Cloud Services

Container Cluster Management

AWS Cloud
Published On Jun 05, 2024 - 1:53 PM

AWS Cloud

Streamlined Steps to Activate AWS Prometheus Monitoring.
For AWS Prometheus to be effectively configured and to ensure a smooth monitoring experience, it's crucial to follow the right steps and have the necessary prerequisites in place.:
  • AWS Account Credentials
    : Specifically, the accessKey and secretKey from the account that created the cluster.
  • Helm
    : A vital tool for managing Kubernetes charts.
  • Kubectl
    : Ensure you're using version 1.18.15 or later. Get the right version here.
    : If you haven't installed it, follow these instructions.


  1. Configure AWS Account
    : Open your terminal and enter
    aws configure
    to set up your AWS account. To double-check your settings, use
    aws sts get-caller-identity
  2. Establish a Namespace
    : Create a dedicated namespace for Prometheus with this command:
    kubectl create namespace prometheus
  3. Include Prometheus Repository
    : Add the Prometheus community chart repository using:
    helm repo add prometheus-community
  4. Deploy Prometheus
    : Use the following command to deploy Prometheus:
    helm upgrade -i prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus --namespace prometheus --set alertmanager.persistentVolume.storageClass="gp2",server.persistentVolume.storageClass="gp2"
  5. Check Your Pods
    : Verify if all the pods within the Prometheus namespace are ready using:
    kubectl get pods -n prometheus
  6. Forward the Prometheus Console
    : To make your Prometheus console accessible from your local machine, use:
    kubectl --namespace=prometheus port-forward deploy/prometheus-server 9090
  7. Access the Console
    : Open your browser and go to
    to view the Prometheus console.
  8. Dive Deeper
    : If you're looking for a more detailed guide, consider visiting the official AWS documentation on Prometheus.
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