Kyndryl AIOps

Introduction to Kyndryl AIOps

P1/P2 active Problem (Problem Management)
Published On Aug 30, 2024 - 10:42 PM

P1/P2 active Problem (Problem Management)

This page covers the Problem Management insight of Integrated AIOps, called as P1/P2 Problem incidents on the landing page.
The I-AIOPS Problem Management Dashboard provides details and insights derived from Problem tickets that happened at the IT estate. The Problem Management insight within the account management system supports identifying P1/P2 problem tickets which are there and are aging for which actions need to be taken to avoid further potential business impact. The insight provides the delivery team where to have the focus and take action.
From the landing page, click
P1/P2 active problems
to open the Problem Management Dashboard.

Business Value and Benefits

  • Provide an up-to-date overview on which problem tickets are there for the account and how they are being handled by the account.
  • Used in daily stand-up meetings to address areas of concern.


The following table provides a description and calculation for each KPIs/Metrics used within the insight. Data Source: ITSM Tool
KPI/Metric Name
KPI/Metric Description
Problem Count
Distinct Problem count.
Owner Group
Groups owning the problem tickets.
Priority by Age Bin
Ticket age (grouped by days in the column) against the ticket priority. Any ticket status other than Cancelled, Resolved and Closed is considered for Open Ticket count.
Contact Type
Proportion of Problem record volume by Contact Type (implying ticket source/ how the ticket was created).
Priority by Status
Information on Problem record Status (column) by ticket priority.
Owner Group by Volume of Problem
Graphical representation of owner group accountability to Problem ticket numbers plotted against the x-axis.
OpCo View
Representation of the company wise distribution of problem tickets. Larger the colored rectangle, more volume of Problem record in that company.
Region wise view of Problem
Graphical representation of the region wise distribution of problem tickets.
Ticket Count
Count of total tickets (Open, Resolved, Cancelled and Closed) and MTTR represented in days (Resolved tickets) by priority.
Owner Group by Volume of Problem
Representation of owner group accountability to ticket numbers plotted against the x-axis.
Trend of Incoming Problem Volume by Priority
Trend of Incoming Problem record volume by ticket priority.
Trend of Resolved Problem Volume by Priority
Trend of Resolved Problem record volume by ticket priority over a period of years.
Mined Category by Volume of Problem
Details of Problem cause, mined from ticket Summary and Description fields.
Owner Group by Volume of Problem
Graphical representation of owner group accountability to ticket numbers plotted against the x-axis.
Owner Group Summary
Ticket count by Owner Group and the MTTR (Mean Time To Resolve) in days the ticket count.
Cause by Volume of Problem Records
Proportion of Cause with respect to Problem record volume. Information provided indicates list of Problem Cause.
Sub Component by Volume of Problem records
Proportion of Subcomponent with respect to Problem record volume. Larger the coloured rectangle, more volume of Problem record in that specific category.
Ticket Details
Tabular view of problem record tickets with a short description. By default, the details of the change tickets are sorted and displayed with the recently created tickets.

Use cases

Use Case 1
Step 1: Users can navigate the P1/P2 Active Problems from the Landing page and obtain details by clicking on the P1/P2 Active Problems tile which take the user to Problem management dashboard another way is by click on insight tab on the Top of the landing page select Ticketing and choose Problem Management.
Step 2: The users can see Active problems for the last 30 days; User can also select by Aging.
Remove the severity filter to see the active problems count for all priorities. Likewise, remove the date range filter to see the total P1/P2 Active Problems.
Use Case 2
From the Problem dashboard users can select the required filters and filter it based on the Owner groups to view the problem count and also by status.
Use Case 3
Users can access the ticket details in the bottom of the dashboard and can download if required.
Select the date range accordingly to see the problems count based on created and resolved status.
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