Cloud Services

Service Provider

Customer tenant addition through a Dynamic Resource Group
Published On Aug 29, 2024 - 12:04 PM

Customer tenant addition through a Dynamic Resource Group

Understand how to create groups to assign specific view permissions to SP data.
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As a Service Provider, view your customer tenant data and enable the view of data through visibility, budget DRG, or cost allocation policies to your customer by activating Dynamic Resource Groups (DRG). The Service Provider function is to extract cost, asset and metrics data that will be shared based on the Customer tenant DRG.
Ingestion exports only the cost metadata to the Customer Tenant. Then, the ingestion from the Customer Tenant extracts the data from the Service Provider which is the data that was set visible.
When updating/deleting operations on the DRG, the Service Provide needs to run remediation/ingestion to export the meta data. The ingestion in the Customer Tenant triggers the bulk deletion job if there are any removals in the resources. After completion of bulk deletion job, the ingestion is started to extract the data.
If the same account which was shared with the Customer Tenant by the Service Provider was onboarded in Customer Tenant, the Customer Tenant account takes precedence, and the extraction will be done from providers as against from the SP.
If there is a bulk deletion job done in the Customer Tenant, the subsequent ingestion will not fetch any data from the Service Provider unless the metadata exported done by the Service Provider is through an ingestion. Before enabling DRGs, as an Admin you are required to configure teams and organizations.

Set user management

User Access Management enables authorized users to associate business objects at a very granular level, making it possible to assign very specific access privileges to users. Authorized users set up organizations, teams, users, and context types and values in order to group them together into logical units and assign roles.
: An organization is the top layer. The name can reflect departments, business units, businesses, or any other grouping to which a team might belong.
To set up organizations, go to: Working with Organizations
: Teams belong to organizations. Teams are associated with defined roles, users, context types, and context values.
To set up teams, go to: Working with Teams.

Enabling data visibility

To be able to set up and view the data of your customer tenant, and for them to view their own data, your customer must be added to the
Kyndryl Modern Operations Applications
through a Dynamic Resource Group (DRG).
Follow the steps to enable it:
  1. Go to the main menu on the
    Service Provider Administration portal
    landing page and click the drop-down menu of Cost & Asset Management.
  2. Click the
    Dynamic Resource Groups
    button. A new window displays.
  3. Click
    Create new
    . A new window opens with the details to create a DRG.
  4. Select the type of DRG you want to create:
    • Visibility DRG
      : Defines the view on a specific set of data.
    • Budgetary DRG
      : Defines the set of data associated to a Budgetary unit.
    • Limited
      : Defines the view on a specific set of data.
    • For visibility and limited DGRs, you need to select a Dynamic Tag to be associated and a name to be added. For Budgetary DRGs, only a name is required.
    • To get tags listed in Tag remediation (bulk tagging) from the Customer Tenant, asset accounts in the Customer Tenant are required to onboard. Any changes in done to assets from Customer Tenant will be effective only after an ingestion in Service Provider and then in Customer Tenant.
    • Assets fetched from Service Provider to Customer Tenant will be tagged (grouped) against the asset account of Service Provider in Customer Tenant.
  5. After selecting the type of DRG and filling the details requested by the application, click
  6. Now, Associate a Customer Tenant or tenants to the DRG from the drop-down menu. Then, click
  7. To associate a context, choose an Entity from the drop-down menu and the team or organization you would like to associate. Click the checkbox next to the Business Entity drop-down menu to associate it and then, click
    • When 'Budgetary' is selected as DRG type, the Associate Context page also shows a 'Budgetary Unit' to select from. Select the budgetary unit for the selected contexts.
The context associated, and budgetary units selected belongs to the service provider and not the customer tenant.
  1. Then, you must set up a set of filters so that the customer tenant is able to see the data that the Service Provider selected.
    To do so, go to the
    Dashboard View
    section on the
    Set Filter
    section and select between cloud provider, billing account, asset account, category, asset type, provider tag, and click
    The selected filters appear as an example on the Cost Per Period chart, above the filters section. Then, click
  2. Review all the details added to the DRG and click
    to save the set up.

Editing a Dynamic Resource Group

  1. To edit a Dynamic Resource Group once created, on the list of the Dynamic Resource Groups page, select the one you wish to edit.
  2. Go to the section you wish to edit and click the
    button to make modifications.
  3. Click
    to save the changes.
For more information about Dynamic Resource Groups, go to Working with Dynamic Resource Groups.
Deleting a Dynamic Resource Group
  1. To delete a DRG once created, on the list of the Dynamic Resource Groups page select the DRG that you wish to delete.
  2. A new window opens with the details of the DRG. Click
    and then, click again
    to confirm.
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