Cloud Services

Service Provider

Catalog Management tab categories
Published On Sep 05, 2024 - 10:28 AM

Catalog Management tab categories

Learn how to manage your customer tenants service offerings via categories.
The catalog categories management feature allows you to proactively manage the service offerings of your customers based on categories, providers, and groups. You can access the Catalog categories Management feature clicking the Enterprise Marketplace drop-down menu on the hamburger menu of your Service Provider Administration portal landing page and then, clicking Catalog Management.
The Catalog Management main dashboard displays. To manage service provider tenant’s catalog, click the Manage Catalog button, located on the right side of your screen. After clicking, a new window opens.
A new page opens and displays a table that includes the following details for drafts, published and retired service operations, divided by tabs:
  • Service Name
  • Version
  • Group
  • Provider
  • Import type
  • Import Date
  • Status

Draft tab

The draft tab includes all the Service Operations on Draft and a search bar that allows you to search specific information by service or provider. You can use the
filter option
as well, by clicking the
icon, to show only services on
Draft or Work in Progress
You can also search for specific provider, groups, or categories information by making your selections on the
Categories, Providers and Groups
drop-down menus, located on the left side of the table, and marking the check box of each specific characteristic you would like the table to display. You can click the overflow menu, on the right side of the status of the service to view details, export, preview, publish or delete the service.

To add new services

  1. Click
    Add Services
    at the top of the list.
  2. A new window opens. Choose an option to import services between importing through Provider Account or Importing from file.
Import through Provider Account:
  1. Click Import Through Provider Account.
  2. A new window opens and shows the name of each service provider. Select the desired service provider by clicking on the box that contains its name.
  3. A new window presents confirming that the Discovery has started. An email will be sent to confirm when the operation is completed.
Import from file:
  1. Click
    Import from file
  2. A new window opens. Click
    Upload File
    and select the file from your desktop.
  3. Click
  4. A new window opens confirming that the Discovery has started. An email will be sent to confirm when the operation is completed.

Published tab

The Published tab shows all the Service Operations already published and includes a search bar that allows you to search specific information by
service or provider
. You can also view the Catalog Distribution History by clicking the
View Distribution History
button, on the right side of the table. This displays detailed information of the Distribution, the Customer, Status, Provider, among other details.
This feature also gives you insights on whether the operation was successful or failed. You can click the overflow menu, on the right side of the Published Data of the service to view details, export, retire or view instances of the service.

Retired tab

The Retired tab shows all the Service Operations that were retired and includes a search bar that allows you to search specific information by service or provider. You can click the overflow menu, on the right side of the retired date of the service to view details, un-retire, delete or view instances of the service. By clicking on the
drop-down menu, located on the left side of the screen, you can add or manage your current categories.
  • Click
    Add +
    to add new categories to your catalog. A new window presents requiring you to add a Category Name to the category. Type the name of the category and then click
    . Click
    to cancel the creation of a new category.
  • Click
    to manage your current categories. Two options are displayed: Click
    Manage Master Catalog Category
    to manage the full list of Service Offering Categories on your Catalog or click
    Manage Customer Catalog Categories
    to manage an individual customer catalog.
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