Cloud Services

DevOps Intelligence

Qualys Container security tool configuration
Published On Oct 02, 2024 - 1:07 PM

Qualys Container security tool configuration

DevOps Intelligence supports Qualys Container security tool. This page describes the configuration requirements for this tool.
Qualys Container Security provides centralized, continuous discovery and tracking for containers and images. Configure DevOps Intelligence to connect to Qualys Container for the purpose of pulling security and vulnerability data from the security tool.


The connection requires the the following access rights:
  • Read access to the image you intend to sync. Provide the following information:
    • Connection Name – Local connection name. It could be any string and is used only for reference.
    • Host – Qualys host URL. eg.
    • Username – Username for Qualys. Generally, the email ID with which user logged in to Qualys.
    • Password – Password for Qualys. Generally, the password with which user logged in to Qualys.

Configuring Qualys Container security tool

Perform the following procedure to create the connection:
  1. In the left navigation bar, click
    Add New
    button. Select
    Add Connection
  2. Complete the Add tool configuration form:
    1. Connection:
    2. Release name:
      provide a release name (any name is permitted).
    3. Dynamic.imagename:
      Select the image name that you want to track using DevOps Intelligence.
    4. Additional configurations:
      include additional configurations from the drop-down menus.
  3. When the Configuration is successful the configuration is present in the table on the configuration page.
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