Gain an in-depth comprehension of vulnerabilities in near-realtime from the dashboard severity trend chart and application displays.
Secure alerts are an invaluable tool in your security arsenal. Beyond trendlines, these notifications address the dynamic nature of threats as they occur, providing an immediate understanding of your hybrid IT estate. The data they represent is also fed to charts and graphs to help you understand your vulnerabilities over days, weeks, and months, but there is not substitute for comprehension of your current circumstance. They can help you preempt a mission disruption rather than addressing it after the fact, when it might be too late.
The DevOps Intelligence Secure module contains the tools you need to provide the assurance enabled by alerts as your circumstance changes.
Secure module composition
Secure alerts data can be filtered by two criteria:
Select a dashboard to view development data specific to that dashboard.
Comprehend the issues and health of cloud services such as CAM and Enterprise Marketplace.
Depending on your selections from these filters, the data displayed in the widgets varies. Some widgets may show a “No data found” message, which means no recent data is available for your selection.
The Secure alerts dashboard displays two widgets and a table view that provide a graphic representation of development activities and applications:
Severities trend
Vulnerable applications
Technical service alerts
Severities trend
This graph depicts the trend of security alerts based on the day filter option, further divided into critical, high, medium, and low severity levels. It also displays the total number of active and closed alerts for all technical services. Currently, dismissed alerts come under open state.
Vulnerable applications
This is a Bar graph with the name of the application and the severity (critical and high) shown in red and orange, respectively. The function of this graph is to show which apps are the most vulnerable in terms of severity.
Technical services alerts
The Technical service alerts table is located at the bottom of the Secure alerts dashboard that provides vulnerability alerts from dependent packages in a tabular form and enables a detailed view of each service. Each row in the table displays information for a specific service, separated by columns of information type:
Technical services:
Name of the technical service.
Name for the application.
Total alerts:
Total number of alerts.
Number of critical status alerts.
Number of High-status alerts.
number of Medium-status alerts.
Number of Low-status alerts.
Latest alert opened:
Time that the alert was last opened.
All columns in this table can be sorted, and above this table, you will find a search box that allows searching deployments by name and a
icon that allows changing the table settings to show or hide pre-selected columns.
Technical services alert details
The Technical services alert details table provides detailed secure alert data in a tabular form and enables a detailed view of each package alert. This page displays the following elements:
Breadcrumbs to go
Back to secure alerts
A subheader displaying information regarding:
Application name
Technical service name
Severity count:
Three radio buttons to filter the table data into Open, Dismissed, and Closed alerts.
A table view for the specified technical service, presenting information on multiple alerts organized in the following columns:
Name of the package where the alert was generated.
Classification of the severity category.
Classified vulnerability ID.
Affected version:
Affected version that generated the alert.
Patched version:
Fixed version where the alert was generated.
Alert URL:
Link to the repository containing more information for the alert.
Created at:
Time when the alert was created.
All columns can be sorted except for
Affected versions
Patched versions
. Above this table, you will find a search box that allows searching Packages by name and a
icon that allows changing the table settings to show or hide pre-selected columns.