Cloud Services

DevOps Intelligence

DevOps Intelligence modules overview
Published On Jul 23, 2024 - 9:34 AM

DevOps Intelligence modules overview

Understand the content of the DevOps Intelligence landing page, which provides an overview of service data.
Kyndryl application overview pages display the data filtered by Dashboard Name or application, allowing users to access detailed custom information for each Application. Click the get started (dot matrix icon) and select
DevOps Intelligence
. The portal navigates to the Overview page.
The DevOps Intelligence overview presents nine graphic displays that present the state of the following:
  • Secure alerts
  • DORA performance metrics:
    • Change lead time
    • Deployment frequency
  • Security posture
  • Develop
  • Issues and defects
  • Build
  • Test
  • Deploy
  • Deployment status;
    presents the following metrics:
Depending on your selections from these filters, the data displayed in the graphic varies, and some displays might show the message
“No Data Available”
, which means there is no recent data available for your selection.
Refer to the Managing Connections page for details on how to configure the connections that enable the inclusion of data in each display. More detailed data is available at the following dashboards, which are documented at the respective links for each:

Dashboard Details

The Overview landing page presents nine graphic displays that present data in bar graphs and charts, constituting a summary of the data provided in each display.
To access additional details for each display, you must select the arrow at the top right of them, which takes you straight to the dashboards.
The Secure Alertsgraphic displays data graphs that allow for a more in-depth understanding of the severity trend chart and the discovery of application vulnerabilities.
This display presents the total amount of
, and
alerts; it shows the name of the most recently opened alert when it was opened, from what application, and the number of critical, high, medium, and low alerts.
The DevOps Performance metricsgraphic displays data  in the form of tiles showing the
Deployment frequency
Change lead time
Change failure rate
, and
Mean time to recovery
rates for a minimum duration of 30 days.
Security posture
graphic presents a summary in the form of a donut graph that shows the total number of
Open security defects
per severity classification (Critical, High, Medium, Low, and Info). You can view the data for each severity by selecting the check boxes at the bottom of the graph.
Hovering over the graph, a given color corresponding to a severity category displays the total number of severities found for that severity category. Also, the graph displays the percentage for each severity category out of the total severities found.
The Develop graphic presents a summary in the form of a graph that shows the
performed in the chosen period. The display provides the total count of
within this period. The display also indicates the
Source tool
the data comes from.
The Develop graphic displays a heat map showing the Commits performed daily. Hovering over the heat map lets you view the exact amount of Commits per day.
Issues and defects
graphic presents a summary in the form of a graph that shows the total number of Open
(brown) and
(aqua blue). The graph allows you to hover over the dots in it, which displays the following information:
  • chosen period:
    the cutout date for issues or defects.
  • Number:
    total number of issues or defects.
  • Group:
    either issues or defects.
Hovering over the graph feature allows you to view more details by placing the cursor in the white area of it, in alignment with two dots, that is:
  • chosen period
    : the cutout date for issues or defects.
  • Issues
    : total number of issues.
  • Defects
    : total number of defects.
  • Total:
    : total number of both defects and issues combined.
graphic presents a summary in the form of a graph that shows the
Builds within a determined period. The bar graph allows you to switch between Failed and Passed builds to show data by selecting the checkboxes at the bottom of it.
Hovering over the bars in the graph in a specific color corresponding to a given build category displays the following information:
  • Duration:
    The cut-out date for quantified builds.
  • Total builds:
    The total number in either category Passed or Failed.
  • Group:
    Either Passed or Failed builds.
Placing the cursor right in the middle of a bar graph displays the following combined information about builds:
  • Duration:
    The cut-out date for quantified builds.
  • Passed:
    The total number of builds in the Passed category.
  • Failed:
    The total number of builds in the Failed category.
  • Total:
    The total number of builds in both categories.
graphic presents the total count of
All tests
as well as a summary in the form of a graph showing all
tests per day (data shown is for the last 8 days). Note that each bar in the graph contains data for 1 day and that hovering over the bars displays the following information:
  • Group:
    Either Passed or Skipped. (You can switch between these by selecting the checkboxes at the bottom of the graph)
  • Range:
    The specific period in which tests occurred, including the time.
  • Value:
    The total number of tests for a given category.
Hover over the graph feature to view more details:
  • Total:
    Total number of tests from both categories.
  • Failed:
    Total number of of Failed test cases
  • Passed:
    Total number of Passed test cases.
  • Skipped:
    Total number of Skipped test cases.
  • Blocked:
    Total number of test cases the team could not perform because they were prevented from running it.
  • Total:
    The total number of tests from both categories.
The Test graphic presents a test type filter next to the arrow in the top right, and selecting it displays the following information:
  • Unit tests:
    Selecting this filter displays data only for Unit tests.
  • Functional tests:
    Selecting this filter displays data only for Functional tests.
  • Other tests:
    Selecting this filter displays data for other types of tests.
  • All tests:
    Selecting this filter displays data for all tests (default).
Deployment status
graphic presents a summary in the form of a graph that shows the total number of Deployments under the title
. The bar graph allows you to switch between Failed and Passed deployments to show data by selecting the checkboxes at the bottom of it.
Hovering over the bars in the graph in a specific color corresponding to a given deployment category displays the following information:
  • Duration:
    The cut-out date for quantified deployments.
  • Total deployments:
    The total number of deployments in either category, Passed or Failed.
  • Group:
    Either Passed or Failed deployments.
Placing the cursor right in the middle of a bar graph displays the following combined information about deployments:
  • Duration:
    The cut-out date for quantified deployments.
  • Passed:
    The total number of deployments in the Passed category.
  • Failed:
    The total number of deployments in the Failed category.
  • Total:
    The total number of deployments in both categories.
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