Cloud Services

Container Cluster Management

User and Role management
Published On Aug 16, 2024 - 11:47 AM

User and Role management

Learn how to grant access to your users so they have access to the type of cluster data they need.
Administrators are tasked with managing platform access effectively in the Container Cluster Management Application. To that end, Container Cluster Management uses a role-driven access model. Administrators use an IAM module to enable access to users tailored to their individual operational requirements within the service, which is crucial for enabling appropriate data retrieval.
The following sections provide instructions and other information necessary to grant the appropriate access to your users.


The only requirement for IAM access is that you must be assigned the Administrator role.

Setting User Access

Users that become Container Cluster Management members can collaborate within the service with different levels of responsibilities based on specific needs and the specific roles assigned to each member. To invite users, complete the following procedure:
  1. Select the main menu located at the upper left corner to display the navigation menu.
  2. Select
    Service IAM
    . The service navigates to the IAM page, enabling the management of user identities and regulation of user access type.
  3. Select
    Add Users
    . On the Add Users page, you can configure the email invitation to send to the user. When selecting the invitation advance preferences next to the settings icon, the service provides two drop-down menus to configure the language of the invitation email to send the user and the selection of the Identity Provider.
  4. Enter the user's or users' email address and choose each user you want to invite. The service allows up to 100 emails per invitation.
  5. Select the role for the user; currently, one role is supported:
  6. Select the
    button at the bottom right of the page. A success message will be displayed with the date and time that the invitation was sent.
Though only the View role is valid, users can be assigned what type of data, such as clusters, alerts, and pod logs, they can view. The following section presents the specific view roles that are available.

Container Cluster Management roles

The users with viewer roles will only access clusters as viewers and cannot add or alter any clusters. This role has the following permissions:
  • ccm.clusters.view
  • ccm.cluster.view
  • ccm.clusters-alerts.view
  • ccm.geolocation-aggregates.view
  • ccm.provider-aggregates.view
  • ccm.cluster-data.view
  • ccm.prometheus-alerts.view
  • ccm.prometheus-pod-metrics.view
  • ccm.prometheus-node-metrics.view
  • ccm.prometheus-stats.view
  • ccm.discovery-clusters.view
  • ccm.cluster-alerts.view
  • ccm.custom-views.view
  • ccm.custom-views.create
  • ccm.custom-views.update
  • ccm.custom-views.delete
  • ccm.kubernetes-resource-types.view

Container Cluster Management permissions

Container Cluster Management supports the following permissions:
Permission ID
Permission Name
CCM Clusters View
Allow to view clusters list
CCM Cluster View
Allow to view individual cluster details
CCM Clusters Alerts View
Allow to view alerts of all clusters
CCM Geolocation Aggregates View
Allow to view cluster geolocation aggregates
CCM Provider Aggregates View
Allow to view cluster provider aggregates
CCM Pod Logs Download
Allow to download pod logs
CCM Cluster Data View
Allow to view cluster data
CCM Prometheus Alerts View
Allow to view cluster alerts
CCM Prometheus Pod Metrics View
Allow to view cluster pod-metrics
CCM Prometheus Node Metrics View
Allow to view cluster node-metrics
CCM Prometheus Stats View
Allow to view cluster stats
CCM Discovery Clusters View
Allow to view discovery clusters
CCM Discovery Clusters Create
Allow to create discovery clusters
CCM Discovery Clusters Update
Allow to update discovery clusters
CCM Discovery Clusters Delete
Allow to delete discovery clusters
CCM Cluster Alerts View
Allow to view alerts of a cluster
CCM Custom views View
Allow to view custom views
CCM Custom views Create
Allow to create custom views
CCM Custom views Update
Allow to update custom views
CCM Custom views Delete
Allow to delete custom views
CCM Kubernetes resource types view
Allow to view Kubernetes resource types list
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