Cloud Services

Service Provider

Catalog management functions
Published On Sep 05, 2024 - 10:28 AM

Catalog management functions

Learn how to view, filter, and manage your catalogs from the Catalog Management dashboard.
The Catalog management dashboard allows you to view all catalog(s) managed by you. It allows you to filter the customer tenant to view service offering (SO) distribution to your customers’ catalog(s).
To get to the Catalog Management dashboard, click the Enterprise Marketplace drop-down menu on the
Main menu
of your Service Provider Administration portal landing page and then, click
Catalog Management
. A new window displays the details of the customers and distributed service offerings managed by the service provider, with details including the number of customers, providers, and distributed service offering.
The Out of the Box (OOTB) service offerings are also available on this edition, but they are not automatically pre-loaded. You must distribute any OOTB service offerings that you want to use before they are accessable on the catalog management page. You can retire this content when appropriate.
Recent Issues
column provides additional details about issues during the distribution of providers for that content. The provider information is still distributed despite the provider not being present in the customer tenant. Acknowledge the message from the UI so the provider information will be automatically added in the customer tenant.
You can select the customer tenants of your choice by using the
Filter by Customer
option and clicking
. The application shows the data of the customers selected on the table below. To compare and visualize the customer tenant's data, change your selection as many times as needed using the drop-down list.
By default, all customer's data is shown on the graph. Make sure to click
to appropriately update the data after selecting new customers.
The application responds by showing the information the
Customers & Distributed Service Offerings
table. This table provides detailed information on the service offerings based on the following data:
  • Customers
    : The customer or customer for which SOs data is being shown.
  • Distributed Service Offerings
    : The total number of SOs for the selected customer or customers
  • Providers
    : The total number of Public Cloud Service Providers that the SOs presented belong to.
The table also includes a chart with the total amount of SOs per customer versus the Public Cloud Providers that the services belong to.
On the chart, you can view the total amount of SOs of the customers selected per each service provider represented on the chart or hover over the name of the customer at the bottom of the chart to view only a specific customers data versus and their service offering distribution per service provider.
You can also hover over each color that represents a customer to view specific information of the customer’s provider and service offerings by provider.
enlarge the chart
, click the enlarge icon to expand the chart, available on the top right side of the chart. To view the
tabular representation
of the service offerings distribution to customer catalogs, click the list icon, on the top right side of the chart.

Downloading the chart data for offline use

The Catalog Management Dashboard gives you the possibility of downloading the data displayed on the Customer & Distributed Service Offerings table. To do so, click the
overflow menu
located on the right side of the chart and export the data in the format of your choice. The application allows you to export the file on a CSV, PNG, and JPG format.

Viewing the recent issues table

At the right side of the Customer & Distributed Service Offerings table, it is the Recent Issues table. This table is a view of the last 1000 failed operations on customer catalogs for the last seven days. It includes the name of the customer, the date and time it failed, and a description of the failed operation.
The feature provides an opportunity for you as a service provider to work on fixing the issue identified proactively for your customer, to avoid it from happening again. Many of the errors can be resolved by retrieving the operation, however, you might need to solve an underlying problem before you can successfully retry the operation. Once you have identified the root cause of the underlying problem and fixed it, you can retry the failed operations.

Analyzing orders by customers table

The Orders by customer table provides insights on how your customers order and consume cloud services across providers. The results are aggregated monthly on hourly basis and show how many orders failed and completed.
The Orders by customer table includes the following information:
  • Month
    : The month in which the orders took place.
  • Customer
    : The customer that placed the orders.
  • Provider
    : The Public Cloud Service Provider for which SOs orders were placed.
  • Status
    : Either failed or completed orders.
  • Number of orders
    : The total amount of orders, failed and completed.
This table gives you insights on how you as service provider are distributing services to your customers, what kind of services they face problems with, the total number of orders and what trend in consumption across providers they are presenting.
It also helps you to understand your customers' needs versus the services you are providing to them.
You can
filter the view
by selecting one or more providers to display, and selecting the status of the operation, between Completed and Failed for provisioned services. After selecting the desired information to visualize, click
It also allows you to sort the information in ascending or descending alphanumeric order by clicking the arrows next to the name of the column.
The filter and sort features allow you to get insights on which Public Cloud Provider have the most completed or failed provisioned services, the number of orders of each provider and insights of how many orders have each customer per service provider.
By comparing the number of orders per a given month, you can also visualize which orders have been placed by the customer, for Providers. This gives you insights into the providers for which the customer has placed the largest number of orders.
This feature also allows you to understand the customer’s usage patterns and preferences for a given Provider’s Service Offerings.
By looking at the total number of failed orders, you can quickly identify the reason of the failure from the Recent Issues panel. This let you proactively identify and fix issues that prevent your customer from successfully ordering Service Offerings for any provider.
You can also view the completed orders placed by your customers and determine how many of them are using specific Service Offerings from certain providers, which can give you insights on whether to augment or reduce the Service Offerings for the customer catalog to reflect their usage patterns and preferences.
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