Cloud Services

Container Cluster Management

Published On Jun 25, 2024 - 8:05 AM


Explore the comprehensive guide to CCM Actions UI for efficient cluster resource management and action history tracking.


The Actions feature in Container Cluster Management (CCM) is a central hub for managing resources within your Kubernetes clusters. It allows for creating, deleting, and monitoring various cluster components, providing a user-friendly interface to directly interact with the cluster's resources. The Actions feature provides direct control over your cluster's resources. It is both a feature and a dashboard element within the CCM, offering a hands-on approach to resource management. You can perform tasks such as:
  • Creating and deleting resources like namespaces, workloads, and other Kubernetes objects.
  • Tracking the history of actions taken aids in auditing and understanding changes over time.


  • Specific Role Alignment
    : For feature access, ensure your role matches one of the predefined roles: Admin, Editor, or Operator roles can create actions, but only Admins can delete them.
  • MCAS Service Engagement
    : Your tenant should have the MCAS service integrated to ensure a functional and streamlined user experience.
  • Action history permission
    : You must have
    permission from the
    Actions service
    to view the history of the actions from a cluster.
Currently, actions for AWS, Azure, and GCP in CCM are available under a feature flag, which is used to enable or disable specific features during runtime. Support is presently limited to clusters under these providers. We are actively working to introduce support for additional cloud providers in the upcoming months.

Cluster Details Page

Simplify your workflow with access to action pages from multiple points within the CCM. Follow these steps to find the options you need:
  • Log in to your CCM Dashboard by entering your credentials and navigating to the CCM dashboard.
  • Locate the
    Clusters list table
    and select an
    , or
    cluster or
  • Select the overflow menu, represented with three vertical dots ⋮ in the clusters list table to reveal these options.
  • Choose your desired Action; here, two main options will greet you -
    Create resources
    Actions history
    . Click on the one you wish to explore further.
Now, you are all set to perform or view the history of actions carried out in AWS, Azure, and GCP clusters. When you select the
View details
of an AWS, Azure, or GCP cluster through the cluster details page, you can access two primary features designed to streamline your operations and monitoring activities; if another provider is selected, the options will become unavailable. These are:
  • Create resources
  • Actions history

Create resources

Create resources
section allows users to create namespaces and resources in any cluster. It contains two tabs:
Create from input:
  • Text editor: You can enter YAML text directly. Ensure to maintain the proper format; if not, the
    button will be disabled, with validation errors or suggestions indicated within the editor.
  • Action Status: After you press the
    button, you can visit the
    Action history
    page to monitor the status of your request, which will indicate
    , or
  • Cancellation: If you wish to discard your input, select
    to clear the data.
YAML Examples:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: name: actions
Create from File
  • File Upload: This tab facilitates the upload of a YAML file. You can upload it traditionally or use the drag-and-drop feature in the designated area to create the resource.

Actions history

In the
Actions history
tab, you can find a detailed record of all the actions taken in your project. This feature facilitates a systematic management of your operations through the utilization of two distinct filters:
  • By action type: This filter allows you to sort actions based on their respective types, providing a streamlined approach to locating specific actions you wish to review.
  • By Status: Utilize this filter to sort actions according to their statuses:
    In Progress
    , or
    It offers a quick way to assess the current state of various actions and understand the progress of your initiatives.
Action history
tab presents every list item and offers a deep dive into the specifics of each action undertaken, providing you with the following data:
  • Status
    : Here, you can quickly discern the state of an individual action, categorized as
    , or
    . If an action is in progress, the
    button emerges, allowing you to update the status manually and stay abreast of the latest developments.
  • Timelapsed
    : This section outlines the time passed since the initiation of the action, presenting both the duration and the exact date, helping in tracking the timely progression of tasks.
  • Performed by
    : Understand who initiated the action with the visible name and email information. The selectable email address facilitates copying to your clipboard, encouraging seamless communication and follow-ups.
  • Type
    : Identify the nature of the action quickly through this indicator, assisting you in categorizing and finding specific actions.
  • Duration
    : Gain insights into how long an action took to complete, which aids in evaluating the efficiency of different processes.
  • Action ID
    : Every action has a unique ID for precise tracking and reference. Utilize the adjacent button to copy this ID effortlessly to your clipboard for future reference.
  • View more
    : Delve deeper into the nuances of each action by clicking this option. It unveils a detailed view, portraying reasons behind any failures, relevant parameters and values in a structured table, and, in the case of successful completions, the exact YAML text utilized to craft the resource.


In the
Action history
tab, you can control the number of items displayed on each page through the
Items per page
option. You can select a viewing option of 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 items per page to suit your preferences, enhancing navigation and efficiency. Adjusting the visible items allows you to avoid extended scrolling and locate necessary information more swiftly.

Delete Namespaces

While on the
you can manage your namespaces more efficiently by selecting multiple namespaces to delete in one action. Here is how you can do it:
  • Navigate to the namespaces page and identify the namespaces you want to remove. You can select them individually or use the multi-select option for a batch selection.
  • After pinpointing the namespaces, proceed to click the
    button. A confirmation pop-up window will emerge to ensure the deliberate execution of the action. It is a safety measure to prevent unintended deletions.
This action is irreversible; the namespaces cannot be retrieved once deleted. Please proceed with caution.

Delete workload

In the platform, the
tab allows you to manage various components, including pods, deployments, replica sets, stateful sets, daemon sets, jobs, and cronjobs. Efficiently manage and delete these elements to maintain an organized environment.
To delete a workload, follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to the
    tab to view and manage the listed components.
  2. Browse through and identify the specific workloads you wish to delete. You can select them individually or utilize the multi-select feature for batch selection.
  3. Once you have chosen the desired workloads, click on the
    button. A confirmation pop-up window will appear for safety, ensuring you intend to execute the deletion action.
This deletion action is permanent and irreversible. Once a workload is removed, it cannot be retrieved. Always double-check your selections and proceed with caution to prevent unintended deletions.

Delete resources

The Delete resources feature in Kyndryls platform streamlines your resource management process. With this tool, you can manage your workspace by removing unused or redundant resources. You enhance performance, reduce potential conflicts, and ensure a cleaner work environment by efficiently managing resources.
To delete resources, follow these steps:
  1. Select the specific side panel menu item to navigate to your resource page, for example, Services.
  2. Browse through the list and find the resource you're looking to delete.
  3. Select the
    option from the overflow menu next to your chosen resource.
  4. A pop-up window will appear, asking you to confirm your deletion action. This step ensures that you dont accidentally remove crucial resources.
  5. Select the
    button in the confirmation pop-up to finalize the process. After your confirmation, Kyndryl will immediately remove the selected resource from the cluster.

Create workloads

With the integration of this feature, you have the flexibility to create a wide variety of workloads to suit different needs and configurations. Here is the list of workloads that can be facilitated:
Persistent Volume Claim
Storage Class
Cluster Role
Cluster Role Binding
Role Binding
Service Account
Resource Quota
Limit Range
Pod Disruption Budget
Network Policy
Priority Class
Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
Custom Resource Definition
Persistent Volume
This wide array of workload options allows for comprehensive and fine-tuned control over your cluster configurations, aiding in applications seamless deployment and management.
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