/635b8ef2eddcd1cedd51f539' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Token x0VqMwii93HnzfWwGI-uxJniZ8_clVZa2I02i3u2rXw2ZalmxntfOglTCqSE0uUZ' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "comments": "Committing the fix for BYOD", "parent_ids": "3b2e89ee3fedc08442e2e" }'
Response 200
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Field | Data type | Explanation | Example value |
comments | string | Comments about the commit | This is new commit for BYOD |
parent_ids | string | Parent ids of the commit | 6357a9d8d1c04c9de360716f |
Parameter | Type | Explanation | Example value |
Delete issues* | BODY | Delete issues data in json |
cURL -X 'DELETE' \ 'dash/api/develop/v3/technical-services/issues' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Token x0VqMwii93HnzfWwGI-uxJniZ8_clVZa2I02i3u2rXw2ZalmxntfOglTCqSE0uUZ' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "endpoint_hostname": "", "endpoint_technical_service_id": "my-org/my-repo", "provider_url_key": "4433" }'
Field | Data type | Explanation | Example value |
endpoint_hostname | string | End point hostname | |
endpoint_technical_service_id | string | ID of endpoint Technical serrvice | my-org/my-repo |
provider_url_key | string | Issue ID | 4433 |
Parameter | Type | Explanation | Example value |
Delete pullrequests* | BODY | Delete pullrequests data in json | { "endpoint_hostname": "", "endpoint_technical_service_id": "my-org/my-repo", "pull_number": 1234 } |
cURL -X 'DELETE' \ 'dash/api/develop/v3/technical-services/pullrequests' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Token x0VqMwii93HnzfWwGI-uxJniZ8_clVZa2I02i3u2rXw2ZalmxntfOglTCqSE0uUZ' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "endpoint_hostname": "", "endpoint_technical_service_id": "my-org/my-repo", "pull_number": 1234 }'
Field | Data type | Explanation | Example value |
endpoint_hostname | string | End point hostname | |
endpoint_technical_service_id | string | ID of endpoint Technical serrvice | my-org/my-repo |
pull_number | int | PullRequest Number | 1234 |
Parameter | Type | Explanation | Example value |
CommitID* | PATH | Commit ID is the value received after posting the commit | 2233c878609c251f44a1bbbb |
cURL -X 'DELETE' \ 'dash/api/develop/v3/technical-services/commits/636cd4e9f7db1c65132a4ad2' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Token x0VqMwii93HnzfWwGI-uxJniZ8_clVZa2I02i3u2rXw2ZalmxntfOglTCqSE0uUZ' }'