Cloud Services

Container Cluster Management

Cluster Configuration
Published On Jun 05, 2024 - 1:49 PM

Cluster Configuration

Configuration steps on Secrets and HPA - Horizontal Pods Autoscaler.
The configuration section in the Container Cluster Management tool provides a consolidated dashboard for managing and viewing configurations like ConfigMap, Secrets, and Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA). Detailed insights, easy access, and direct management features give you total control over your container's configurations.
To view the different Cluster configuration data, follow these steps to access the data you need:
  1. Authenticate into the CCM application by providing credentials to ensure secure access to the management dashboard.
  2. Upon successful authentication, proceed to the CCM main dashboard. This serves as the central hub for all cluster management activities.
  3. In the dashboard, locate the
    Cluster table
    , located at the bottom of the interface. This table lists all the clusters available under your management.
  4. Identify and choose the desired cluster by selecting it within the
    Cluster table
    . This action will direct you to a detailed view of the selected cluster.
  5. Within the cluster details view, navigate to the
    Cluster configuration
    tab. Here, you will find options to view and manage Persistent Volumes, Persistent Volume Claims, and Storage Classes associated with the selected cluster.


  • Overview
    : This section provides a glimpse of available configmaps across various namespaces. Namespace-specific configmaps can be easily pinpointed.
  • Access
    : For more detailed information about a specific configmap:
    • Select the desired row or choose the
      View Details
    • Cert files related to the configmap can be downloaded directly from the details section.


  • Overview
    : Display of available Secrets sprawled across different namespaces. Again, focusing on namespace-specific secrets is feasible.
  • Access
    : To delve deeper into the secrets:
    • Select the relevant row or opt for the
      View Details
      option to get a comprehensive view of the chosen secret.

Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)

  • Overview
    : A centralized dashboard displays HPAs defined within the cluster. It gives insights into the resources that are slated for autoscaling.
  • HPA Table Details
    • Name
      : Displays the name of the namespaces.
    • Namespace
      : Indicates the namespace where the autoscaling has taken place.
    • Min Pods
      : Enumerates the minimum number of pod replicas serving the workload.
    • Max Pods
      : Showcases the upper limit of pod replicas attending to the workload.
    • Age
      : Provides a temporal perspective by indicating the duration since the HPA was set.
  • Access
    : To get a granular view of an HPA:
    • Either select the concerned row or select the
      View Detail
    • A side panel will appear, showcasing:
      • HPA Name
        as the panel's title.
      • Sections
        such as Label, Annotations, References, Replicas, and Metrics.
      • Conditions
        : An illustrative table displaying Type, Status, Reason, and Message.
      • Events
        : Gives insights with columns like Type, Reason, Age, From, and Message.
      • Raw JSON
        : Offers a direct look into the JSON data associated with the chosen HPA.
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