Cloud Services

Container Cluster Management

Glossary of terms
Published On Jun 25, 2024 - 8:05 AM

Glossary of terms

Learn the parlance of Container Cluster Management to deftly comprehend nuances and details regarding features and functions of this Kyndryl service that provides observability in oyur container deployments.
  1. ServiceAccount (InProgress)
    • A principal identity recognizable by users and peripheral systems, composed of a set of secrets for authentication and authorization.
  2. ClusterRole (InProgress)
    • A cluster-level logical grouping of PolicyRules, accessible as a unit by RoleBinding or ClusterRoleBinding.
  3. Role (InProgress)
    • A namespaced logical grouping of PolicyRules, accessible as a unit by RoleBinding.
  4. ClusterRoleBinding (InProgress)
    • Links to a ClusterRole without containing it. It references a ClusterRole in the global namespace and adds information through Subject.
  5. RoleBinding (InProgress)
    • References a Role without containing it. It can link to a Role in the same namespace or a ClusterRole in the global namespace, adding 'who' information via Subjects and specifying the namespace of existence.
  6. ConfigMap
    • Holds configuration data for pods to utilize.
  7. Secret
    • Contains secret data of a certain type. A Service is a named software service abstraction (e.g., MySQL), comprising a local port and a selector to determine which pods respond to requests.
  8. Ingress
    • A collection of rules enabling inbound connections to reach backend-defined endpoints. It can configure services for external URLs, load balance traffic, terminate SSL, and more.
  9. PersistentVolume (PV)
    • A storage resource provisioned by an administrator.
  10. PersistentVolumeClaim
    • A user's request for and claim to a Persistent Volume.
  11. Pod
    • A collection of containers that can operate on a host.
  12. Deployment
    • Facilitates declarative updates for Pods and ReplicaSets.
  13. ReplicaSet
    • Ensures a specified number of pod replicas are running at any given time.
  14. DaemonSet
    • Represents the configuration of a daemon set.
  15. StatefulSet
    • Represents a set of pods with consistent identities, defined by network and storage attributes.
  16. Job
    • Represents the configuration of a single job.
  17. CronJob
    • Represents the configuration of a single cron job.
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