Cloud Services

DevOps Intelligence

Deploy module
Published On Oct 17, 2024 - 1:24 PM

Deploy module

The deploy dashboard presents an at-a-glance view of the status of your deployments.
The Deploy dashboard presents an at-a-glance view of your deployments as measured by status and success. The product displays the data for the following services:

Deployment data filters

The Deploy module presents two filters to narrow presented data to specific needs:
  • Releases:
    Select releases from a dropdown menu. Select only the releases for the deploy data you want to observe.
  • Environments:
    Select environments from a dropdown menu. Select only the environments for data you want to see. As services are deployed, in different environments, such as multiple develop, staging and production environments. Using this filter, you can track specific deployments in different environments. If specific application deployments are failing multiple times in one or more environments, the DevOps team can assess whether the cause is an application or environment issue, and take the appropriate action.


The Deploy dashboard displays three widgets that provide a graphic representation of different aspects of deployments:
  • Deployment frequency
  • Deployment frequency trend
  • Top 5 applications by failure rate
  • Deployments by environment
  • Deployment status
  • Deployment duration trend
Some widgets may show a "No Data Available" message, which means no recent data is available for your selection.

Deployment frequency

Deployment Frequency refers to the frequency of successful software releases to production in the last seven days. A donut chart represents this widget. The date range filter is not applied to this chart; it is fixed to the previous 7 days.

Deployment frequency trend

This graph represents the deployment frequency for each application over a selected period of [1/7/14/30 days, 2/3/6 months] interval. Also, for a specific date range, use the calendar icon. The weekly deployment frequency average is displayed at the top of the chart.
The Deployment Frequency widget presents two axes that indicate the
Deployment frequency
within a specified timeframe:
  • X-Axis (
    ): The X-axis corresponds to the timeframe in which an application was deployed. By hovering over each bullet point in the chart line, the following data is presented:
    • Application
      : Name of the application deployed.
    • Date
      : Date in which the application was deployed.
    • Total
      : Total amount of deployments for the application.
  • Y-Axis (
    Deployment frequency
    ): The Y-axis corresponds to the time it took for deployments.

Top 5 applications by failure rate

This graph represents the top 5 applications with the highest failure rate for the last seven days. There are three failure rate options to filter the applications (more than 60%, more than 75%, and more than 90%). Also, this graph will not change for any date range.

Deployments by environment

This graph represents the total number of deployments for each environment over a selected period of [1/7/14/30 days, 2/3/6 months] interval. A donut chart represents this widget. For a specific date range, use the calendar icon. The total deployment count is displayed at the top of the chart.

Deployment status

This graph represents the number of deployments passed/failed over a selected period of [1/7/14/30 days, 2/3/6 months] interval. For a specific date range, use the calendar icon. Passed deployments are represented in green, and failed deployments are in red.
This widget is represented by default as a bar chart; by selecting the drop-down menu, the graph can be converted into a donut chart. The Deployment status widget presents two axes that indicate the
Number of Deployments
within a specified timeframe:
  • X-Axis (
    ): The X-axis corresponds to the date on which an application was deployed. By hovering over each bullet point in the chart line, the following data is presented:
    • Status
      : The status of the deployment is
    • Date
      : Date on which the application was deployed.
    • Application
      : Name of the application deployed.
  • Y-Axis (
    Number of Deployment
    ): The Y-axis corresponds to the amount of deployments that have taken place.

Deployment duration trend

This graph represents the duration of deployments for each application over a selected period of [1/7/14/30 days, 2/3/6 months] interval. Also, for a specific date range, use the calendar icon. Selecting any deployment opens the Deploy detail view, which represents:
  • Templates
    : Shows an overview and the operations of the templates.
  • Resources
    : Present the name and kind of the deployment technical service.
  • Input parameters
    : Shows information regarding the technical service input.
  • Output parameters
    : Shows information regarding the technical service input. This widget is represented by default as a bar chart. The Deployment duration trend widget presents two axes that indicate the
    within a specified timeframe:
    • X-Axis (
      ): The X-axis corresponds to the date on which an application was deployed. By hovering over each bullet point in the chart line, the following data is presented:
      • Application
        : Name of the application deployed.
      • Date
        : Date on which the application was deployed.
    • Y-Axis (
      of Deployment): The Y-axis corresponds to the amount of deployments that have taken place.

Deployments table

The Deployment table is located at the bottom of the deploy dashboard; it provides technical service deployment data in a tabular form and enables a detailed view of each deployment and its technical service.
Technical services are a micro-service that is analogous. This is the most granular degree of granularity. Only Technical Services with deployments in the recent 6 months will be displayed.
Each row in the table displays information for a specific technical service, separated by columns of information type:
  • Deployments name
    : The name of each deployment.
  • Technical service
    : Represents the template name that got deployed.
  • Deployment date
    : The date the service was deployed.
  • Provider
    : Represents provider name through which tool it got deployed.
  • Environment
    : Instance where the deployment was released.
  • Application
    : Name of the Application deployed.
  • Release
    : Release associated with the deployment.
  • Status
    : Current deployment status.
  • Duration
    : Represents the time duration.
  • Tools engine
    : Tools source where the deployment was executed.
The Technical Service deployment table displays data based on the timeframe selected. All columns can be sorted. Above this table, you will find a search box that allows searching technical services by name and a Settings icon that allows changing the table settings to show or hide pre-selected columns.
The table view also supports detailed views for each technical service. To access details for a specific technical service, select the overflow menu to the far right of the table and select View Details. Click the following link for more information:Deploy dashboard table view details
You can access the cluster for a specific deployment by selecting its row within the Deployments table; also, by selecting the overflow menu on a deployment that has a cluster data point associated, the option
Go to CCM
will allow you to navigate directly to the Pod Namespace of that specific deployment and its details within the Container Cluster Management application, if you select
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