Cloud Services

Service Provider

Master catalog category
Published On Sep 05, 2024 - 10:28 AM

Master catalog category

Learn how to manage the Enterprise Marketplace Catalog.
By clicking Manage Master
Catalog Category
, a Manage Categories window opens on the right side of the screen. This allows you to control the visibility of Catalog Categories for your Service Provider Tenant’s Catalog, to be distributed to your customers. Categories are sorted on descending alphabetical order. You can add a category by clicking
Add Category
, or you can reorganize your list of categories by dragging the category you would like to move and drop it on the new position.

Activating or deactivating a category

Categories on the Master Catalog Category manager can be activated or deactivated. Once on the Manage Categories window, toggle on/off the bar next to the name of the category. After you have customized the categories according to your needs, click
to apply the changes to your customer’s catalog.

Manage customer catalog categories

By clicking
Manage Customer Catalog Categories
, a new window opens on the right side of the screen. Select the name of the customer from the drop-down menu to manage their categories. The categories appear above the name of the customer. You can reorganize the customers’ categories list by dragging the category you would like to move and drop it on the new position. You can also sort them alphabetically by clicking the sorting icon at the top of the list.
Categories that have the Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications label next to their name are build-in categories from Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications marketplace.
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