Cloud Services

Container Cluster Management

Published On Jun 05, 2024 - 1:49 PM


This section discusses the management of policies and attributes for Container Cluster Management.
In Container Cluster Management, you can delve into the intricacies of policies and attributes vital for optimal container orchestration. This section unpacks key policies such as resource quotas, limit ranges, and network policies, each playing a pivotal role in balancing resource allocation with workload execution.
The guide simplifies complex container management components designed for seasoned users, ensuring users can effectively optimize their clusters. Navigate to understand each policy's significance and associated attributes for successful cluster orchestration.
To view the different policies, follow these steps to access the data you need:
  1. Authenticate into the CCM application by providing your credentials to ensure secure access to the management dashboard.
  2. Upon successful authentication, proceed to the CCM main dashboard. This serves as the central hub for all cluster management activities.
  3. In the dashboard, locate the
    Cluster table
    , positioned towards the bottom of the interface. This table lists all the clusters available under your management.
  4. Identify and choose the desired cluster by selecting it within the
    Cluster table
    . This action will direct you to a detailed view of the selected cluster.
  5. Within the cluster details view, navigate to the
    tab. Here, you will find options to view and manage Persistent Volumes, Persistent Volume Claims, and Storage Classes associated with the selected cluster.
The Policy section consists of the following sub-sections: Resource quotas, Limit ranges, Pod disruption budgets, and Network policies.
  • Resource quotas
    : Presents a view of all the resource quota details that are part of the cluster
  • Limit ranges
    : Presents a view of all the limit range details so that the cluster user can see the limit ranges
  • Pod disruption budgets
    : Presents a view of all the pod disruption budgets part of the cluster and pod disruption budget details
  • Network policies
    : Presents a view of all the network policies that are part of the cluster and network policy details
  • Priority classes
    : Presents a view of all the priority classes in the cluster.

Resource quotas

This page shows all the resource quotas for a particular cluster.
  • The following details are presented in the resource quotas table:
    • Name
      : This column displays the name of the resource quota.
    • Namespace
      : This column displays the namespace of the resource quota.
    • Age
      : This column shows the Age of the resource quota.
  • To view more details about a resource quota, the user can either click on the row or the
    View details
    option present at the end of the row. The details about the selected resource quota are presented in a side panel.
  • The following different sections are presented in detail:
    • Resource quota name as panel title, Labels, and Annotations.
    • Scope selectors: This section displays the
      Scope selectors
      table with the following columns: Operator, Scope name, and Values.
    • Quotas: This section displays the
      table with the following columns: Quota objects, Set, Usage.
    • Raw JSON: The data here is JSON data about the selected resource quota from the resource quotas API exposed by Kubernetes.

Limit ranges

This page presents a view of all the Limit ranges for a particular cluster.
  • The following details are presented in the limit ranges table:
    • Name
      : This column displays the name of the limit range.
    • Namespace
      : This column displays the namespace of the limit range.
    • Age
      : This column shows the Age of the limit range.
  • To view more details about a limit range, the user can click either on the row or the
    View details
    option present at the end of the row. The details about the selected limit range are presented in a side panel.
  • The following different sections are presented in detail:
    • Limit range name as panel title, Labels, and Annotations.
    • Container limits: This section displays the
      Container limits
      table with the following columns: Resource, Min, Max, Default request, Default limit, Max limit/Request ratio.
    • Raw JSON: The data here is JSON data about the selected limit range from the limit ranges API exposed by Kubernetes.

Pod disruption budgets

This page shows all the Pod disruption budgets for a particular cluster.
  • The following details are presented in the pod disruption budgets table:
    • Name
      : This column displays the name of the pod disruption budget.
    • Namespace
      : This column displays the namespace of the pod disruption budget.
    • Min available
      : This column displays the min available of the pod disruption budget.
    • Max unavailable
      : This column displays the maximum unavailable amount of the pod disruption budget.
    • Current healthy
      : This column displays the current health of the pod disruption budget.
    • Desired healthy
      : This column displays the desired health of the pod disruption budget.
    • Age
      : This column shows the Age of the pod disruption budget.
  • To view more details about a pod disruption budget, the user can click either on the row or on the
    View details
    option present at the end of the row. The selected pod disruption budget details are presented in a side panel.
  • The following different sections are presented in detail:
    • The pod disruption budget name is as panel title, labels, annotations, selector, and disruptions allowed.
    • Raw JSON : The data here is JSON data about the selected pod disruption budget from the pod disruption budgets API exposed by Kubernetes.

Network policies

This page presents a view of all the Network policies for a particular cluster.
  • The following details are presented in the network policies table:
    • Name
      : This column displays the name of the network policy.
    • Namespace
      : This column displays the namespace of the network policy.
    • Policy types
      : This column displays the policy type of the network policy.
    • Age
      : This column shows the Age of the network policy.
  • To view more details about a network policy, the user can click either on the row or the
    View details
    option present at the end of the row. The details about the selected network policy are presented in a side panel.
  • The following different sections are presented in detail:
    • The network policy name is as panel title, labels, annotations, pod selector, and policy types.
    • Ingress rules/Egress rules: The data here is JSON data about the selected network policy's Ingress rules/Egress rules.
    • Raw JSON: The data here is JSON data about the selected network policy from the network policies API exposed by Kubernetes.

Priority classes

This page presents a view of all the Priority classes for a particular cluster.
  • The following details are presented in the priority classes table:
    • Name
      : This column displays the name of the priority class.
    • Value
      : This column displays the value of the priority class.
    • Age
      : This column shows the Age of the priority class.
    • Preemption policy
      - This column displays the preemption policy of the priority class.
  • Only one Priority Class with globalDefault set to true can exist in the system. If such a priority class exists, a tag (Global default) is displayed beside the class name in the table.
  • To view more details about a priority class, the user can click either on the row or the
    View details
    option present at the end of the row. The details about the selected priority class are presented in a side panel.
  • The following different sections are presented in detail:
    • The priority class name is as panel title, description, and annotations.
    • Raw JSON: The data here is JSON data about the selected priority class from the priority classes API exposed by Kubernetes.
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