Cloud Services

DevOps Intelligence

Technical services configuration
Published On Oct 02, 2024 - 1:07 PM

Technical services configuration

This page provides the required information about the
Configure technical services
The Configuring technical services page enables configuring the following details:
  • How to associate and disassociate technical services with applications and how to link technical services with each other using different tools (Associate technical services tab)
  • How to create applications and associate them (Applications tab)
  • How to configure release parameters (Release Management Configurations tab)

Associating technical services

The technical services table presents all Technical services available for association with any given application. The table enables a detailed view of each technical service. Each row in the table displays information for a specific technical service, separated by columns of information type:
  • Technical service
  • Application
  • Develop
  • Build
  • Test
  • Deploy
  • Static Scan
  • Container vulnerability scan
  • Dependency check
  • Secure alerts
  • Discovered at
Technical service
Discovered at
columns can be sorted. Above this table, you will find a search box that allows searching technical services by name and a Gear icon that allows changing the table settings to show or hide pre-selected columns.
Selecting the vertical ellipsis located to the right of each technical service in the table, you will be presented with the option to
Link technical services
or to
View linked technical services
By selecting
Link technical services
, you will access the
Configure technical service Details
page. Here, you will link one technical service to other technical services using different tools. From the Settings & Utilities menu, navigate to
Configure technical services:
  1. The
    Associate technical services
    the tab is selected by default.
  2. Select one or more technical services that you want to associate from the
    Technical services
  3. Select the
    button on the right side of the table.
  4. Select one or more applications to associate the technical service from the
    drop-down menu.
  5. Confirm the association by selecting the
A success message will be displayed at the upper right corner of the screen.

Disassociating technical services

Technical services can also be disassociated (
) from each
. To disassociate technical services, navigate to the
  1. Search and locate the
    you would like to disassociate.
  2. Select the
    icon from the
    column. The
    Edit Technical service details
    a window will open.
  3. From the
    Associate technical services
    table, select one or more services to disassociate.
  4. Select the
    Disassociate technical services
    button and confirm the technical service disassociation with a
A success message will be displayed in the upper right corner of the screen.

Creating Applications

From the Settings & Utilities menu, navigate to
Configure technical services
there, you will be presented with two tabs: Associate technical services and Applications.
  1. Select the
  2. Enter a suitable name for the application, i.e., "DemoCT1", and select
A "Success; Application "DemoCT1" is created successfully!" message will be displayed in the upper right corner of the screen.
An error message will indicate that you must contact the system administrator and review your user permissions.
Once your application is created, it will be displayed under the
Associated applications
table. This table will show information in the following columns:
  • Application:
    Name of the application created.
  • Created by:
    The user that created the application.
  • Total technical services:
    The total number of technical services associated with this application.
  • Actions:
    Editing or deleting options for the application.

Action button

Selecting the
icon, you will access the
Edit Technical service details
page; here, you can update the current application's name and disassociate technical services. To disassociate technical services, complete the following steps:
  1. Select one or more technical services from the
    Associate technical service
  2. Once you have made your selection, navigate to the
    Disassociate technical service
    button and select it.
  3. Confirm the Technical service deletion by selecting
    on the emerging window.
A "Success; Services dissociated successfully. It may take up to 10 minutes to reflect the changes across dashboards." message will be displayed at the upper right corner of the screen.
By selecting the
Trash can
icon, you will see a confirmation of the Application deletion; Confirm delete to proceed with the process.
A success message will be displayed in the upper right corner of the screen.

Release Management Configuration

Release Management Configuration
tab navigates to the
Global Configuration
page. The page enables administrators to set values (tenant thresholds) for release parameters which are then displayed on the
Release Management
page so release managers determine whether to allow a given release (
go/no go
Example: the administrator sets the release threshold for failed unit tests at 5%. If the current release is at 4%, and all other thresholds are within the specified levels, the release manager is informed that the release can proceed. But if the failed unit tests parameter is at 6%, the release manager is informed that the parameter is out of acceptable range and he should withold the release.
The Global Configuration page presents a Tenant Parameters table containing all supported release parameters, and their associated tenant thresholds. Use the following procedure to set the thresholds:
  1. Click the
    Edit Configuration
    button located above the table on the right. The service displays the Edit Configurations list. The list contains all supported parameters, each of which has an associated field for the threshold.
  2. Edit the threshold field to set the appropriate threshold.
  3. Click
    Save configuration
    to commit the thresholds, or
    to abort the operation.
The releases that are available for assessment are limited to those that have occurred in the previous 180 days.
As the administrator you can also edit which columns the table displays. Click the gear icon located to the left of the Edit configuration button to display the column selection array. The array contains three check boxes:
  • All columns:
    Display all available columns.
  • Parameters:
    Display the supported release parameters.
  • Tenant threshold:
    Display the set threshold for the associated parameter.
to save your selections,
to reset the selection (all columns) or
to abort your selections.
A search feature is also available. Click the hour glass icon located next to the gear icon to display the search field. Enter all or part of the parameter name in the search field to filter out all parameters except those you are seeking.
You can delete parameters from the table. Click the checkbox next to each parameter you want to delete and click the
button to continue or
to abort the deletion. If you click the
button, the service displays a confirmation dialog requesting a reason for deleting the parameter (required). Enter a reason in the
Reason for Deletion
field or click
to delete the parameter of
to abort the deletion.
After deleting a parameter, you can restore it using the
Edit configuration
feature. Perform the following procedure:
  1. Click the
    Edit Configuration
    button. The service displays the Edit configurations list.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the list. The service displays all the deleted parameters at the bottom of the list with an
    Undo Delete
    link next to each parameter.
  3. Click
    Undo Delete
    for each parameter you want to restore.
  4. Click
    Save Configuration
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